Reviews for Your Fonder Heart
LuckyPickl3 chapter 9 . 7/10
I can feel the fluff
Redskye22 chapter 9 . 2/23
I love this!
Katto17 chapter 9 . 12/6/2019
We need so much more int hsi right now oml
nightwind83 chapter 9 . 8/14/2019
nice story made me late for work twice. heard u finished the novel hope it sells well for u. looking forward to the rest of this and coming across your book some time
BlueJack22 chapter 9 . 8/13/2019
Go get her Jaune
Siriusly Grim chapter 9 . 8/7/2019
Okay, even if this story falls by the way-side, I want you to know this chapter makes for an adorable ending. I would love to see more, but I've enjoyed this stellar ride so far.
Roland's Blade chapter 9 . 7/31/2019
still getting updated?
Haro654 chapter 9 . 6/24/2019
Such and awkward way of asking someone one out lol
ViolentNoise chapter 9 . 6/19/2019
I can't put into words how happy this story has made me! Thank you so much for writing this lovely piece of work and I eagerly await the next chapter! \0w0/
Linkskingsolomon chapter 7 . 6/10/2019
Staying seems dumb, how will he catch up if he cant spar with an actual persoon, plus hes 17 probably getting near 18 so whos going to tell him he has tp go home
FrostyChops chapter 9 . 5/25/2019
Yes, such joyous fluff 3
A long awaited chapter, can't wait for the next ;P
McJavi chapter 9 . 5/24/2019
I want you to know that when I saw this chapter update I audibly gasped, read it, then went back and reread the whole story from the beginning again. I live for this shit and I absolutely love this piece and your writing style. Keep up the stellar work and I eagerly await the next chapter!
Harmonious Arkos Sloth chapter 9 . 5/22/2019
Just finished a 13 hour shift. Why am I not asleep? Simple. I couldn't go to sleep without reading this chapter.

Worth. It.

Just a few observations from the first read, because of course I'm going back and binging this:

1. I will bet my next paycheck that Robin Christopherson has a long and fruitful career in voice acting ahead. And that Pumpkin Pete and Winnie the Pooh sound suspiciously similar.

B. Jaune, you fool! You went on a date with Pyrrha Nikos! A date that your family knows about! A date that you didn't come home from!

Let us all spare a moment to pray for his poor, socially awkward soul. He's gonna be more roasted tomorrow than Ruby on her first day at Beacon.

Also, looking forward to the Arc clan finally seeing Jaune fight at some point.

Beautiful work, as always. I'll be over here, patiently awaiting that novel. Or the next chapter. Whichever comes first. I'm not picky.
Engineer1869 chapter 9 . 5/21/2019
I'm glad to see this get update.

Those two are just so cute together. It's looks like they both realized that they both like each other and are slowly moving forward.

I look forward to the next update. Keep up the good work.
Dreams0fCalamity chapter 9 . 5/19/2019
Oh my God. The end with Jaune and Pyrrha is hands down the most adorable thing I've ever seen!
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