Reviews for First Impressions
Guest chapter 10 . 6/12
Resistance Inc and Starkiller and Co? But people are Force sensitive and there are actual Jedis and Sith? Should have stuck with cannon or made it a modern AU. It was confusing as hell to read this.
reylofan chapter 10 . 2/13
THANK YOU! It was funny and in-character and well-written and I burst out laughing several times! LOVED IT!
fireelfmaiden1 chapter 10 . 1/16
I loved reading this fan fic. well done.
Erisabeisuu chapter 1 . 12/7/2018
Oh, God. -facepalm- this is soooooooooo awkward...just gah. It's like I have to stop, cause I can't stand it and then Then! I want to know what happens! So I start reading again! Just... just what have done?!

and I mean that in the best possible way...I think...-thunks head on imaginary table-
sunshine.katz chapter 10 . 11/26/2018
Love, love, LOVE this! Poor Kylo, getting so jealous of his alter ego, and his parents, wholeheartedly approving of Rey and her ability to manage him. And the droids! Thank you for sharing!
Amathyst Star chapter 10 . 7/29/2018
This story is soooo FUNNY! I was laughing and laughing. Well done:).
Gustave Daae Y chapter 10 . 6/10/2018
How hilarious and sweet!
jaclynkaileigh chapter 10 . 4/22/2018
I loved that you had him in disguise at his own company and then had Rey and his alter become close! So fun and angst filled which I love. Thank you so much!
Chloeebeee chapter 10 . 3/30/2018
Omg im crying with laughter. And i love the droids! That episode of undercover boss was hilarous. Im so glad you decieded to expand on that with this fic!
Adawnsong103 chapter 10 . 3/11/2018
I absolutely loved this story! Thank you for writing it! The ending was perfect! Lol with tears!
maripaz6 chapter 10 . 3/6/2018
LOLOLOLOL those droids are just too much! i love them with all my heart. And then your nervous Kylo is to die for. "do you like the blonde me more?" XDXDXD So great! This is just the perfect ending. I can't wait to reread it again and again and recommend it to all of my friends. Thank you for so many (so many) laughs and chuckles. This is pure gold 3
nightreader10 chapter 7 . 3/4/2018
HAHAHA, I LOVE the Indiana Jones reference! That was awesome!
nightreader10 chapter 2 . 3/4/2018
Rey is a badass! I love that she has a strong moral code and that she is in no way afraid to stand up to Kylo!
nightreader10 chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
I caught that A113 reference;) I love it!
stopthinking.justwrite chapter 10 . 3/3/2018
I loved this! Cute and fun, but there were a few times I wanted to cry! if you ever entertain the idea of a side story, I think it would be hilarious for Rey and BB8 to run into Poe... just to find out that BB8 ran away from him on purpose because Poe was too annoying. Anyway, very awesome storyline. Thanks for sharing with us!
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