Reviews for I Was Too Late
Blu chapter 1 . 1/30/2019
Nicely written! Nino is a good bro. For /both/ mari and adrien.

I like the love square but some it's fans are really... Like, marinette is her own person? She doesn't solely exist for making adrien "happy as he deserves". That'd a toxic mentality and these people should stay away from my daughter. Yikes.
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
YOU KILLED MY VERY SOUL! Just plain ripped it out my heart & tap danced on it! Nino good best brother ever, knowing Cat Noir & feeling hiss pain. Plagg should have had a speaking role. I could just feel him wanting to yell at Clumsinette for hurting hiss Kitten.

Father's as cuddly as cactus, warm as an iceberg NOT TO MENTION out to unknowingly harm his own son whom he treats as a possession, tool & employee more than a son! Mother's MIA now add to heartbreaking list the girl he realises he loves in everyway is damn buggy brainless. Moved on MOVED ON! Plagg claw her eyes out! Rip the stupid earrings off make her ears bleed! Cattastic Kitty Cat Noir has suffered enough, he shouldn't feel so much pain!

I cried while reading this. Plagg your Kitten shouldn't have to hurt so much, he never deserved any abuse he received ever! OH MY CHERRY BLOSSOMS WHY? That,,,, INSUFFERABLE IDIOTIC INSECT! Tikki how why did you let this happen?! Plagg's Kitten is suffering because of your Bug's stupidity! Playing in the background I hear 'Grenade' By: Bruno Mars plus 'Just A Dream' By: Nelly!
FicsFromAnAnbuNin chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
This was a sad fic. You did well at writing his emotions and Nino is a really good friend.
QueenJud chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
Please write another chapter where him and Marinette get together... I know some people ship Mari and Nath but I Adrienette
Mystic Storys chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
So sad and heartbreaking, I could feel his pain ... Really well written
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
That's pretty painful (in a good way). So very touching and Nino is a great friend. Keep writing