Reviews for Crazy Like a Snake
TroyWeb chapter 21 . 7/13
This is a very creative way to destroy the diary Horcrux.
lovehatepainjoy chapter 1 . 5/25
I adore your writing. The attention to detail to characters and developments. The way that you frame the characters in your favor. You a such a good auther. I found myself reading your responses to comment and other notes before the page. The way that you admitted to not even knowing how things would turn out of how things would go was brilliant an honest. The way that you distinguish Ginny from Ginerva was perfect and worked completely in your favor. It made the character change in a way that seemed natural and showed a girl who wish to see past what her family refused to. Her thirst for power for wealth was was handled so delicately that it took time to reflect back on to see how easily it could of shattered the flow of character forcing her to seem greedy and (some other nasty word i cant think of forgive me).
Lunas portal was by far my favroites while all your character could fight for the spot.
The way that she had subtle hints of emotions that you kept consisant throughout the story was glorious. And while you might plan on proceeding with prisoner of Azkaban if it ever comes to mind I will be all to happy to read it. I believe that you have laid the foundation nicely and if you plan to build on it it will something to look forward to.
It was truly a pleasure to read. One of those where the words fly by seemlessly.
slowest chapter 21 . 4/25
I love this so far! Great and thrilling tale.
The Jingo chapter 15 . 2/24

Fucking Bitsy kills me, lol
The Jingo chapter 11 . 2/24
Last chapter was legitimately powerful. It's so rare to see Draco beat Harry, and the way you wrote it was just magnificent.
The Jingo chapter 9 . 2/24
Bitsy is so cute
sweetkoala100 chapter 15 . 2/20
I love narcissa
Esmeralda Riddle chapter 5 . 2/4
The subject name is defense against dark Short D.A.D.A...
AraelDranoth chapter 21 . 2/3
More please. This is very good.
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 2/3
Excellent stuff. More please and tell me there will be romance. I'm a big sucker for that kind of stuff.
AraelDranoth chapter 1 . 2/3
I think... this could prove to absolutely brilliant.
Amanthya chapter 21 . 1/23
X'D Everything about this chapter was perfect, especially the ending loop Abraxus Malfoy's person threw us for and the loop his son threw *him* for.

This story, I swear, is what canon wanted to be, tried to be, and failed to be; seems JKR accidentally made the wrong 3/4 characters her Trio/Quartet (or is it wrong 3 1/2? Since Hermione counts as "right character" but is no longer a lead?)!

I think you have taken the characters' core characteristics, the HP-world's best elements, and most potent, potential-filled-plotholes and weaved them together wonderfully. I hope you *do* add to this, but even if you don't, it's been a fantastic ride of a tale, and thanks very much for posting it!
Ai102 chapter 21 . 11/29/2019
I have to say. I love your story. And can’t wait to read more.
Peiniger chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
Wow, it's been a while since I was excited for.. any story really, but you've managed to break my boredom.

Description is spot-on, funny, and just perfect. Same for the first chapter: Concise, a little mysterious, informative, and well written.

No clue how this story has so little favs/follows.

I'm excited to find out where this leads to. Keep it up.
JadedTroll chapter 21 . 8/22/2019
this deserves more favorites and follows meaning more reads, I've lost count on how many times I've reread this!
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