Reviews for Love in the Time of Tomorrow
EeveeGirl23 chapter 26 . 3/9
I’m crying so hard! This whole series was beautiful! It was everything I wanted in a Ash and Serena fanfic! I’m so sad it’s over and scared I won’t find other story like this! Great job! I can’t think right now! Ugh such a amazing story!️️️
Trick Sterling chapter 26 . 12/29/2019
God, this is such good writing
The Commentator chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
Is Ash gonna be in the story or what?
FlygonNick chapter 26 . 7/11/2019
Hmm...So we've hit the end.

All in all, this was a worthy finale to the entire saga. An excellent read that tied up all of the loose strings and ended on a high said, I do think it was the weakest out of the 7 books. After all, it's hard to keep one-upping yourself time and time again.

I'll start with negatives. The way this story was being billed, it really was like pulling the rug over us when you swapped Giovanni out as the main baddie and replaced it with Deidre. While she made for a more interesting villain, I felt it was honestly a bit of a let-down. I was kinda looking forward to seeing the darkest side of Team Rocket, and Giovanni getting all of this power and using the might of Team Rocket against the world is honestly a bit more interesting to me than some new group I've never heard of doing that same thing. Because I've kinda seen that three times now (not including the Aether Foundation). Also, while I understand that it's just a way of upping the stakes and making battles more intense, I will say that at some point, Mega Evolution stops being special when just about every major villain can do it. I think I've got two villains in my entire story that use Mega Evolution, and one of them is the central villain to the first half of the story. There's 8 that I can remember spread across 7 characters in this story.

That being said, high points. Ash and co. being awesome, that's always a plus. The humor was on point as always, and the battles were intense and generally high quality all around. The members of IDEAL were all interesting and unique, and the set-up with them being major threats was well-done. I would have liked more backstory on them individually, just because I wanted to know more about them, but they were still interesting enough with what we were given. The ending to the story was an icing on the cake moment, since thing's ultimately ended up working out and the world is facing a better future with its head held high. (In particular, Guzma becoming a Kahuna after everything he had been through and crying tears of joy from it. That made me pretty happy to see.)

And I liked that motif running throughout the story, and it worked well into making the fic feel final. The plot was really good and the end result was a generally fantastic story.

The shipping in this story was probably my second favorite thing. You've managed to either make a pairing or have a pairing last to the end of the story and I'll admit to being very happy about that. Highlights include Serena and Ash being a full-developed and powerful couple (with a baby!) and surprisingly, Aria and Brock. Like, I'm happy that finally came to be something! Lillie and Hau was awesome, because they're such lovable dorks and they're amazing. Miette and Sawyer, Clemont and Korrina and even Max and Bonnie. I actually really enjoyed their interactions together! Bonnie's such a lovable character and to see her have a perpetual victim like Max was absolutely hilarious every time they interacted. biggest compliment. Team Rocket. Team fucking Rocket. The TRio...You've somehow made them the highlight of each story, and I honestly don't understand how you made me appreciate their characters more with each appearance. They're hilarious, they're awesome, and they make the best entrances into the story to save the day EVERY SINGLE TIME it makes me laugh out loud and grin because I know the next scene is gonna be awesome. Them quitting Team Rocket and sticking to their morals over their job was probably the high point of the story for me, just because I love how they've grown throughout the story and where they eventually came to be. I cannot express how much I adored them in this story, and I can confidently say no story will ever be able to top this one's version of the TRio in my eyes.

That's about it. Thanks for creating such a well-thought out universe of intrigue and awesome. I'm gonna get back to my own stuff, but I'd like to say this is definitely a series that made me appreciate a lot of the older characters more, while confirming to me that Serena/Ash is the best ship in the series.

Take care and stay awesome.

Xuan Ying chapter 26 . 5/25/2019
I loved this journey through all your books, one-shots, and even your blog. Ancienverse was a long and epic journey that I loved every second of.

You are hands-down, one of the best authors on the site, and this was a exhilarating experience all the way through. I have no idea how you planned the entire series, let alone wrote it all in 2 years, but I have to thank you for this experience.

I thought the Kalos trilogy was great, especially since it involves completely original events that seem to slot in perfectly with the anime timeline. Then I read the Alola trilogy, and boy I was blown away. Despite being a retelling of the story most of us have played through twice (SM and USUM), you kept me hooked with both minor and major tweaks to the status quo.

People tend to hate on adding OCs, but I loved your additions to the mix, and loved that I despised some of them as well (Keoni was so well done).

