Reviews for It could just be you
Guest chapter 4 . 9/10/2018
I like the exploration in here. Personally, depending on the AU (for me anyway), Ruby's sexuality is more defined as Weissexual. An offhand comment in the RWBY RT recap kinda led me to that. That said, this story is a wonderful piece extremely similar to what I imagine. Awesome.
See you next time.
InductionMagnet chapter 4 . 8/4/2018
I can't exactly describe what it is that makes me love this story so much. Maybe because it's Ruby-centric, and maybe because it's a fresh take from what I've seen from usual Whiterose fics. I'm just honestly in love with Ruby's portrayal in this, haha. Hope you'll continue writing Whiterose!
Vanitas Lunar chapter 4 . 7/22/2018
This was incredibly sweet and endearing to read. I feel like this story hit me in a personal level since I’m in the stage in my life where I’m not completely sure about my sexuality either. I think Weiss did really well with Ruby and you did a great job exploring this kind of issue. :)
exceptionaluser chapter 4 . 7/19/2018
Didn't expect to see this ever again, but nice job finishing it.
ElvhenRogue chapter 3 . 1/13/2018
I hope Ruby figures out herself and makes both her and Weiss happy
naruhinafan11 chapter 2 . 12/18/2017
Amazing as always. Keep it up! :D
RWBYGuy2015 chapter 2 . 12/17/2017
This is interesting. Curious to see where you go with it. Maybe Ruby will take the big plunge or maybe something will happen (thats not good) and Ruby and Weiss split. Maybe if that happens Ruby can really figure out who and what she wants. either way great start to a story.
Kc4229 chapter 2 . 12/17/2017
Great chapter! I loved every word of it, you're doing great work!
Kc4229 chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
This was amazing! It is amazing! I hope that there is a second chapter and if there is I can't wait! Great work!
ArtemusSapphire chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
I love it when Ruby is portrayed such as you have. I think it's adorable.
LilaDoesFanfics chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
this is amazing! so sweet yet so deep! *pun intended*
naruhinafan11 chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Omg, this is cute and like really realistic. I'm currently questioning my sexuality and ya know. I'm just really glad it's relatable, thanks. Keep it up! :D