Reviews for The Edge
52dreamer52 chapter 4 . 8/18
I literally can't believe I've only read 4 chapters of this. It's so good! I literally had to take in a breath after I finished reading. It's so interesting and so different and the whole world is something that I would gladly learn more about. I don't know if you'll update again, but I would gladly wait years just for another chapter.
Akumakisses chapter 4 . 7/18
omygod! I'm in love. I absolutely loved this chapter and I'm so looking forward to what happens next. Thank you so much for this.
Uchida Akira chapter 4 . 7/8
This is lovely!
Audrey17T chapter 4 . 7/8
i am seriously hooked! such an amazing story and i’m seriously dying. i really loved it and desperate to know what happens next and how the plot goes! truly amazing T-T i’m going to read more of your stories now
ImmortalDamon666 chapter 4 . 5/10
please continue it has me wanting more
Straw Heart chapter 4 . 5/4
Omg. This was so good!. I need to know what happens next! Please update soon
Saiyajin no Ouhi chapter 4 . 4/26
And I’ve done it. I both hate myself and feel immense satisfaction; I wish there was more! I’m so desperate to read what’s next, thank you for your work! (Also, it’s amazing how you’ve given your characterisation of Natsu such depth - how he can seem cold and detached in one scene, and warm and friendly in the next, without it seeming unnatural or forced? I’ve read some stories (not to be disparaging towards them) where I think it’s been slightly difficult to achieve that “roundedness” and I’m so glad you’ve pulled it off so well!)

I’m probably going to go binge your other works now, and hope that my waves of desperation will reach you and incite you to write more for this story hahahaha a girl can dream.
Saiyajin no Ouhi chapter 3 . 4/26
I’ve been trying to put off reading the last chapters for the past few days because I don’t want this story to end, but I can’t stop myself from continuing! I really really reaaaaally hope you continue this because this is amazing, from the plot to the writing to the characterisation, ALL of it! I love it all. Please please update soon, your other stories are all brilliant too (I kinda binged them all, curse my lack of self control) but I’m particularly drawn to this. I’m going to read chapter 4 now and then I’m going to kick myself because I’ll have finished all the available chapters. This is one of the absolute best Fairy Tail stories I’ve read, and definitely one of the best Nalu stories. I’m really picky when it comes to the stories I read because I’m a bit of a grammar nazi (I can’t help it, I try not to be) but this ticks EVERY damn box I’ve got. I’ll be crossing my fingers for that email notification saying a new chapter has been added. A girl can dream _
Guest chapter 4 . 12/29/2019
Really wished it didn't end like that. Love the story.
wisdom-of-me chapter 4 . 12/28/2019
OMG I know blitzed through this story in half an hour and I am IN LOVE! I really do hope you update again because the idea behind this story is AMAZING!
MillennialStargazer chapter 4 . 12/1/2019
Loved , loved, loved! Hope you update again soon !
MillennialStargazer chapter 3 . 11/30/2019
Loving this !
Stavroula99 chapter 4 . 10/30/2019
You ended it in the best spot. What a cliffhanger. The plot is very interesting. A beast and a princess but with a twist. I like it. Are you going to continue it?
Evilsangel chapter 4 . 10/16/2019
fuck! I need more! like now! PLEASE!
Anniebananni3 chapter 4 . 10/7/2019
This chapter is amazing! I loved every detail of it! So excited to see how you use all this info. I really love this spin on my favorite characters!
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