Reviews for Phoenix Rising
LoneButterfly05 chapter 100 . 7/24
Will Elijah and Rose end up together or will this all end up Like the show with him having no memories and her dying like haley did? I'm hoping for her and Elijah.
FreakingLEM chapter 99 . 7/8
Somehow, I wish Rosanna and Elijah had kids of their own. But the story was sooooo amazing! Is it completed or still on going?
LoneButterfly05 chapter 99 . 7/1
I do love this only problem is that it follows so close to the show that it's almost it's the show with just 1 new person in the mix...will she ever become the Phoenix again and will the end in ng finally be elijah and rosie's or is he go in ng to end up dead like in n the show?
LoneButterfly05 chapter 97 . 2/3
Ahhhhh man, I was hoping it would not come to this...I really hated Marcel during this, he basically used Divanas death to do what he wanted, Please dont let this end like the Originals did..the whole point of FF is to change things after all.
Guest chapter 90 . 1/11
Oh no, Ro and Damon's friendship is over
Guest chapter 87 . 11/29/2019
Rosanna and Enzo?!
1NC0RR3CT chapter 1 . 11/18/2019
It’s really nice to have a character who does the sports I do. It’s like someone I can relate to!
Adela chapter 83 . 10/24/2019
Love the chapter its great
Guest chapter 80 . 10/18/2019
I like the changes you made
Guest chapter 75 . 10/10/2019
CJ/OddBall: Dang. :( I wonder if Elijah knows where she is...cause so much for her living a happy life. (;_;)
ReadLikeHermione chapter 77 . 10/11/2019
Great chapter
LoneButterfly05 chapter 70 . 9/23/2019
will she be getting her powers back, cause Bonnie can cause enough trouble all on her own, she dosent need Roses too. Will her and Elijah be end game? Please tell me he dosent fall for haley in her absence.
hpogi chapter 69 . 9/19/2019
So far it has been a captivating story, I love it. Can't wait for the next chapter.
GraceQuinn11 chapter 69 . 8/23/2019
I can't wait for Kai to come into this I love the idea of her and Kai together but for the long game I like her with Enzo
Adela chapter 68 . 7/28/2019
Love the chapter
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