Reviews for Family Matters
Guest chapter 23 . 7/27
copet chapter 23 . 7/18
Can see all getting a lot darker for Lincoln and Luna. It's clear there will have to be a change in their lives after all this. This chapter feels like a calm before a storm even after such a big thing crashing down on Lyra and Lily. Who knows what will happen next. Great chapter. I hope you have a nice day.
greenman4044 chapter 1 . 7/18
Really need that update
Yidi chapter 23 . 6/27
Update soon?
sasukesdoom chapter 23 . 4/20
thanks for the update
Compact Streamer chapter 23 . 4/13
This was one of those fics. It got me hooked, and I stayed up until six in the morning reading it. I stayed up all night. I'm still a little sleep deprived, and I hope this isn't my only review of this fic, but I'll be damned if I forget and don't at anything.

Thank you, Discretion Assured. This SinKids fic was my first, and your raw, honest portrayal of the kids, the drama, dramatic irony, the hurt - It was enough to keep me invested in these characters, even as the actual nausea of sleep deprivation affects me now.

Ah don't worry I'll sleep it off.

Thank you again DA. I love your work and you made a fan outta me. I hope you are well, wherever you are
Guest chapter 23 . 3/9
Yes! I'm so happy to see you.
Anonymous chapter 23 . 3/8
Definitely the calm before the storm. With Luna and, presumably, Lincoln on their way to confront their demons, I think we'll finally get to the truth of matters.

For example, Lincoln's story of being chased by the police, while containing some elements of the truth, was probably a matter of child services more than anything. He skipped town almost immediately and, while angry, it's clear they didn't inform the authorities beyond Lincoln's sudden disappearance (he would've been arrested at this point).

On the other hand, Luna was, to be blunt, being a bitch to her mother. Rita just wanted her child to succeed in life, and being a single parent is practically the antithesis to that. At the same time, Luna was right assert herself as an adult. They both made mistakes in how they expressed their feelings, but the cataclysmic blowout they had was definitely out of proportion.

Hopefully we get some of that in upcoming chapters, although I consider Luna's relationship with her parents to be beyond salvaging.
ReivaxLeia chapter 23 . 3/8
Por fin, un nuevo capĂ­tulo. Gracias por no abandonar, tu historia es increible. Esperamos con ansia la siguiente parte.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/8
Absolutely surreal. I'd just left a review the other day and it suddenly updated after months! Feels like I got touched by an angel. This day is seriously blessed. I can't wait to read the new chapter.
Chuck Winanaki chapter 23 . 3/7
A bit more mellow than what i would have expected but maybe this is just the calm before the storm. This is a great story keep it up.
MeteorElDrago chapter 23 . 3/7
Great chapter update so keep it up i can't wait for the next chapter update.
Zeobide274 chapter 23 . 3/7
the suspense is killing me. great job.
Talespinner69 chapter 23 . 3/7
Dude, I forgot that I even had this story favorited. Regardless, I like what went down in this chapter, especially how Rita didn't react with disgust. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
X the Reaper chapter 23 . 3/7
Nice to see an update after so long. Not much happened, although I have a feeling that's about to change. Looking forward to seeing how it this goes down.
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