Both trilogies felt like good ending points, but Love in the Time of Matrimony and Tomorrow were some of the best stories I've ever read on . The best thing is, the previous stories all felt like they were building up to this, and at the very end, I can't help but feel that all is well with the world.

Personally, my favourite parts of your sprawling universe were the one-shots. You do action so well i the main fics, with battles often spanning multiple chapters, but I loved the short respites between books, often with extra doses of humour thrown into the mix.

Thank you for writing this, and I hope you'll come back with an update to this story (which I'll follow despite being completed), not as a continuation of the Ancienverse, but just to tell us where we can find your new original works!

You are an amazing author, and I'd love to see where the future takes you.
Dare to be silly indeed!
rwilson15 chapter 6 . 3/27/2019
I ship Max x Bonnie!
DarkHero12 chapter 26 . 5/21/2018
So, I'm slightly late for reviewing this chapter (like 2 months 22 days late). But after putting it off for long enough, I'm finally ready to say goodbye to the Ancienverse (at least, until I come back to reread it)

Where to start? I guess I should start back at Matrimony, the first of your stories that I read. When I found it I was just searching around on FanFic for something good to read. Love in a Time of Matrimony just so happened to be at the top of the list. At the time, I figured it was just going to be a three-shot that wasn’t connected to anything else, but then I started noticing there were things that I hadn’t seen in the anime. At first I just thought it was because I hadn’t really watch the Sun and Moon anime to the latest episodes for a while, since it was mainly characters from Sun and Moon that I noticed at first. But… there was more to it than that. There was this one part where Serena was reminiscing about seeing Ash at both his best, and his worst (I can’t remember exactly where though). She remembered seeing him ecstatic when he won the Alola League, which I knew that the anime hadn’t gotten to yet (it still hasn’t), and seeing him devastated over his father’s death, and there was only one mention of Ash’s father in the ENTIRE show, and it was nothing to do with his death. So that kind of tipped me off that there was more to the story than the wedding. Yeah, I got the two biggest moments (outside of Tomorrow) spoiled for me in this fic, though I enjoyed it all anyways. These three chapters had so much, humor, romance, detail that I could only dream of writing, no one was OoC. It was just amazing.

After reading through Love in a Time of Matrimony (and loving it) I looked through your profile page and saw that you had a TON of other stories before that. So I went back to the beginning and read Love in a Time of Teamwork. While it wasn’t as great as the rest of the series, it was still better than about of the stuff you find on FanFic and still better than where I’m at right now. You introduced all your characters amazingly well. From Zinnia (though she isn’t an OC) who has that same aura of mystery that made all of your villains amazing, to Seamus who was at first probably the most hated character in the Ancienverse, to being one of the most loved of your OC’s, to Travis, who definitely was the most hated once Seamus got his redemption arc (and probably before that too). You reintroduced older characters (such as Brock and Gary) really well too. I just couldn’t get enough of it. Zinnia was just an amazing villain (huh, it’s strange; all your best OC’s were villains). She was mysterious, powerful, and had an amazing backstory.

Then there were a few one-shot to read through. They were all funny and cute and made me want to read even more of your works.

Next was Love in a Time of Turbulence, where the plot really got a kick start. It was much darker than Teamwork (though it was nothing compared to what was to come), but it still held that special charm that put the Ancienverse on top. We get a ton more backstory for your OC’s making us love Seamus and the rest of Team Nova more, while making us hate Travis more. Another great villain made their appearance here in the form of Dalton. Another mysterious villain with another amazing backstory (seriously, your villains were one of the best parts of the Ancienverse).

Another set of one-shots followed Turbulence. Everything about them was great and made me excited for more.

Love in a Time of Tribulations was where things started to get really dark (the only parts of the Ancienverse were Tomorrow and possibly Tenacity). Right from the get-go we get to see both ARC and DARC. While both of these groups were still mysterious, they had some of the most easy to solve mysteries in the Ancienverse, like Jack was Ash’s father (I actually figured it out because of him being called Red by the members of ARC and his real name being Jack, both of which were default names, along with Ash, for the avatar in Pokémon Red). Once Pol was revealed to be Paul’s alternate version, Reeree being Serena’s alternate self was obvious. And I guessed Clime being Clemont’s mirror self too. But this was still an amazing story that still had plenty of mysteries (particularly surrounding Michael). And then there were the emotions in this story. Reeree’s and Jack’s deaths are two of the most emotional moments in the Ancienverse. Those two moments (and Rocky’s death in Tomorrow) were when I was hit in the feels the hardest. And then there was Travis… Oh boy Travis… You somehow made the most hated character in the entirety of Ancienverse (I don’t even think Keoni stands to comparison) and somehow gave him a good ending. Him sacrificing himself for Seamus was just moving. Michael, what can I say about him that hasn’t already been said to death? He was responsible for almost all the major that happened in the Ancienverse (and in the canon anime too). He had the second most amount of mystery out of all your characters (second only to Deirdre). And then there’s his counterpart Y, who I could just go on and on about (well I could really do that with any of the characters, but you know what I mean). And what kind of finale would this be (even though it wasn’t the finally) without a huge final battle with every (living) character in the series. We even got to see the legendary Bruce and Trent again (lol)! Once again you wrote an amazing story.

