Reviews for Barn owl and snow leopard
YumiStar chapter 1 . 10/5/2019
Aww, so fluffy!
TheDeadGirlRisen chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
KAWAIIIIIIIIII *Coughs* yep awesome!
xleviiiix chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
Wow, this was really interesting!
I love the concept of Madara using Owls for falconry, and the subtle flirtation was perfect!
Poor Tobirama, he doesn't know that Madara would go to hell and back for his mate, he shouldn't have insinuated if he didn't know what he was strung himself into ;)
Anyway, very lovely one-shot, would have liked to see it continued but I respect your decision if you won't.
I love your method of writing!