Reviews for The Pauli Exclusion Principle Disproval
Scarecrow94 chapter 1 . 8/3
hokie3457 chapter 1 . 1/31
This is outstanding! Not sure how I missed it! You captured the Hofstadter couple perfectly in their marriage! Respectful of each other. Still turned on to their mate. Loving, caring and fun! Looking forward to reading on! Thanks so much Marcel!
SRAM chapter 5 . 4/18/2019
Was a little concerned for Penny in the beginning of this chapter because she was taking the whole pregnancy thing so personal. However, it was really cute how Leonard let her know she was pregnant and how happy they were afterwards. Penny damcing around the next morning and already trying to learn to cook more so she could be a good mom was adorable, too. Of course their intense celebrations were extremely hot, take control Leonard satisfying all his wife’s needs even better than she imagined. Hate to see this story end but has been a fun ride and hope to read a sequel of Penny and Leonard going through her pregnancy, thanks for sharing this story with us.
123justafan chapter 5 . 4/16/2019
Loved the whole chapter. Dancing in the kitchen after finding out about the baby... ALL the way to sex in Sheldon's room. Discussing their "kids" was a treat. Very nicely done.
bfm10 chapter 5 . 4/16/2019
So glad to read another chapter of this, but sad to see it ending.
Damn, Sheldon's dream of what they'd do with his room wasn't too far off after all...
bamadude chapter 5 . 4/16/2019
Very nicely done! Penny being pregnant and both being happy about it as well. Thank you for this wonderful story. GREAT JOB!
SRAM chapter 4 . 2/14/2019
Penny seems to be having a lot of problems in the nerves department, even being at this beautiful hotel and having a good time seems to be not helping too much. Leonard probably is going to have to step up his game to relax her, we’re talking spa treatments, foot massages, Jennifer Aniston movies and since he can’t have sex maybe using his fore play skills to satisfy his wife. The bottom line is he needs to keep her mind occupied and not thinking about their problem by making the next week fun and distracting for her.
bfm10 chapter 4 . 2/14/2019
Yay! A new chapter! I had a smile in my face when I saw you posted. Such a great, full of love story. Yes, there are disappointments on the way but they will get there. I love reading these stories, more so because of the punches in the gut I got from the show writers, which made me decide to stop watching the show, at least for the time being. Info about 1217 broke me. I have no reason to watch the Shamy fairytale-Lenny tragedy, it just feels like a Shamy fanfic from someone who doesn't care for Lenny and doesn't know them well. Sorry, rant over.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/13/2019
Love it, as all your stories
123justafan chapter 4 . 2/13/2019
Went back and read from the beginning. Nor at all a problem. The build up to their vacation was a little tense, but when they got to their hotel, everything seemed to fall into place. Now they just need the sparks to fly and make sure they don't make too much of their special time.
toile grant chapter 4 . 2/13/2019
bamadude chapter 4 . 2/12/2019
As usual, another wonderful chapter. It's great to see Penny accepting of her situation. She seems to like the keep trying part of the process. As for the new story, I'm intrigued and can't wait to start reading it!
TBBT78 chapter 3 . 5/8/2018
Wow this was hot! Love the fact that Lenny are trying to get pregnant. Thanks for writing. Looking forward to reading more.
SRAM chapter 3 . 5/3/2018
That was a spicy chapter, I think it would be fun if you continued the story with Penny trying very hard to get pregnant. I could see her getting frustrated at everyone staying too long after a group dinner only to drag Leonard back into the bedroom for some very noisy baby making sex while everyone still sat in the living room in shock. Her showing up at his work only to lock his office door, hike her skirt and dropping her panties to expose her rear while telling him to go for it. I hope you continue this story and explore all the funny possibilities before she actually gets pregnant.
123justafan chapter 3 . 4/29/2018
Actually, loved the idea. Having Penny muse about all her negative tests in the past was a nice turn. Also loved Penny's thoughts in the beginning.
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