Once again we have a set of one-shots in between two big parts of the story. Thirds, Thrills and Temperatures and Striving for a Smile were both cute and funny like the other one-shots of the Ancienverse, but Nova really just stuck out. It was different. Instead of the happy funny moments between our favorite characters, we got a very moving moment between Ash and Seamus as they remember the battles they fought and the tolls it took on them. You did the impossible once again and made me love this series even more.

Love in a Time of Tropics was a great start to the Alola trilogy. It introduced all the new OC’s in a perfect way; we got a bit of a break from the doom and gloom feeling that was in the majority of Tribulations and Turbulence. While it does have some of it (it would be an Ancienverse book without it), it is much lighter than the previous two. While Ash had the Island Trials to replace the standard Gym Battles, there wasn’t anything in Sun and Moon to replace Pokémon Performances for Serena, and you dealt with this problem in an amazing way, introducing us to the Leilani Ceremonies, which had everything great about Performances with unique ideas. With the death of Travis we needed someone else in this story to hate (in a good way), and you delivered once again with Keoni (though he was never hated as much as Travis was). The Alola trilogy had a much smoother flow than the Kalos trilogy did, but that was probably because the only major time skip in the Alola trilogy was in-between Trials and Tenacity.

Speaking of, Love in a Time of Trials brought us right back into the normal feel your stories tend to have (once again, in a good way). Both Ash and Serena are beginning to doubt themselves (though this started in Tropics) and each other. The big fight between the two (which, in my opinion, was inevitable. There was no way you weren’t going to have a fight between them). The rivalry between Clemont and Plumeria was amazing. A lot of crazy things happened in this story (the one issue with the Alola trilogy having such a good flow from one book to the next, is that I’m having trouble remembering which book certain events happened in :P) and you left us craving for more at the end.

Love in a Time of Tenacity, the finale to the Alola trilogy. Ash and Serena were able to finally make it past there doubt and get back on track. Ash Finally won a Pokémon League on his 7th try. Serena won the title of Ali’i ka Leilani and we got to see a great double battle between Ash and Serena vs. Kukui and Akela. But, of course, the joy didn’t last too long since the final battle of the Alola trilogy began shortly afterwards. Considering that you used mainly the Sun and Moon plot as the plot for the Alola trilogy, you really gave it that Epicocity vibe that your stories all have (at least the ones I’ve read).

A handful more one-shots gave us a brief respite before the finale. All of which were, again, cute and funny.

A Road to Tomorrow was the beginning of the end for Ancienverse. You hinted crazily at Serena being pregnant in all three chapters (though, knowing you, it could have been anything). You gave us a brief look at what the plot of Tomorrow would be about, leaving us all speculating and impatient for the unavoidable end.

And at last, Love in a Time of Tomorrow. Here we are again, the ending (for real this time). After coming so far, having it end here is both heartbreaking, and appropriate. The death toll (see what I did there, or rather what you did) was higher in this one book than all the others combined, and honestly, I’m both relieved and surprised that it isn’t higher. This story was so tense that the chapter where we saw the ruins of a destroyed Team Rocket base was a respite compared to the previous chapters. Deirdre and IDEAL were even more mysterious than Michael. So many things surprised me this story. Like Matori working for Deirdre and betraying Giovanni in the end. Emotions ran rampant in this story too with all the deaths and backstory. And it all came full circle when the final battle took place in Ancien City, where it all began.

I could say so many other things about the Ancienverse, but this review is already almost 2,000 words long and I could go on for another 10,000 and still not do it justice. So this is where I say goodbye.

Goodbye Ancienverse!

