Reviews for By Moonlight
Drawingdisaster chapter 7 . 7/7
Heartwarming and awesome story, it made me smile a lot. Thank you.
Jak209 chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
Soooo cuuuuuute. Skypuppies
Alkeniw Andilite chapter 7 . 12/28/2017
Oh they're adorable! Dragon puppies, I love em! However, there seems to be another chapter coming, unless you're just leaving it incomplete until you fix the formatting issue. I hope it's the former.

Please hurry with your stories!
Conna McCanna chapter 7 . 12/28/2017
interesting story. and I imagine magic is why the Monochrome and Elderburn pairings had children in the first place? I'm curious .do more in this world.
merendinoemiliano chapter 7 . 12/28/2017
Very good and cute chapter, i loved the hatchlings, even if i don't understand how they could even be conceived(magic?) and dragon!Raven doesn't thrill me so much. I hope you will continue soon the rest of your story, best of luck and good year.
Conna McCanna chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
I like this, well done and heartfelt. a few little bumps and hiccups, but all in all, well done. when Yang-dragon is speaking, you just need to make sure your being consistent in how its conveyed. I look forward ending.
LastOrder chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
That moment when you reviewed on the last chapter begging the author to have an epilogue of the sorts, and then after you press "post review", lo and behold, there's actually another chapter.

*crickets chirping* Awkward. . . . .

Anyways, after Yang said, "The only Princess for this Dragon.", I suddenly remembered that 2 Freezerburn fics namely "The Dragon Priestess by: MakaS0ul" and "The Princess and the Dragon by: Dinas Emrys". Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! haha Smooth Yang, smooth.

Once again, THANK YOU for the additional chapter! It was as good as ever. Makes me literally late for work this morning.

PS: I hope there's a sequel for this fic though. I mean, this had a very high potential for sequels. We only had Winter's bg story in this fic. There's still lotsa Yangs for if you ever decide to make a sequel.

PPS: Oh and Happy Advance New Year!
Milthren chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
This has been a really good story, loved the plot and the changes!
merendinoemiliano chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
Very good chapter, i like Yang as a weredragon,but i hope here Ruby and her would be cousins and thath Qrow and Summer would make an appeareance .Well, it doesn't matter.I hope you bad a good Christmas, keep up the good work and see you later.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
Really liked this story, Elderburn is underrated I'm glad that good fics like these are out there, can't wait to see the conclusion!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/27/2017
I love it! I can't believe there's still Elderburn I haven't read. This is so awesome! You're a great story writer. Man I dunno else what to say but just to praise this story from Remnant to the broken moon and back!

But seriously please don't let that be the end. A little epilogue can't kill this awesome fic. I wanna read Yang playing with other wolves and Winter being jealous and territorial. That'll be so cute to read.

Anyways, thank you very much! You did the best job! God bless!

PS: I sleep late last night and woke up late this morning because of this fic. Man I'm so gonna be late on my job... Worth it~
Alkeniw Andilite chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
Yes! They're together again! I love it!
I wonder what the last chapter is, however... Hmm.

Please hurry with your stories!
FeugoFox42 chapter 5 . 12/27/2017
"I beg your pardon?"
"Evil old woman, considered frightful or ugly. It’s twelve down."]

I couldn't help but think of Hot Fuzz on that 'hag' line. Fantastic chapter in a brilliant story
Alkeniw Andilite chapter 5 . 12/26/2017
Come on, there has to be an epilogue where they get together, right? I know this isn't the end!

Please hurry with your stories!
merendinoemiliano chapter 5 . 12/26/2017
Very good chapter, i can't wait to see nexts.
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