Reviews for Harry Potter and a New 'Order' of Things
Guest chapter 36 . 2/28/2016
No you bastard CONTINUE ! *sobs*
johnny.vick chapter 36 . 11/24/2015
omg omg more more love it
Vyperr chapter 36 . 9/10/2011
ok, enough gold-bricking, get back to writing. this story is to good to let drop, it has not been Updated since 06-24-05.
Overunderobsessive chapter 35 . 5/21/2010
:D You should update. You can't just leave us like this!
Anthousa chapter 36 . 1/25/2010
You cant leave it there!DAMN YOU! Update soon please!1its dead good!
The tainted Angel of the sands chapter 30 . 4/15/2009
My teacher's last name is McAlister!

Great story so far!
Hakoirii chapter 36 . 4/1/2009
How can you not update in over 3 years! I personally hope you decide to finish this story because I will be very upset if you don't.
Miss Ulv chapter 36 . 12/28/2007
Can I lynch you now? I mean, all the HP books are out now, and it is after all two years since you've updated...

This is actually one of the best HP stories I have read and I'll just kill myself if you don't write more... How can you stop here? "a door slowly creaked open." honestly! that's just mean!

but I really hope you will update, but seeing it is two years since last time I don't think the chances are high, but well, one can only hope! :D
elementalmage2008 chapter 36 . 8/14/2007
*blinks innocently* is it time to lynch you yet?

i mean come on, forget halfblood prince, even Deathly Hallows is out now! How could you just abandon your poor readers like that, dangling poor Harry Over the edge of a knife and leaving him there for us all to contemplate which way he will fall... you're just pure evil!

*sniffle sob sniffle* my poor ickle harry-kins!

besides i'm really really really going to dye if i don't know what happens next... and seeing as how this story hasn't been updated in two years, well let's just say my chances no longer look so good when it comes to living...

ok i have to go now and do something "productive" or i'll have an angry father breathing down my neck about spending too much time on a website that is "a pointless waste of my time, is no better than a Soap Opera, and doesn't benefit me in any way" i mean how could i possibly learn new words and understand them in context if i spend all day reading rubbish... humph! i'll have him know i learn more vocabulary words from these fanfictions than i could within one month at school with every teacher except for my brit lit teacher, and even then some of those vocab words popped up in my reading!

srry i'm just in a 'rant and rave' mood and i'll try not to take it out on you too much , cuz this one isn't exactly your fault, and you can't really help me with it neways... oh btw

i think it's awesome that you live in MA, i was born there, and only moved to this state in Kindergarden, but i have tons of family and friends in Dedham, and i used to live in Plymouth, and you're right, Boston Rox!

ok this is getting to be so long you could liken it to a short story... so i'll stop now!



Silver-WindScar chapter 36 . 6/22/2007
I'm gonna send you a howler if you don't update this. grr...

This is one of the MOST interesting stories from Harry Potter I've ever read and I would absolutely HATE it if this was never updated!

By the way, the story is well thought out and I absolutely LOVED the fact that Harry emblazened a phoenix on his arm. What was with the 'pain and pass out' at the end of this chapter anyway?

lordvitiris chapter 36 . 2/25/2007

I liked this story a lot. I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. I hope you update soon please. That's probably why Harry was in pain.

From Vitiris...
DSMann chapter 36 . 10/6/2006
this is good i hope you update soon.
DrunkOctopus chapter 36 . 9/24/2006
NO me need the next one like NOW

please update soon or hence the destruction of fanfcition MUAHhAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

OUCHIEs mypain my pain is TORTuRE...stupid kidney stones
articuno13 chapter 36 . 6/23/2006

that was really nasty you know.

ending the chapter like that then having us wait almost a year now!

ah well i really love it so far and i hope you will up-date soon.
Bookworm622 chapter 36 . 6/12/2006
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