Reviews for Number Games
afanofstrangerthingsandstuff chapter 14 . 6/8
I just finished this, it's 3:06 am. I would write about how amazing it is, but I would probably screw it up with how tired I am. Thanks for writing.
afanofstrangerthingsandstuff chapter 6 . 6/7
I kind of wish Will had a full on psychic shield. He could be the only way they take down those hunter people.
afanofstrangerthingsandstuff chapter 1 . 6/6
I just finished No More and Something New, I was going to try to read at least one chapter, but it's 12:15 am and I was working all day. Gives me something to look foward to tomorrow I guess.
Cluelessandchaotic chapter 14 . 5/31
Oh my god I love everything about this!
Looking forward to you posting newer chapters
LeiaSolo2002 chapter 14 . 8/20/2019
Sooo first of all i love your story really i love it so i am really loooking forward to the new chapters i like the og charakter Liz really maybe she and Steve will get together haha
Nightspyder chapter 9 . 8/18/2019
I ran out of love with what Eleven asks
Nightspyder chapter 8 . 8/18/2019
You know how to write very well, good chapter
Didric chapter 14 . 8/1/2019
Loving the story (ies, they feel like the marvel universe, really good in their own right but alot 'more' when you see the links between the stories).
I'm really liking and enjoying reading this, and I'm not gonna lie: Your replication of Hopper's speech/note in chap. 14 actually made me cry (I really like him in ST 3 and his note was really touching in the show). Thank you and I hope I'll read more of this soon ;-)
q chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
Jon chapter 10 . 7/10/2019
I'm sorry but I thought I could give you some constructive criticism. I like how you handled Eleven's reaction to Hopper's betrayal, but I thought you were being a little too heartless to Hopper and not showing his side at all. He didn't betray Eleven because he was an evil person after all, and I think you handled the conflict between Hopper and El's relationship with Mike poorly. You act like his only reason for being the way he is towards Mike is because he's a protective dad, but I think Eleven and Liz getting to know a bit of Hopper's side would be nice. After all, Liz (having read both Hopper's and El's minds) acts like he couldn't even begin to understand El's feelings towards Mike, even though he suffered through losing Sara, which is the equivalent of Eleven watching Mike die as she was helpless to do anything about it! I'm just saying, if you ask me, Hopper's past, at least when it comes to those he loves, is definitely worse than El's. I'm not asking you to agree with me but I think the story could do with a more little nuance and a little less one-sidedness, you know? :)
disneyprincess315 chapter 13 . 7/9/2019
Oh snap, I have a soft spot for stories that mentally connect Mike and El, I’m excited to see where you take this!
And I have a lot of thoughts on Season Three as well, hit me up if you wanna talk!
disneyprincess315 chapter 11 . 5/30/2019
Welcome back, I’ve missed you!
It’s cool to see how well Liz has integrated into the Party at this point...I know it wasn’t easy for them to accept her but she fits right in!
And ack, it always hurts my heart to see Mike in pain, but I’m glad El and his friends were there for him, he needs their support, especially since Ted...kind of sucks.
So pumped read more! I admire your dedication to this story, it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Stella chapter 9 . 3/27/2019
OK, WTF?! I mean, El doesn’t know any better! But Mike does! He should have been the mature one. He should have said no, it kind of sounded like El thought he would say no! Let’s be realistic for a second. What does Mike have to gain from this? Answer: nothing really. But what does he have to loose? Answer: his life, any inch of respect Hopper had for him, El, HIS LIFE!
I really like reading this, I’m just a bit mad at Mike right now. Let me have this.
onethirdparty chapter 10 . 3/21/2019
Your writing is excellant and the plot development is superb. I thoroughly enjoy this story and firmly believe that your work deserves far more recognition by this fanfic section. More people should leave reviews, including me, to show the authors how much they enjoy their work. Keep writing, this shit is mad good.
Hollow Lives chapter 9 . 10/17/2018
Loved the story! Can't wait to see what happens next.
I totally lost it when she causally asked Mike to get her pregnant... I truly did not see that coming.

Your writing and writing style are also fantastic, it makes the story flow very well and I unfortunately finished the 9 chapters far too quickly for my liking. Great job on the story, hope to read more in the future!
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