Reviews for Way Worn
Don't Patronize Me chapter 14 . 8/12/2005
Yay, Nice Sesshy! But now this one needs a sequel! What are you doing, trying to start a three part trilogy!
Mistress Mewa chapter 11 . 9/28/2004
WOW! This is a really good story! also you are right lain is a very counfusing anime. i watched all the epsodes and i'm still confused to._~
Aleash chapter 14 . 9/1/2004
Great ending! It was good as any romance/action/adventure movie you would see in a theater. It is the best and I like how you put two rows of asterticks to show lots of time had passed, instead of just a scene change. I just had to let you know. (i used just a lot didn't I? lol)
Werecat Rei chapter 14 . 8/14/2004
This is a good fic. in a few spots, i got lost. do a sequil.
Guaua chapter 14 . 7/15/2004

Bk I got it
Sashi chapter 14 . 1/17/2004
Wow. I've read both Way Worn and Wretched in the past 2 hours or so, and I have to say that this is an amazing storyline! You can't just leave it off at that cliffhanger! It's too great! Please, continue this story! I think it's wonderful and you don't need to change a thing. Your style of writing is so great, and I hope one day I reach your level! Keep up the good work!
Respectfully yours,
chibi-luv chapter 14 . 10/6/2003
YAY! they'r having a baby!yay!and u didn't kill off sesshomaru either! u have a knack 4 creating happy endings, ya know? i think u should write another one about sesshomaru finding his one true luv(me)_.n e way, great story, keep it up, and i was serius about sesshomaru.
chibi-luv chapter 1 . 10/5/2003
im hooked, that's all i have to say.

and now im off 2 read the next chapter.i hope u finished this._

Dormant-Angel chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
nice story..yeah i'm kinda late
ShadowHeart chapter 14 . 9/8/2003
That was a cute ending, but I think Sesshoumaru's change of heart was kind of anticlimactic; too easy of a solution. However, I'm very pleased with both stories. The only problem is that you forgot that a demon can't touch Tetsusaiga, and sesshoumaru had a dragon arm at the time.

P.S.-please read my stuff? And review of course.
sanomeh chapter 14 . 8/6/2003
_ great story*claps*

sorry i didnt review when you were writing it, i just found it. I never finshed the orginal until I found it in my favorites*sweatdrop*which was two days ago. I love the ending _ hehehehe Great job on the story over all, oh and i love how you took inuyasha captive XD hehehehe
Taijia Ayame chapter 14 . 8/5/2003
*falls over and twitches*

not to be rude...

But i would have thought that Dayu would have become full demon, Fought sesshomaru amazingly, not nessicaraly wining at every point. Sesshomaru would have healed her in the end. and at one point in the story, Dayu run into Koga's wolf tribe.


I really liked way worn and wreched.

Just personaly prefered a different ending. and inu having a kid wouldn't hurt...

If i was rude, sorry.
Wolfgirl chapter 14 . 7/27/2003
That was great! Is that the end. Because if it is you need to tell me so I don't keep coming back and not finding an update. Thanks.
OnsenSong chapter 14 . 7/16/2003
0.0 I didn't expect it to end that way! WOW! Sorry for not reviewing sooner! I finally got to the library and this was the first fic I checked out. Bye and I will check out the rest of your work. Promise. _

~Lady J-Sama
Pai1 chapter 14 . 7/14/2003
This fic was really awesome n.n;; Keep writing...or is this one not done? Dun matter, I really luff it! n.n;
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