Reviews for The Wonder of Seclusion
mykkiaworthington chapter 1 . 8/14/2016
this is a amazing story! I love it. I'm planning on writing a story myself!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
xD good old grandpa xD
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
love this
YYY Forever chapter 1 . 4/1/2010
It was a wonderful story! You should be proud of yourself ! This is one of the first short stories I've read that I thought was good without getting for the right words...overly mushy? OMG, not what I wanted to say, but VERY GOOD JOB!
Yizuki chapter 1 . 7/29/2008
I like! (Wolf grin) Make another!
KA0RI chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
Koari: this is the best YamixYugi story I have EVER read ;_;

Koari's Yami: Neh...I agree T_T

Koari: Hehe I am putting this in my favorites FOR SURE! -
kingleby chapter 1 . 2/24/2006
cute _
myou tenshi chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
that was so awesome! it was very sweet _
Daikaio chapter 1 . 11/18/2005
*Does a jig* Fluffy...
Lita Kitsune chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
*bounceing up and down* YEAH! I LOVED IT! can't discribe it. it is definetly going in my favorites! Ja Ne

Keep up the good work!
DaLizzie chapter 1 . 6/30/2005
I'm about to burst from the fluffiness of it all. *squeals* They're so cute together... Great fic, very sweet! _
Devil's Demon Bird chapter 1 . 4/11/2005
This was abolutely KAWAII! *Girls scream* It was a simple plot, but you two made it so special! _~ I loved the way you developed their feelings and actions *Snickers*... Arigatou! I would love to read another one like this! So cute! I think I just got a shuggar-rush symptom from this! Haha *Blushing* Anyway...LOVE it!_
InuGurlie89 chapter 1 . 12/31/2004
Cute story! *hands yami a new shirt* XD He might want that before they go back into town. Or... he could keep it off and let me take pictures of him! *looks excited*

Yami: O.O I'd rather not, thanks.

Inu: FINE! *scowls* Then put on your stupid shirt already!
SailorChibi chapter 1 . 12/17/2004
Whe! -squeals- YY/Y cuteness! That's always worth the time, no matter what. I loved the beginning of this, when they were pushing ice cubes down each other's shirts. That was great! _~ I liked this a lot.
Silvershadowfire chapter 1 . 12/15/2004
*giggle* That was just too kawaii!
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