Reviews for Seashells
MayumiWorld chapter 1 . 3/16
Seeing the other three fanfics that you have written about Kirby, you’ve changed... a lot!

It’s amazing, and I didn’t realize that you wrote other Kirby fanfics until recently! I bet you didn’t like the past Kirby fics due to the formatting.

I guess I shall check in your other fanfics soon, if I’m interested on them, that is.
Chippen Kitten chapter 1 . 5/10/2018
okie, so uhm? your writing style just seems to change with whatever fandom you're writing for and u love it, this was such a sweet read, omfg

to be honest I really like how you write Marx, such a charming little trickster. Tiff was really sweet too, but I like how it didn't, like, overwhelm the dialogue. It all just flowed, this was just awesome!
Vulaan Kulaas chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
This was amazing! I can't believe you only have this as a one shot, I think this ought to be a large fanfic about redemption and love. If you do decide to expand this, I will follow it! :)
PastelCatt chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
Wow... This is some serious romance! While I could imagine Meta Knight or Kirby somehow being shipped with Tiff in some strange, non-creepy way with some slight changes to the timeline, her being paired up with Marx, of all antagonists, had somehow not even crossed my mind...