Reviews for Calamitous
KaChan84 chapter 13 . 18h
Wow, this is an amazing story! I love everything about it! Thanks for sharing, can‘t wait for the next chapter(s) :)
Eyriegirl chapter 13 . 23h
This hurts so much, in a good way. You really managed to capture how complicated and hard emotions can make situations. Link is especially amazing, but also so raw. I think even he doesn’t realize how much he feels.
Jane Keybored chapter 13 . 9/8
I’m all caught up! I’m so sad! Hopefully the news of Age of calamity will inspire you to write faster! Lol, I’m just being selfish.

Awww, dreamy kissing with previous incarnation Link and minimal Calamity... *sigh* This chapter was pure candy.
Jane Keybored chapter 7 . 9/4
(Ch 7) Seriously! This story! Every segment is emotionally charged and written with dizzying language... love love love

I loved the opening scene when Zelda magics them to a memory that’s not hers and he’s like “this isn’t real”. To put a crude, simplistic point on your deep and captivating character development: I love this bad-boy Link!
Jane Keybored chapter 3 . 9/2
(Ch 3) Ohhh my gosh, this story! So far it’s only 12 (13?) ch long but I’m trying to pace myself... it’s so good. The calamity and the hero together in one! And the calamity is so... sensuous. But disturbing. And at the end of this chapter, it’s like a dreamy flashback to Link like sacrificing himself to be the “vessel” a previous Zelda was looking for for the calamity... !? Seriously. Good. Can’t wait to read on...
Taiga chapter 13 . 9/2
OMW that was so cute :3
Mutinous chapter 13 . 9/1

I really love how unnerving Link is throughout this whole fic (and also that artwork is WOWW!), he's such a monster and everytime I read him, I'm SO ANXIOUS but also enraptured by it. Awesome stuff. I don't know if I mentioned this before but being in Zelda's shoes has really transformed this experience and I think it's especially fantastic for the dream sequences. Looking forward to more. 3
dschrive chapter 13 . 9/1
I needed this chapter after tension of the last few. Zelda being thrown off by Link acting like a human is a great response, especially since she's trying so hard to be angry with him. I like the perspective Link has on his Zelda. Because obviously they were in love, but after 10000 years of torment at her hands, things are going to be different. And of course the soul of the hero is drawn to the soul of the goddess, so a living breathing different Zelda will be enticing. I know this has only been out for a day, but I already want the next chapter dang it
clemage chapter 13 . 9/1
Ohhhh myyyyy gawwwwwd! Embyr! I’m actually speechless... once again you’ve delivered something beyond what I was anticipating. “You won’t be the same. No.” Yeesh, so beautiful, so tender, yet so blunt. Love it, love it all, thank you.
Tek Sonay chapter 13 . 9/1
Oh my gosh. If this isn’t the most visually breathtaking writing I’ve read in a long time. Tell me once more of rose and melon skies, I’m in love with your story! I want to cry for Link, and for Zelda who hopes despite all odds. Ahhhhh thank you so much for this beautiful chapter!
bryank97 chapter 13 . 9/1
another amazing chapter!
Mmmmmys chapter 13 . 9/1
WOOOOOOOW ! What a chapter ! I’m emotional ! Is everybody alright after so much tension get released ?

First of all, you’re the heart-stopping one-liners queen !
"If anyone has the power to absolve me of my sins, it's you."
I made this face while reading and had to pause :

I like how picturesque the dream is at the beginning. It’s cute seeing Zelda try to recognise some things in this Hyrule. Shades of pink and purple are the best to put as a backdrop for this dreamy, lovely escapade.
Satori mountain is just the place to be too. Panoramic view, one-of-its-kind, sacred place in Hyrule? The scenery you take so long to distribue tell more than words.

It’s so funny how Zelda is reluctant to climb a tree for blasphemy while she tries to save the oddity that is half-hero and half-Calamity. That’s what blasphemous girl. Ahah.. The irony is not lost on us readers.

I’m totally in love with the way Zelda realises Link’s eyes are 100% blue in this dream. She’s as confused by this as she is with this familiar-yet-not Hyrule. That’s also the reason why she’s given up being angry or resentful or closed off to him, while they were essentially on the verge of breaking up last chapter.

We now get to see the hero that soften the edges in the Calamity’s anger, cutting words, sneers and forceful, commandeering behaviour. Link is still a bit ironic, snarky, and a tiny bit sardonic sometimes. But the Calamity hellbent ln destroying in absent, save for a couple of hunger pangs.

« My oath has nothing to do with it. » aka I’m free to confess my love and my truth just for the hell of it because I’m not afraid of destroying you! Zelda doesn’t even take the bait of his devotion speech. Come on !

She’s afraid of realising and voicing their feelings after essentially backing him in a corner last chapter... she does show it with her concern and touches (caresses) but Link gives her his heart on a platter with the nickname, the mushy one liners (You know it’s because of you. / you make me feel more human /Sleep well Princess / you make me want things I should not want / & the ones I mentioned previously). And also it’s basically her love that sustains him? Wow ! Author genius much ?

I love how his walls literally crumble when he says « Zelda » before they kiss. It’s exactly a « ahah! » moment for me ! Especially because SHE kissed him. And he’s just supporting her and filling in for her inexperience with kissing.

I W’was supposed to analyse the storm scene but basically so much tension build up sighing Zelda that it manifests in this scenery ? It’s such a subtle reference to the in-game memory too. I had a vivid picture in my mind all chapter long ! Well done

It’s heart wrenching how the chapter ends with them admitting they had so little time, that she probably won’t see the hero ever again (except maybe if she saves him... by killing him and fixing an un finished shrine.). It’s a stolen moment, really...
The tenderness and devotion he feels are really carried by your words... incredible ! I’m teary-eyed.

Makes me feel like listening to Small talk by Majid Jordan. Or Aller au large by Sskyron.
I’m exhausted by this review, I’m feeling like going to bed and it’s only 7pm!
Brandie McCollum chapter 13 . 9/1
so many feels! well done once again! keep up the amazing work!
EnduraCarrotChip chapter 13 . 9/1
Hhhhh HELLO. I never use purely because I don’t like the font but I always make an exception for one (1) fic and it is THIS. This? Actually so good? You have no idea this is one of those fanfics that is years better than many an “actual” novel I have read.

I am so relieved we got a peek at non-calamity link because I cannot stress how angry I was at him before. Also Zelda. Why did she ever put up with him? Why didn’t she just slap him in the face whenever he reverted back into his emo ways and tell him to “buck up, buttercup”? Hhh at least now I can actually ship them because before it was PAINFUL wanting them to be together but knowing Link was a freaking idiot (He is still an idiot, just not in a bad way).

:))) Zeldas gonna wake up and Links gonna be like “took you long enough. Now I’m gonna actively die while casting a bunch of spells on you out of spite” and I’m going to CRY WHY IS HE LIKE THIS I’m fine I’m alright I’m perfectly normal I’m fi
Oracle of Hylia chapter 13 . 9/1
Ahhhhhh! I saw truffeart’s fan art of Calamity!Link on tumblr and now all I can see is this dark and handsome version of BotW Link while I’m reading this.
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