Reviews for The Road Less Traveled: A Brave AU Story
Dwarrior chapter 2 . 8/28/2018
Brilliant, I cannot wait to see where this story goes from here... Keep up the Awesomeness...
TheyTookMyUsername chapter 2 . 3/20/2018
chapter three. chapter three.
Smeep chapter 2 . 2/15/2018
No no NO! It cant finish there, i need more! Please update soon, i swear i will sponsor you to keep writing
Aggressively Hospitable chapter 2 . 1/28/2018
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Let me guess the accident was a car accident with Shae and either his wife and or fiance who dies in the crash and Shae took that HARD.
But I love how Shae is still love at first sight even when he saw Merida at her worst. I love dodger! And YES KENNA AND NESSA FOR THE WIN. I was hoping they would be in this too. And Shae is just a big soft teddy bear, you just want to hug him. (and then do the things ;) ;)) can't wait to read the next chapter this is amazing.
AngelPie2015 chapter 2 . 1/11/2018
Yes! I love merguffian, thank you!
Starkiller chapter 2 . 1/8/2018
JKASDSAKJFBKSJFB KISS GODDAMNIT! MAKE OUT! Aghhh the tension at the end of this chapter! *cries for decades* Oh this is so so good, I love it! The characters, the detail, the AU setting, the banter between Merida and MacGuffin, Colin being a sneaky, cocky wee so 'n so (btw, this line: "If she absconds with anything related to the MacGuffin family, I'd say it'll be a new last name..." Pure gold). Oh man, I just want a thousand chapters of this fic, full of Merida and Shae snuggled together on a saggy old couch infront of a log fire with Dodger slumped across them, just being utterly adorable. Also, also! Ness and Kenna - they're in my fic too and weirdly I named one Nessa as well (the shorter blonde girl). Have you heard the tale of the Cailleach and her servant, Nessa? It's one of the origin myths behind Loch Ness. :D Anyways I digress, I cannot wait for the next instalment. Trust me, I will be pestering you until you update.
Starkiller chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
Reviewing here too because you deserve all the reviews damnit! AUs are my crack, can't get enough of them, and this one is already so good. MacGuffin as a mechanic, just... *swoons*
Shahrezad1 chapter 2 . 1/5/2018
I enjoyed this so much! :D Eeeeeeee!

It was like seeing my favorite cast of characters in a play where all the relationships stayed the same, but with more humor and less danger. XD Okay, so I basically described the term for what an “alternate universe” is, but you get the idea. XD

I mean Kenna and Nessa and ESPECIALLY the relationship of Nessa and Colin. I can’t wait to see how that pans out, and I REALLY hope that there’s a similar dynamic between them to that of your other story. ;-) Much love.

Also, delightful details and descriptions! :D Shae and Merida’s awkward flirting was the most adorable thing I’ve read in a long time, ESPECIALLY when he takes her hand and doesn’t let go. AND the kiss trope. It was nicely turned on it’s head by Merida “nope”-ing Shae there, but we’ve got some great foreshadowing in his “yet” comment. -laughs-

I enjoyed this to bits, and Kenneth’s matchmaking mind (plus Colin’s comment about taking Shae’s name And his firstborn) were particularly funny and brilliant.

I loved it all, I really did. Just, all the things. -waves her hand expressively over the entirety of the story- You’re amazing. :)
Shahrezad1 chapter 1 . 12/25/2017
YAAAAAY! :D I have been waiting for this ever since you mentioned your idea to start a story set in the present. :D And both the summary and the chapter itself leave me curious about what's going to happen between the new instructor and the notorious bachelor (talk about a curiosity-inducing set of descriptions. ;) ). What mysteries await, I wonder? But you've always been fantastic with slow-burn stories, so I suppose that I'll just have to settle in, right and tight, and wait it out while getting little tender morsels of romance and information. XD

As for this chapter, itself, I liked the setup and how Merida's arrival in the town is 100% plausible, as is Shae's gentlemanly act of helping out. :) The idea of having Disney character cameos right and left is an idea that I back completely, as is the first example of it in the form of Dodger. Also their sometimes subtle, sometimes awkward attempts at flirting with one another made me smile. Cheers! And Merry Christmas!
kiyokoyotsuki316 chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
I love this so much! It really sets it up for a nice well paced story! I hope you continue it soon!