And Goodbye Epicocity, keep on being silly, wherever life takes you next. (Now excuse me while I go cry in a corner)
Ander Arias chapter 26 . 5/14/2018
Okay, this will be a review of the entire series. I started reading this because a mutual friend (Viroro-kun) recommended it to me. And while I'll admit that the experience has been somewhat of a mixed bag, it has been mostly positive. Let's start:

Teamwork and Turbulence were kind of meh. Now, they were very well written, had interesting plots, and you made good use of the Pokemon existing lore in a rather imaginative way. Now, if I'm giving you all this praise, why did they were a subpar experience? In one word, OCs. Not that I hate OCs on principle, but I'm rather apprehensive of them. And Teamwork and Turbulence, especially the later. These two stories not only have way more OCs to my liking, but said OCs are introduced all at once, plus they also get quite a lot of focus.

Now, Viroro-kun already told me that the reason for this is that you wrote this when XY was still airing, and you didn't want to mess with canon too much, hence the focus on the OCs. Not that I like it, but I understand it.

Now, things started to get much better from Tribulations onwards. Not only because the OCs get much less screentime (since most of them already got their arcs completed by Turbulence), but because the plot of character fighting their evil doubles from an alternate world is something I love to death. My favorite DC movie is Crisis on Two Earths, so that should tell you something. Anyway, this story made for a far better enjoyable read. I really Michael, and most importantly, how you handled him. A bad writer would have him be Lysandre's secret boss, but the way he influenced the events from behind the curtains made him a threat without upstaging the canon villains (I absolutely hate the "twist" of Beerus being the one who ordered Freeza to blow up planet Vegeta).

After that, comes what in my opinion is the best part of the Ancienverse as a whole: the Alola Trilogy. And this comes from somebody who has almost no knowledge of Gen VII outside of memes involving Lillie and Nebby.

I loved the Alolan Trilogy to death. My guess is that unlike the Kalos Trilogy, it's structured like a more traditional Journey Fic (which I really like), with Ash and co. catching new Pokemon, Ash fighting gym leaders (well, Trial Captains, but the concept is the same), and so on. Even if I needed quite several trips to Bulbapedia to know what was going on half the time, it was a good way to get introduced to Alola. I also loved how you followed XY's example and had all of Ash's mons fully evolve. I HATE with a fiery passion when a mon never evolves, or even worse, refuses to evolve (Pikachu gets a pass).

The OCs here were far fewer, and introduced in a more orderly fashion, which in turn were much easier to read and follow. I adored Maka. Not only she was extremely fun and likeable, but her character was very original as well.

One detail I ended up loving a lot was Greninja's infamous Healing Shuriken being an incomplete Z-move. It's stuff like that that separates the truly good and creative writers from the bad ones. And of course, loved to see Ash FINALLY winning a league.

That leaves the finale of the Ancienverse, Tomorrow. It's in a weird spot, above the Kalos Trilogy, but sadly below the Alola one. It had a very wonky first part (mostly due Ash vanishing), but thankfully the second half was much better once Ash returned. The twist of the Team Rocket not being the real villains was rather well done, as so was Deidre's true appearance and state.

Also, I think Serena's pregnancy could have been announced a bit sooner. That would add a little more tension to the parts with her.

Anyway, despite the uneven ride, it was quite worth the read. I must also commend you for writing so many long stories, oneshots included, in a little below two years. I don't think there is any writer who can write that much in such a short amount of time.

Good work, and I wish you luck in your future projects, writing or otherwise.
SinVallie chapter 20 . 3/4/2018
Hey so i just wanted to say something before you left this site alone forever. I want to thank you for keeping my interest in pokemon. I will be honest, i almost stopped touching the series when XYZ ended, but your fanfics revitalized that love for them. And i think that all of ancienverse, is a perfect example of a proper fanfiction. An alternate story, by fans for fans. So if it wasnt for you, i might have quit my childhood series, amd never learned not to say stupid and unnesecary shit in reviews. Thanks alot.
Guest chapter 26 . 3/2/2018
... I honestly don't know what to say...It was awesome epic! These last 2 years, waiting for the next chapter, reading it and waiting again. I think I kinda got addicted to that cycle which seemed endless at a time. Now that its over things just feel weird. Although it is awesome knowing I have been with ya and the Ancienverse from the beginning to the end, even if I never really reviewed that much.

Loved the way you wrote this chapter. A fitting end. And 4th last para where you used all THOSE words was really cool. I miss ya already epicocity. But all I can do now is wish you the very best.

Captain Luky Greace chapter 26 . 2/28/2018
*attention this review content many english mistake but you know me*

Hum, how I can say it... Yeah I take my time, because I doesn't know what to say... Simply. Because I doesn't know what to really say about it, yeah, now it's seems it's the ending you wanted, well but it's great after all, on this last chapter we have finally the future we can all imagine, Serena and Satoshi always together, making a new family, all the other doing now their owns life. It's better.

