Reviews for Your Magic
Guest chapter 1 . 3/8
Do Asta x sekre
AnnelieseHitsuki7 chapter 1 . 3/28/2019
So beautiful
This fic is amazing Thanks for write
Love it
MaDDeRHaTT3R chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
Oh man... This is just BEAUTIFUL... I LOVE IT. Thank you for writing it! ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ ) ·
...·Asta ( )( )Yuno·...
Normy chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
Mmmmmmmmm myyyyyyyyyyyy hearttttttttttttt ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! So bootiful I love it! T~T
Links6 chapter 1 . 2/18/2018

Okay, so I'm surfing 2am Saturday night, bad day, trying to chill and not think, finding the description and going "Hm, sounds interesting, I'll read a bit then go to sleep..."


I did NOT go to sleep after reading this.

I SAT IN MY BED SQUEALING FROM HAPPINESS AND ABSOLUTE OTP FEELS THAT KILLED ME WITH FLUFF. It not only turned my pretty sucky day a 180, it completely reworked my entire week and now all I feel is bliss.

You, seriously did an amazing job on this. I can't even.

Your characterization is absolutely beautiful. Not only are they in-character, they STAY in character and it's like reading a script from the manga, only BETTER.

Second of all, and you're going to take responsibility for this, the FEELS. Not only did you subtly work in their dynamics between each other, but their whole extended family as well. You really made it feel like they were with their family - warm, happy, content. It was like being home. I can't tell you how much I loved this... not only that Asta was attached to them, but Yuno as well. I haven't seen ONE fanfic author of this series that has executed this so well.

The subtle and continuing romance, yet "not romantic" love that is ever present throughout is also so sweet to read. It's not that blatant ''love confession'' reads that is boring and just such a waste... YOUR writing was so emotional, fluid, well-paced, I LOVED the little glances, the touches, the small details...


Okay, I know this review was all over the place, but seriously. This is now my all-time favourite confession fic ever. I absolutely love this to bits. You're an amazing writer. Please keep writing!

HappyPurpleFox chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
That was wonderful! Beautifully written and an adorable couple. I wish there were more fics like this.