Reviews for Evelyn's Tale
Guest chapter 37 . 8/25
Awe I really want to know the plan
Guest chapter 37 . 8/11
Please finish this story! I was annoyed by her keeping the baby as it would have been far more intresting if she did find a way to abort herself, but this story is so well written it deserves a conclusion.
Guest chapter 37 . 3/1
Update soon!
Guest chapter 35 . 7/25/2019
I really enjoyed reading this x can't wait for an update
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 37 . 6/16/2019
Awww:( I didn't think that would happen...
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 36 . 6/16/2019
Awww lovely!
junojelli chapter 37 . 6/16/2019
What an update! I think you handled it really well, its was beautifully written. Oooh I have an inkling as to what Sink's condition will be...
sarah0406 chapter 37 . 6/15/2019
Just a wild guess: they have to get married and she has to tell Bill...
Guest chapter 35 . 5/30/2019
What a JUICY chapter; so much to process and digest! Blessing on dear Gene for being such a good friend (brother? Honestly, the sibling dynamic between Evelyn and Gene is EXCELLENT) to mediate the tension between Lieb and Eve. Honestly, both are too stubborn for their own good, but in different ways so that they’ll eventually balance each other out well in how they react. But, I really need to talk about Babe and how perfectly you write him. I’ve probably rambled about this before but REALLY, he’s written with such earnest goodness and you almost want him to be with Eve (but she’s made for Lieb so alas) but also at the same time, their friendship is so substantive, nothing should ever threaten or change it. Ugh. So. Good. The change you made in the doctor’s office were quite well done; you let Eve reach her own decision without trying to talk it through, just let her slog through her own thoughts, which is the only way it’ll stick cause we know our girl is too mulish to listen to advice. And the ending wowowow (one last thing: this is going to sound strange, so let me explain, but I appreciated that you challenged the tropes of BoB fanfiction by having a character seriously think about and attempt an abortion. It’s incredibly human to panic and react, and it shows how much care you’ve put into creating Eve as a fully realized woman. It’s well done, and I’m excited to see where the next chapter will take us!)
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 35 . 5/26/2019
Wow loved it!;)
KelseyBl chapter 35 . 5/24/2019
An update! Yay! Good chapter... really looking forward to the next one. Please update soon :))
hamlets-ghost chapter 34 . 5/8/2019
I. Am. Riveted; the fight! was so! GOOD! Of course, my heart weeps that they're fighting but also it was so well done, and developed marvelously, and I! was! absorbed! I think you're doing an excellent job of sidestepping the usual pitfalls of a pregnancy plot with how Evelyn is reacting to it (an independent woman fearing for her future) and Lieb's rebuttal simmers up into boiling over. In fact, this entire chapter mirrors that simmering effect until the very end (that structure thooooo). I couldn't write a review without mentioning my enduring love for how you write George and Eugene. The friendship scene with George had the right amounts of heartwarming, humor, and roughing up (also a teddy bear! That's a brilliant solution! Also very believable for O'Keefe). TL;DR: awesome chapter, fascinating character-building and delving, and I highly anticipate the next chapter!
YourEyesAreFullofHate41 chapter 34 . 4/30/2019
Oh the feelings! The going back and forth at the end. Both are crazy and both need to work it out together but they’re so stubborn! Argh, this chapter was so good.
Guest chapter 34 . 4/29/2019
Omg! This chapter was so good. I don’t know how to feel about the situation! I feel so bad she’s pregnant and Joe has honestly treated her pretty terrible on several occasions now, this one especially. I kind of hope she doesn’t go through with the pregnancy and ends up with someone else (Babe) but I’ll be fine with whatever happens because it is just so well written! So excited for the next chapter. Thank you for all the time you spend on this because I love it so much!
junojelli chapter 34 . 4/29/2019
Ooooh! Ive just binge read this in the last week, and an update popped up yesterday. Woop!

Oh Evelyn! My heart is breaking for her. I hope Liebgott chilled out a bit by the time he got back. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that chat. I also have a feeling he would have told a few of the guys why he was so pissed, so WORD MAY SPREAD.

And what will Bill say when he eventually finds out?!

Great story, cant wait for more!
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