Reviews for Tennessee
Cheyquan1 chapter 23 . 8/11
Thanks for another great story.
Cheyquan1 chapter 19 . 8/11
Awwwww she’s finding herself again.
Cheyquan1 chapter 6 . 8/9
I could cry for Michonne. She’s in so much pain. Poor baby.
Cheyquan1 chapter 4 . 8/9
Enjoying the slow build up.
Cheyquan1 chapter 2 . 8/9
Story number two... let’s see how many I can finish this week. This one starts off with so much sadness.
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 23 . 6/25
Above this line I have a line of clapping hands emojis, if they don't appear coz ff net needs to upgrade its system, I just wanna say THANK YOU! Such a moving, beautiful, fantastic storytelling. Between this and Lemonade, my poor heart, lol. Great ending to the story: welcome to the world, RJ.
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 22 . 6/25
Ash...damn, you got me so teary and happy and just full of joy. Fudge! I...just the growth Michonne and Rick went through, the ongoing journey we as the audience know that they are still on. And the song you picked for their reunion, I'm listening to it right now and I've claimed it as a Richonne song. I'm all up in my feels and it feels so so good.

I'm glad Michonne went to the wedding, whether that was for closure and/or to pave a way for sometime in the future, where they'll be able to reconcile. I don't think I mentioned that I love Glenn and Michonne's friendship.

I gotta say you had me shook in the first chapter and upon subsequent mentions of Negan being anywhere near Michonne, lol. Such an intriguing portrayal of him in this story, I have yet to read a story where he has got his humanity.
sleepywitchysamurai chapter 16 . 6/24
The angst in this story is making me its bi**h, phew, I need a brown paper-bag. This story is just amazing and well written (like all of your works). At several points in this chapter, I was going to pause and finally leave a review because I was- I am so moved by these characters. It wasn't until I got to the past where Rick finally texts her back: I can't trust you. Damnnnn. That ish hurted like a mofo but I get it. I understand. You've created these characters that feel so real, their experiences, so relatable that I can't help but say: I get it and I can easily be judgemental and yell at them like I'm watching a TV show, to get their shit together. The way I avoid conflict and try to immerse myself in TV shows/movies/fanfic/novels just to escape until I'm ready to deal with ish.
calojane chapter 23 . 5/25
Awesome just awesome I miss these two.
KatanaQueen3476 chapter 1 . 1/8
I just finished reading this again. It was even better the second time around! I think this is my all time favorite Richonne stories! You have such a gift!
flacagonzales chapter 17 . 12/27/2019
Yessssss Ash! That's all I got.
Guest chapter 23 . 10/2/2019
Wow. This story was more than I ever bargained for. It was emotional, to put it as simple as possible and I enjoyed every single emotion that flowed throughout my body. Michonne had experienced hurt and devastation, so I understood her journey. But I’m always emphatic with characters that aren’t completely likable because no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and that’s what made her and Rick human, personable. I loved it. Thank you writing this.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/26/2019
She isn't wrong, she told him she didn't want a relationship and yet he continues to pressure her. But also she could take the hint that he wants more and let him go. Either way this highly compiling and thank you so much for taking so much of your time to give us this.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/18/2019
It was such a nice touch to have Michonne’s mother pray for the birth. I loved that and burst into tears unexpectedly. I love this story to the moon and back. Thank you!
Fortylove chapter 23 . 9/17/2019
Even better the second time around. This one of my all time favorites.
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