Reviews for Hitters Make The Worst Patients
cosette141 chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
omg hahahahahhahaa, that last line was hysterical! xD I really liked this story! This is actually my second time reading it but I guess I forgot to review it the first time. You have all the characters down so perfectly! We really needed to address the fact that Eliot took quite a beating in the boost job. Thanks so much for a great story.
UpdateCraver chapter 7 . 12/27/2018
Loved it in it's entirety!
Wanda chapter 7 . 3/28/2018
Love your story. Thanks :-)
novisha.rivera.1 chapter 7 . 2/17/2018
I am betting on flying lessons, but Parker will sneak up and scare him, then he drops Hardison. ;)
HonestBee chapter 7 . 2/16/2018
Heeheehee! I think Hardison makes a great mother! I hope Eliot can survive their care...
storyaddict69 chapter 7 . 2/16/2018
LOL, I love this! Finally they get to try and take care of him.
Wanda chapter 6 . 2/15/2018
I'm really enjoying your story. Thanks for the update :-)
HonestBee chapter 6 . 2/13/2018
Finally Eliot gets to beat someone up. I'm sure that alone will make him feel a bit better! Love the team's concern, and Hardison's bantering with Eliot.
storyaddict69 chapter 6 . 2/13/2018
I LOVE how out of everyone Eliot tells Hardison the Truth of what he's been dealing with. Not sure if he meant to ,or he just is that much more comfortable with him ,but I love it!
Heidi Dobson chapter 5 . 2/11/2018
it's great so far.
HonestBee chapter 5 . 2/10/2018
You still have Eliot's attitude spot-on! I also like how he appreciates the working man, like in the Low Low Price Job. I hope his stubborness doesn't cause him any permanent damage, though.
storyaddict69 chapter 5 . 2/10/2018
Oh no, why do I feel like something bad is going to happen, *bites nails nervously*
novisha.rivera.1 chapter 5 . 2/10/2018
Yikes, room spinning bad
drjones chapter 4 . 2/9/2018
Wonderful! I can't wait for the next chapter!
HonestBee chapter 4 . 2/9/2018
The team breakfast/briefing was perfect! Eliot should know better than to try and hide his injuries from the team, even Parker!
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