Reviews for The Phantom of the Hospital
calianabergman chapter 25 . 3/18
Nice chapter
Guest chapter 25 . 3/18
Absolutely wonderful new chapter.

My life is currently all COVID-19, all the time, and to have this distraction is wonderful. Thank you so much.
Reader chapter 25 . 3/18
Thanks for tying this nice bow on things. Hope all is well and look forward to more of your work when you can squeeze it in.
harpomarx chapter 25 . 3/18
Perfect ending!
Feuerkindjana chapter 25 . 3/18
Thank you. I reallys enjoyed reading this story. Be well.
OldSFfan chapter 25 . 3/18
Excellent, on-target ending. I hope you are well and that you stay well.
SSS chapter 25 . 3/18
When is the next story?
GayleForce12 chapter 25 . 3/18
Thank you for this story and it ended hope for a good future. I enjoyed it! Hope things are going as well as they can with this Corona stuff happening.
MewWinx96 chapter 25 . 3/18
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this story and thank you so much for writing it! :)
dmarchl chapter 25 . 3/18
Thank you for writing this story. It was a joy to read!
KKBK2 chapter 25 . 3/18
Thank you for this very enjoyable story. The conclusion was just right. It has left us with an optimistic future and that is something we all need, not just now, but always.
Looking forward to your next stories.
MewWinx96 chapter 24 . 1/31
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for the next one! :)
Robin chapter 24 . 1/31
Oh-this was just pure gold. Nice little sting operation, and you used Tritter's megalomania perfectly. Of course he would want to pontificate about his superiority and brilliance, instead of just quickly doing away with his target. Nicely done.
harpomarx chapter 24 . 1/30
One word: Bravo! Great chapter!
OldSFfan chapter 24 . 1/30
Wow! Well played!
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