Reviews for And You'll Blow Us All Away
Guest chapter 16 . 7/23
...I have never cried so much because of a fanfic. That was amazing, and I hate the author for doing this to me cuz I will be crying again because of this fic.
Alex chapter 16 . 5/29
! 3333333333333333 i cried
WindAuthor chapter 16 . 5/26
You definitely blew me away.
S. Ulrich-Amick chapter 3 . 5/14
This is so good. It is full of things that happen in real life and it is soul touching.
a fan chapter 16 . 5/5
i have never reviewed any fan fiction
it’s just not something I do- but i’ve been reading it for years
i just wanted to say that this honest to god made me cry
it was so well written and i know that it came out so long ago but i just wanted to say that it’s amazing
thank you
Spidey777 chapter 16 . 4/29 did it. You broke me. I have never cried at fanfiction before yet I cried multiple times during this story. I can not say anything that will compliment you enough, but...good job. This was amazing.
nightingale231 chapter 16 . 4/29
sheesh this whole as awesome I loved it also yes i stan one (1) irondad
ViolettNightfury chapter 12 . 4/23
I... have never been so happy that someone died!
Alexia chapter 16 . 4/19
This was one of the most well-written fanfictions I've ever read, and it was so good! I literally cried because it was so sweet, very well done! :)
AnnabethClarissa chapter 11 . 4/9
Now, I don't write reviews often. I'm what some would consider "picky" when it comes to reading. This was PHENOMENOL. I cried through essentially the entire chapter, and straight up sobbed through Rhodey's rant, Tony thinking about letting Peter die, and every single time the word "dad" leaves Peter's mouth. Your story is absolutely fantastic so far, but if you torture them too much more I may be dubbed even more or a clinical anomaly than I already am. All that aside, you really have a gift for writing, even if you're just using it to abuse my poor heart.

xoxo, AC
Faithless 3 chapter 16 . 3/30
I love you so fucking much that it's creepy and absurd. This story made me cry EVERY chapter and I love it. You are an amazing writer and one of a kind, don't ever stop being yourself. This story was so realistic and remarkable! I'd kill for Tony and Peter to have a happy ever after. Thank you for writing this story :3
Waarst chapter 11 . 3/28
i decided I couldn't continue reading this story, at least not today. the story is amazing, no offense. I just need to give my heart a break otherwise it will explode. i dont know why im writing this anyway. i'll read your other fic that *maybe* softer than this one.
Waarst chapter 10 . 3/28
In your other fics, I appreciate your effort in giving warning of depression, anxiety, ptsd, rape, or any sexual assault. I must say, next time, put warning in grahic violence too. I would be really glad. But overall this fic is great.
Waarst chapter 10 . 3/28
I can't read the violence scene. It triggered my anxiety and I almost got panick attack. I shouldn't have forced myself. Now I have to deal with steadying my breath, god
Waarst chapter 8 . 3/28
"Have I entered the Twilight Zone"

RODY IS ALWAYS THERE WITH HIS BEST LINE HAHAHAHAHAHA I CANT STOP LAUGHING. Finally a fic of yours that I can't laugh freely. I mostly cried after reading your fics.
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