Reviews for Child
Willow-Bee the Cat chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Fortune Zyne chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Wow, this was dramatic and quite lovely.
asdfjkl chapter 1 . 4/7/2009

THAT was cool.
Arian chapter 1 . 11/25/2004
Wow, very good! and original! My compliments. It's nice to see Celegorm with a personality! I hadn't given him much thought, but lately he's been pestering me...Good job!
Arthien1188 chapter 1 . 1/4/2004
wow. nice job. im in love with Maedhros, and the stuff about him almost made me cry...seriously *sniffle* although necessarily believe that Maedhros was completely broken when he came back from Thangorodrim (because i dont want to believe it *huggles little Russandol*) i was still quite moved. i bow to you *bows*
Princess Tyler Briefs chapter 1 . 1/3/2004
Oh! That was fantastic, and so beleviable! Is that how you spell believeable...anyway...
I could just see him saying that to himself, because it's so true! Innocence is the biggest casualty of war.
RavenLady chapter 1 . 8/19/2003
Oh, wow . . . I'd never given Celegorm much thought, but was impressed with this. Very creepy and powerful.
Imp not signed in chapter 1 . 5/11/2003
It is rather strange, in a way, but then again not so. It was written very well, and it flowed well for the POV aspect; it was sad, desperate, but those emotions were well portrayed I think. It was lovely in that sorrowful way, and the descriptions of the elves, of Luthien, etc. were all very interesting and well done.

I enjoyed it. Thank you.

Klose chapter 1 . 4/26/2003
*is embarassed*

Okay, I read this a while back and enjoyed it, and Nemis' LJ comments spurred me to come back to it.

This was awesome. I mean, really. I was not particularly fond of Tolkien's portrayal of Celegorm as some sort of desperate bachelor, and this story gives such a brilliant Alternative explanation, without betraying much. Hmm, I that didn't come out the way I wanted it to- I don't quite know how to explain. Apologies! :)

Not too happy with Luthien beating Celegorm up though. But she is very scary here, no doubt...

"Stop… stop… stop… hurting… me…"

Oh! Evil Luthien! (Sorry, but those are the vibes I got!) Poor Celegorm.

Fantastic story! :)
Ithilwen of Himring chapter 1 . 4/9/2003
Now, this is clever and well-executed! I do believe you may have come up with a plausible interpretation of Celegorm's behavior towards Luthien that doesn't simply devolve into saying "he was a villian". His actions are clearly wrong, but his reasons for undertaking them make sense (at least to himself). Bravo!

Now, can you possibly do the same for Curufin?
Maeve Riannon chapter 1 . 4/7/2003
Sorry for the contradiction. THIS is the better one. A wholly new and interesting view on Celegorm, and on Luthien (its so beautiful, that image of the innocent child in love!) And then, the reflections about Maedhros. All the horror conveyed in a paragraph.

Did I tell you that youre writng better and better?
Tindomiel chapter 1 . 3/30/2003

i'd never imagined this side of Celegorm but this fic has made me feel otherwise. i would hate him because of what he did but i think that perhaps he was not all evil.

brilliant fic
Caporal chapter 1 . 3/29/2003
Whoa! Luthien is very scary.

Poor Celegorm. It turns out I *do* have a soft spot for the man after all.

His ruminations on Maedhros were terrifingly believable, and his fear for Luthien heartwrenching. (Stupid biased Pengolod)

Very good. Scary ending.

#Stop… stop… *stop… hurting… me…*#

The Lay of Leithian *used* to be the remedy when I found myself warming towards the two Cs. I don't think it'll work for Celegorm for a while, because this idea isn't going to go away very soon.


Jen Littlebottom chapter 1 . 3/28/2003
*glomps you*

This is beautiful. *sniffles*. Yes, plot bunnies good...
jillian baade chapter 1 . 3/28/2003
Absolutely bloody brilliant! It is of course exactly what happened. We are not told much by Tolkien, just that Celegorm held her prisoner. Your take that he held her because he feared for her is just awesome. I never believed that even one of Feanor's sons would try to take an unwilling lady to wife just because he wanted to. That he remembers his brother, and Maedhros cruel torment and wants to save Luthien from such a fate so incredibly real.
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