Reviews for Your Name
TaliSands chapter 11 . 7/1
I loved it, it was an endearing ending as well. you did an awesome job, but I rather prefered the changes you made over the movie, only because I'm a romantic at heart and this story, you work is really romantic. you did amazing, I hope to read more from you. hope you're safe and happy
dlshieldss chapter 11 . 10/28/2018
Ice Dragon Slayer Khathryn chapter 11 . 9/25/2018
OH MY GOD! That was SSSSSSOOOOOOOO good. That was absolutely fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I thought they had been switching bodies, from the beginning. It's the only thing that made sense. That. Was. AWESOME!
dorkygirl72 chapter 11 . 7/27/2018
That was amazing!
(Excuse me, I think I'm gonna cry, and I'll do that over here.)
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 11 . 6/23/2018
Me too, when I read the end of a fic I also feel both sad and happy. And I’d be totally up for a sequel of this story. Whenever you have time for it obviously. I really loved this. It was fun it was great. You kept all of them true to their characters I’m glad we got lil cameo’s of the other sins. I’m glad they found each other I’m glad they don’t have to fight anymore. For now.

Thank you so much for writing this!
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 10 . 6/23/2018
If only they could make Hendrickson’s head explode. At least this Hendrickson.

I feel like I have little worlds left, since I poured so many in the previous reviews and I know what will happen but I’m still cheering and I feel like AGHFKWODSJDUGJSCMJ!
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 9 . 6/23/2018
I remember how emotional I felt when I saw this scene in the movie and it still feels emotional. And I rememberer thinking, girl don’t just stand there and write down tour name quickly! XD

I was so frustrated hehehe.

No matter in what form it comes. Their parents are still dicks.
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 8 . 6/23/2018
... forget what I said... it’s unbelievable how he still can touch her boobs even in that situation... *shaking my head*

Ok this is irony. Hendrickson thinks Elizabeth is possessed by a goddess omg. I wonder how he’d react if he found out it was a demon. A hahahaha I’m laughing soooo much!

Also Baltra almost wet his undies for sure when Meliodas threatened him. XD Elizabeth would be horrified, but it would be funny!

Go and meet Elizabeth Meliodas! And get more stuff cleared up!
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 7 . 6/23/2018
Omg this! Ban thinks his captain has finally lost it! Hahaha. And that final scene of this chapter! You have a new chance Meliodas! You can try to beat that asshole’s ass! No boob rubbing time now!
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 6 . 6/23/2018
Wow, seems like Meliodas has completely forgotten to look for King, Gowther and the others. Pretty sure or hope they will appear. The harsh reality hit him like train but I’m so proud he didn’t snap.

I love how you still kept true to the original plot of the manga and mixed it with kimi no na movie. It’s really done beautifully.

Now Meliodas timemto get your brain messed up, remember everything and save your dear Elizabeth.
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 5 . 6/23/2018
Soo possessed Hendrickson/ Dreyfus are possibly responsible for what happened in Liones and it also is connected to the Ten Commandments. Eli, why did you cut your pretty hair. also don’t stay there, don’t listen to possessed Henry, run! Oh wait that day has already passed, she’s dead. Rip

Wait a second that bead that Meliodas got, that’s her earring! It traveled through time! Eep!
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 4 . 6/23/2018
Comet, so Elizabeth is from 3 years back. Damn, I just hope Meliodas won’t loose it again when he finds out. I find that Horn suspicious. While I know what to expect, there are things that are still a mystery.

A goddess that Meliodas has never heard of and probably doesn’t belong to any of the clans... I’m pretty sure Hendrickson is aware of what’s happening with Elizabeth, I wonder if he’s aware that the one she switches bodies with is a demon.

Wow Eli, what have you been thinking when you decided on that date? Meliodas asked you not to mess with his relationships, on the other hand he does keep fondling her boobs so I guess they’re even? Kek
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 3 . 6/23/2018
That title had like confused for a second hahaha. But they do have a weird form of ‘living together’ heheheehe.

Obviously Meliodas wasn’t able to stay away from her boobs and Elizabeth is gonna find out and still get pissed cuz her sister teases her about it. XD

Also what Princess skips a bath once a day. People will notice. Even though she doesn’t like it he’ll have to shower.

Those rules and the comments they make are sooo funny. And Ban and Merlin making fun of Meliodas, hahahaha! So when did Meliodas walk around on comando in Elizabeth’s body? That must be refreshing for him.
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 2 . 6/23/2018
Ban is totally thinking that Meliodas hit his head or maybe he drank something funny. XD

At least one thing won’t change between her and Meliodas and that’s their horrible cooking skills.

His chapter gave me such a good laugh with Elizabeth’s expressions, reactions and thoughts while Ban, Hawk and Merlin are like: he’s lost it.

Also it’s so hard reading a chapter when your sister asks questions every damn second about this fic. I keep telling her to read it. I’m answering any questions anymore.

Oh also the premise for Meliodas’ situation is interesting. He’s again looking for his missing comrades so they can beat the commandments this time. I’m pretty sure Meliodas lives in the past and Elizabeth in the present.
I just feel more and more excited with this.
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
Loool I watched your name with a friend of mine. I enjoyed it so much and now I get to read this! Omg! I cracked up at Elizabeth’s reactions. Meliodas touching Elizabeth’s body while using that said body is something I totally see him doing. XD

Now I do wonder which of the two is the past and which of the two is the present. Also that what Elizabeth said about I want to be a normal boy in my next live. XD too bad for her but Meliodas isn’t normal. I’m surpised she didn’t notice seven heart beats when she was checking her heart. Or was she panicking too much to notice?

I wanna binge read this sooo badly!
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