Reviews for Painting It, Black
Lillylarlar chapter 62 . 7/25
Hope you’re ok. Congratulations on your little man. You focus on getting healthy and your family xx
erin200456 chapter 62 . 7/16
I'm sorry to hear about your depression, I would say I know how you feel but I don't seeing as I'm too young to have a child, however you should take all the time you need to recover from it and you have my best wishes, I will gladly wait for the next chapter because whats more important is you
Jane chapter 62 . 6/19
You made my day! Thanks
Reader chapter 62 . 6/18
Get well soon.
Love the story.
Guest chapter 62 . 6/17
You can do it and we believe in you! Can't wait to see what you have cooked up and congrats on you son!
PixieGirl94 chapter 62 . 6/17
So sorry to hear about your post partum, but congratulations on your son! I am glad you have decided to finish this work and please don't feel rushed to update, enjoy your time with you family and update when you have the inspiration. Thank you for continuing this amazing story for it is one of my favorite works on this site, during your hiatus i have re-read it many times.
lazymusicfreak chapter 62 . 6/17
I've heard postpartum depression is difficult to go. While I'm excited to see you write again, don't feel pressured to crank out the rewrites and updates as fast as you can. If you're using writing to help yourself now, I'll only take what you're willing to share and at your own pace. Congratulations to both you and your baby for the delivery and making through it. Hope everything gets better.
Krazyasibe chapter 62 . 6/17
I hope you feel better! Life after kids is hard to adjust too Nevermind the depression as well! You are an amazing writer and I bet an amazing mother! Keep you head high and just take deep breaths you got this!
Adara chapter 61 . 5/18
I love it
marvinkitfox1 chapter 4 . 1/4
"There" and "Their" are different words.
"quite" and "quiet" are different words.

"godfather" is a person who has a measure of responsibility and care of you.
"god father" is the parent of a Deity, or you cussing out your male parent.

"alright" is not all right.
marvinkitfox1 chapter 1 . 1/4
Hmm, we seem to have a significantly different AU here.
Walburga still around in 1993.
New member of the Blacks.
The house-elf Kreacher dead, replaced by Kreature.
The Black residence at *12* Grimmauld Place extended into 13 Grimmauld. Funny, i thought it was large enough already?
pink calalily chapter 61 . 12/22/2019
Love it! Congrats on the new baby!
stormingknight chapter 61 . 12/3/2019
Welcome back! I give my many congratulations on everything, from your return to your child that must be absolutely beautiful! Wonderous chapter to release on your return
Krazyasibe chapter 61 . 12/3/2019
Feels like teaser trailor
Moromu chapter 38 . 10/30/2019
I Love your story but please do get the historical facts correct. Referring to "Czechoslovakia" which ceased to exist in 1993. How would you feel if people referred to your country as "the colonies" ?
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