Reviews for My way
thekyuubivixen chapter 18 . 7/9/2019
Omggg this chapter was a freaking rollercoaster. I swear my heart nearly stopped when I thought that Whisper died (and the fact that Sonic couldn't remember her name hit me too. There's sooo much going on that he can't keep up). And then everyone else is fighting as hard as they can and Shadow...he has the right to worry, but hopefully he doesn't get too distracted...
Infinite's Ruby chapter 18 . 6/28/2019
I'm sorry it took me this long to sit down and review this chapter. I've been caught up with work, and I can sit down and read this chapter.

With every chapter, this fic becomes even more amazing. I love the intense atmosphere of the chapter. Whisper's Pov was some of my favorite moments.

The fight between Sonic and Infinite, had my heart pounding throughout the whole fight. Your writing style is fantastic, which you always do an amazing job of capturing the character's emotions.

I loved this chapter. This fic is amazing to read. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the excellent work!
TsubasaKEI chapter 18 . 6/21/2019
Did whisper do something with the ruby or did i read it wrong?
tekina fiction chapter 18 . 6/21/2019

but seriously i love how you nail the desperation and the confusion in the fight scenes and sonic believing that whisper was dead? and just "her name was...?" fuCKING BROKE ME. GOD. THIS IS GOOD

keep going viivi you get all my hugs and kisses oh my god
MadameMirage77 chapter 18 . 6/19/2019
Your welcome!

You're probably right about Sonic's anger towards Infinite, at the moment. I think it just surprised me compared to how he had acted in the actual game; yeah, that may be it. Looking forward to how the events of the final battle shall play out!

Sorry to keep this somewhat short, but there's a storm threatening to take out the power going on.

Anyway thanks for the best of luck for my project. Now I need to stop getting new ideas for possible crossovers, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) and Darksiders, and I can finally get stuff accomplished.

Got any tips regarding my plot bunny for the Darksiders crossover? Like maybe a scheme of Eggman's accidently kicks off the apocalypse or something? Any ideas, advice and tips will help. Whoops gotta go, power's flickering on and off more. Bye for now
king.needlemouse chapter 18 . 6/19/2019
why is this fic so good? how do u do it? fuck!
but seriously this chapter was so tense and hectic and it was just rly fun to read :)! i also liked seeing new character povs like whisper and knuckles since we don't see them as much as the others (but i s2g if u hurt knux-)
Infinite's Ruby chapter 17 . 6/4/2019
I'm sorry it took me this long to sit down and read this fic since I've been busy.

I love your writing style. You always do a fantastic job capturing the raw emotions of the characters along with your descriptions. Everything is so good, along with the Sonadow, I adore how you write the characters.

This is an amazing chapter! I loved this chapter, and I'm eager to see what's going to happen next in this story. Keep up the excellent work!
tekina fiction chapter 17 . 6/4/2019
okay so asljkdfaslkdfjasd lki finally GOT to reading this and i just love the details like that maria and shadow gossiped about boys together on the ark? silver just using gestures to communicate bc his jaw is still broken :( and alsdkjfkjlsafdljkADFLAKJF "YOU FUCKING SWAN DIVED TO SAVE ME IN SA2" sold it for me. i love how you balance drama and action and comedy in this piece hehe

all in all FUCK let sonic live! dont let him drown! im counting on u viivi D:
Pamitydesu01 chapter 17 . 6/3/2019
This chapter is so amazing and your writing is so ugh, so beautifully amazing. I love it. The story flows so nicely, nothings feels rushed (except maybe my heart whenever something happens) and each character is so well written, ugh. I love your stories so much
MadameMirage77 chapter 17 . 6/2/2019
I'll be truthful with you: I am very surprised by the genuine anger that Sonic's holding towards Infinite-I can understand it with Eggman due to their history, but maybe our favorite blue hedgehog has a right to be enraged with the jackal with all the crap he's done! Which is much more than Shadow's ever done.

Really loving the hints of Sonadow here and there in the chapter, such as Shadow's concern for Sonic for when he'll eventually face off against Infinite. Have I mentioned how much I would've love for your story to be the actual storyline for Sonic Forces?

Would it be wrong to admit, that I am eager for a more worthy fight between Sonic and Infinite than what we got from the actual game?

Also I never liked G.U.N. and this has enforced my dislike towards them.

P.S. Thanks, I think I figured something out regarding Shadow's Chaos powers. I've decided to add in S.T.A.R.S. from the Resident Evil series to be the organization that Shadow will work for in my story. S.T.A.R.S. is more cooperative with Sonic and Mobians in general.

I have this headcanon that G.U.N. is rather prejudice towards Mobians for some reason.
king.needlemouse chapter 17 . 6/2/2019
FUCK ok this was such a good chapter dude! i absolutely love how you write in all these little character moments for everyone, and it just comes off so natural and fluid. and aghhhh, sonadow, pls, shadow stop being dumb and hold his hand-
anyways. amazing chapter, im very scared for the next one lol. pls don't kill anyone off
thekyuubivixen chapter 16 . 3/16/2019
Sorry for the super late review but ughhhhh of course the heroes can't take a breather without something bad happening! A whole country fell, and all that's left is Adabat...but at least Shadow's kinda okay, and that dance was really cute. Don't think they'll be able to have another celebration anytime soon though...
TsubasaKEI chapter 16 . 3/5/2019
Really love these story really catches my attention.
Please continue
Anonymous chapter 16 . 2/15/2019

Someone off of Wattpad has been stealing Sonadow stories off of other sites; including this one; and posting them as their own! Take a look at a user bane AlphaMileena and see if they've posted your work as one of their own books there.

Please spread the word. Someone is stealing Fanfic authors hard work and is posting it on Wattpad as they're own.

Reason why? I've seen a few stories that the user has posted in a Sonadow One-Shots book could also be found on DeviantArt (DA), then off of another user on Wattpad and finally this site. And isn't crediting the original writer(s) of the stories they've posted, claiming them as their own.
tekina fiction chapter 16 . 2/15/2019
The Ruby is keeping infinite alive like a parasite and I'm sad. This chapter reminded me that sonics fingers are Missing and in EVEN MORE SAD. THERES ONLY ONE COUNTRY LEFT. will the ganget kick ass again? Find out next on my way: Forces But Better

Honestly your phrasing is dope like "ah yes I should go die in one of those storage rooms like gadget said" Said sonic, panicking in denial because he is having Gay Feelings is a Mood and is a friendly reminder that he's the same age as me ajhahajshsbsjsj

Also this chap makes me wanna sing I am all of me but fucking remix it into a romantic ballad because Edgy Love Song In Context With Those Lyrics Yeah Biibi!

And that sonadow slow burned into a crisp dance scene. Yessssss gimme it. Aaaalllll of it that's my favorite trope

Amazing as always my darling! Te quiero Uwu (this phone makes my praise super not aesthetically pleasing with Capital letters im sorry sjsbsbnsn)
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