Reviews for Forefront
Rhy chapter 8 . 5/17
"This was not how things were supposed to be." This being the last line of the chapter obviously had my attention. What I'm about to say is extremely random but just looking back on this line and how Kayla wants CHANGE, a song called Out Of The Old perfectly suits it!
(Its from the HSM series. I'm a hugeee fan xD)
Looking forward to read the next chapter. I hope Lily doesn't react unreasonably :(
fieryredhairedbeast chapter 14 . 5/13
I loved this fic soooo much! I love how she grows through this and how she’s not completely there at the end still - it is really relatable and enjoyable to read! And also Al is just the sweetest. Thank you for writing!
blueirony chapter 14 . 4/27
You have this way of writing so innocently but your writing also had such depth. You have such an amazing grasp of human emotions, the way in which people connect with one another and how people's thoughts, emotions and actions make up who they are. I saw so much of myself in Kayla and I'm so glad I read this. Thank you for writing this :)
youveforgotten chapter 14 . 3/22
I loved this story! Thank you :)
ebdarcy.qt4good chapter 14 . 2/28
Great work!
AlexShah chapter 14 . 11/26/2018
This was beautifully written. I love how Kayla really evolved throughout the entire story; emotionally and mentally. This is so relatable, it’s amazing.
thatkindofgreen chapter 14 . 4/30/2018
I read your story yesterday and I’m still kinda flustered by it. It felt like I would read a story about myself. All her anxious behaviour and thoughts, taking everything extra slowly, how she loves her friends more than herself and do everything for them, her past even that fits in a kinda similar way. Her panic attack about her future, I could connect so much! When your own flat isn’t feeling right anymore, you feel trapped in a life you actually never wanted in that way and have no idea how to escape. Then you get yourself to do stuff that scares the hell out of you, and it still in a way feels wrong but amazing at the same time.
Sry for rambling about my personal life. I really love your story and how you managed to get to realise her that she is a loveable person and deserves to a happy! It’s hard to see those things in life when you are so caught up with your fears..
Are you planning on writing James and Hannah’s story as well? I’m a romantic at heart and would love to read how their story works out!
sweaterweather21 chapter 14 . 4/2/2018
Okay, this was absolutely adorable. I think you did an excellent job tying up this story's plotlines neatly: Kayla's anxiety, her relationship with Albus, and her friendship with both Lily and Hugo. I liked how you gave it a nuanced ending: she hasn't yet quit her job, but she's taking steps. And the bit about Hannah Wood dancing with James sounds like the beginning of another story!
Lara1221 chapter 8 . 3/31/2018
I just reread this chapter twice. Everything about it is flawless. I would have to mention every single line.
Lara1221 chapter 7 . 3/31/2018
This chapter is seriously one of the most legi things I have ever read. REAL emotion, real feelings, real insecurities, everything a normal person has to deal with and to be written in such a beautiful way...I love the metaphor at the end, the charged wires. I loved her being open and honest with herself and her friends. I loved everything about it.
Lara1221 chapter 6 . 3/31/2018
This. This is how you write a story about a mostly uneventful evening and yet make it deeply, deeply entertaining.
Lara1221 chapter 5 . 3/31/2018
Confession, I read this whole chapter again to :P I have to keep these shorter if I’m going to still remember to come up with things to say, but the stands outs were easily the push and pull between al and Kayla in the shop, so natural and sweet. And kayla’s Working towards her revelations at the end. And Hugo, as usual. And the dialogue. Omg, and I LOVE that you actually came up with a legit Herbology potions scenario for them to work on.
Lara1221 chapter 4 . 3/31/2018
Man, two lines really hit me here - you never really know someone, and all her dreams felt dead lately. To me, this was the shift in the story where it became not just her romance with albus but why her inner struggles held her back, and let me tell you I can relate. It was so refreshing to read about someone nervous and anxious, thinking about things a lot that other people won’t put much thought into. When I started the story I didn’t consider myself very similar to her, but as it went I realized the parallels and the way you slowly unwound her character was truly fantastic. We’ll talk more about that later. ALSO shout to once again to your dialogue always being perfect and even your minor characters having great development
Lara1221 chapter 3 . 3/31/2018
I Reread this whole freaking chapter because I love it so freaking much. Fan fiction sometimes, they like to make these big elaborate stories, but I LOVE this. Real chemistry, simple touches, simple scenes, asking on dates. It was all so sweet and I loved reading kayla’s perspective and I just don’t know what else to say! You wrote these characters to click together and I loved the way they do.
Lara1221 chapter 2 . 3/31/2018
Haha ok, this chapter was awesome from beginning to end. The humor is what really stuck out to me as well as, in hindsight, the way you managed to flesh out each character With such great timing. Like after I read this I felt like I knew a lot about them, but after every chapter I gained new info. You have a gift for dialogue, it was an awesome talking chapter, and chemistry is palpable. I love how subtle your writing is.
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