Reviews for The Stand User Of A Broken World
mickeysofine chapter 5 . 2/22
Against my intuition I came back to this.

You didn't try to improve at all.
Or maybe you did and it just didn't have any effect on the end result.
UnlawfulGentleman chapter 6 . 2/12
So this wound up being a lot better than I thought it'd be! To be perfectly honest, I was kind of expecting a half-assed attempt of just throwing Stand powers at Jaune or giving him a Stand with little to no explanation, but it turned out to be the opposite instead. Which is to say you went and actually gave backstory to each and every chapter, build-up to really sell the Stand in the world of RWBY.

And while I'd admit that Killer Queen's a bit wonky, it's an understandable wonkiness since really, exactly HOW would Jaune use it he didn't have a bit of Yoshikage Kira in him.

As for a favorite, chapter five. Has set up, gets right to the point and promises Yang experiencing the fuckery that is King Crimson.

And as for future chapters, future Stands I'd like to see? Honestly? Silver Chariot, Catch the Rainbow and Limp Bizkit. Silver Chariot because the potential for humor with Weiss is off the charts (plenty of options too. Jaune could be hired by Winter/Willow to teach Weiss how to fight with a rapier and as such, is her teacher. Jaune could go to a different academy but fight Weiss in the Vytal Festival, torn between humiliating her with Chariot and constantly, raunchily flirting with her. Or it could be something as simple as being sent to monitor the Faunus treatment in an SDC mine by the Speedwagon Foundation (of which he or his family supports) and using Silver Chariot to stop a cave-in).

Catch the Rainbow because holy fuck is it a cool Stand (not that that's surprising, given it's from SBR) and it has a lot of potential for a variety of different possibilities. For example, Jaune could be Torchwick's second carefully hidden assassin - his spirit crushed by his parents, his sisters, Jaune could be seriously codependent on Torchwick the way Blackmore is on Valentine and thus be hideously competent. Like mercilessly taking out Cinder, Mercury and Emerald after they give Torchwick a certain amount of time to join their organization and Jaune's ecstatic that he did good for Torchwick. Another possibility is working for Junior and fighting Yang off, getting her outside and putting the fear of God in her by abusing the rainy night. Might be a more confident Jaune, maybe he only acts when Yang insults Melanie or Miltiades (either could be his girlfriend or something). Or you could just have Jaune be born significantly pre-RWBY and he's a fourth year, in the same year as Team STRQ - and maybe on a recent mission, he completely wiped out the Branwen tribe to its last man when they were raiding a town. Cue Raven drama. Or something. Like I said, it's a great Stand that has so many possible starts it'd be a crime to skip.

Limp Bizkit because Remnant is the PERFECT place for such an ability to be used. Not to mention that you'd then have a chapter where you could have Jaune working for Salem. Which obviously Jaune would be, with a Stand like Limp Bizkit.

Although I will admit chapter's for Stands like Scary Monsters, Surface or Bastet would also be awesome. Anyways, enough. By the amount of shit I'm suggesting, you can clearly tell I'm a fan of this story. What can I say? Really love the creativity you've shown so far!

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
What about Moon in June by Soft Machine? It's a pretty good song, and it's technically a Jojo reference (get it? Because Soft Machine was referenced in Part 5. God that Stands design was lame and forgettable).
FrostyMan122 chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
May I suggest moonriver from the bayonetta ost?
Green As Envy chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
moon head. I'm just partial to Pink Floyd
Zapper3000380 chapter 6 . 12/2/2019
Moonchild (King Crimson)

I know its not an option listed, but its a good song.
giornogiovanna21 chapter 6 . 11/26/2019
Moist pee pee good chapter 6 . 11/26/2019
c moon
X3runner chapter 6 . 11/26/2019
I’m partial to string cheese incident -moonflower it’s a oretty best song it’s got this feel like it would work in a robert rodriguez movie or mabe like from dusk til dawn. The other that I can think of is blue moon of kentucky the which oddly enough king of the hill did a decent cover.
paradoxreader chapter 5 . 11/10/2019
i prefer the miracle one sonce its the most coherent, funny and have potential to be a great fic hahaha and the fact that jaune is kinda nonchalant and devil may care attitude is funny. can be quite a epic length fic especially if he start exploring the rest of the crews matter n development as jojo series tend to do. but hope focus on JNPR rather than he being a mere RWBY tagalong
Guest chapter 5 . 11/9/2019
X3runner chapter 5 . 11/8/2019
But did jauns also get epitaph?
patiphat1998 chapter 4 . 10/3/2019
Jaune with gold experience please!
EiNyx chapter 5 . 9/18/2019
These would be a lot more interesting if they involved the RWBY-verse more than just using a characters name. The only one that was somewhat interesting was the one that took place during initiation.
Moist pee pee good chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
Ladies and gentleman, we got another Miracles chapter!
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