For saying the truth, I wasn't into it like the other fics... The Alola trilogy was the most perfect for me of course so for me, the best was there. I found the Tomorrow story too much close like the Kalos Trilogy, a mixing with Turbulence and Tribulation, there was some great moments: Eurika and her warrior moment, Serena and Hikari infiltration, Satoshi saving Serena, and even if I acted stoic, I liked Merry's death (how it was written of course, not I enjoyed the death like "LOL SHE IS DEAD LET'S MAKE A PARTY") and the end, Serena's revelation. It was the good moment.

I (or we) had some really good adventures with your AU, mystery, full love and family, never forget the best character developped who is Serena of course (I still continue to say she is the best character written in your story) after I guess you know what I said about it (of course, we did a vocal about it).

I guess one day (I said one day, don't ask me everyday if I said it) I will do a really full review about your AU of course. I always thought all my reviews aren't complete, that's why.

See ya in Discord
StacheKing chapter 26 . 2/27/2018
Fittingly I chose to listen to the song Rainbow by Sia, while doing this review. Before I get into the actual reviews, one for this chapter and one for the series, I want to say, as someone who was contemplating retirement from this site two years ago myself, you inspired me to not only drop that thought, but to renew my spirit as a reviewer on this site. So from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to say, I love you man. And thank you for being yourself.

As for this chapter, you tied most everything up in a believable way, yet left it open to people that wanted to fill any gaps. Everyone got a resolution that would work towards the future and it was something that worked for everyone. *Looks at Iris and Cilan* EVERYONE. Ash not becoming Champion was something I saw a mile away, yet I didn't think you would pick Malva and have Alain replace her Elite Four spot. Good twist on that and having Ash become a League Ambassador was a nice call. The moment with Serena revealing her pregnancy, I'll be honest, this was the weakest moment of the chapter, not because of the moment itself, but because I felt it could have happened earlier and it would have made the stakes that much higher and the action more pulse pounding because of it. It was still great, but it could have been better at an earlier time.

Now for this series, this is just a solid read if your familiar with the anime, want some serious action in a fanfic, or if you don't care so much about Amourshipping as you do about character development. However, for someone who is a diehard fan of all three forementioned topics like me. *squeal which turns into fangasm* Holy crap, these stories were amazing. It felt like I was interacting with every character on a personal level and the OC's created were so flipping good. Team Brutal\Nova, never did I feel a more competent team was put in that would make me feel so many emotions as these guys did Where can I get 50 copies of this, I'll pay for every cent. And the music selections, Epic my man, you made every single song resonate with the scene it was used for. RRFTP from Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan, gosh it was awesome hearing this again and it blew my request out of the water. The Alola trilogy, I loved how you stayed close to the games yet made it your own, especially with the Leilani Ceremony, where it felt like I was watching poetry in motion. You made Ash, Serena, and Clemont question themselves, and their goals. You actually did it. I wondered what'd happen if this was the case and you answered it you actually *bleeping* answered it. Yeah I ran into some filler moments where it felt like nothing got done, but rarely did it affect my desire to read this and maybe that too is a nod to the anime.

The Ancienverse is an example of how to properly use source material and make it your own and to any budding Pokémon fanfic you need to take notes, learn from this masterpiece, show the next generation where the talent is, and it will lead to incredible stories like this. Anyways, to Epicocity I wish you the best my man, I hope you seriously consider novelizing this, and to everyone else read all the Ancienverse stories, you will not be sorry you did. *outro to Sia's Rainbow*
Guest chapter 26 . 2/27/2018
What next?
The Aura Gardian chapter 26 . 2/26/2018
Such a beautiful ending. Everything has been tied up, actions set into motion. Everyone's embarking on a new journey, one where hopefully no one will be eager to blow up the world. Its sad to see this end, but I couldn't be more happy with how it did.

Good bye Ash, Serena and baby Ketchum. Farewell Bonnie, Clemont and Korrina. See you later Lillie, Hau, and Gladion. Till we meet again Seamus, Bethany, Christopher, and Thea.

And good bye Epicocity, and thank you for this masterpiece.

As the great Dr. Seuss said, "Don't cry because its over. Smile because it happened."
Guest chapter 26 . 2/26/2018
well i must say this is a very incredible amourshipping fanfic dude. well done! i hope we all get to see serena and ash meet again and get married together as a couple in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. we all will remain amourshippers and we all will continue to support amourshipping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
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