Reviews for Rey, I Am Your Father
Lora Kael chapter 1 . 7/8
Aw. And jep; Rey should have been a Skywalker. Why else would Luke's lightsaber call for her? (And the saga is about the Skywalkers as well, not Palpatine).

I like how you rewrote it.

Btw. there's a few typos and the like so you might want to go over it again to fix those. :)
TheWitch243 chapter 1 . 3/23
*thumbs up*
upandcoming chapter 1 . 3/2
This was a wonderful story! I totally agree that this AU would have made a better storyline than the actual Disney movies. It would totally fit Mara to protect her daughter at all costs and since Luke shut himself out to the force after Ben’s fall, he would not have known he had a daughter. My head canon has been in the exact same space! Thanks for writing this!
A-LionGleek chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
Something like this would have TOTALLY made The Last Jedi just the tiniest bit better. I tip my hat to you :)
TheRougeRobin chapter 1 . 11/21/2018
“I am your father”

Oh man, oh Luke... Well, you know what they said: like father, like son. Hahaha.

Great storytelling btw, i love these Skywalker!Rey fics, this is one of my favourites
DragonTamer01 chapter 1 . 2/10/2018
This story is AWESOME! I hate Disney for de-canonizing Mara Jade!
Owen Kenobi chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
In my mind, that is exactly what happened, better than what we were given in the film. All i hope now is that JJ can find a way to correct some of the stuff ups in Last Jedi, namely Snoke and Reys parentage.
Dragonlots chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
This was the twist we all wanted. Thank you for sharing.
Linariel chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Yes thank you for this! My biggest frustration with the movie. So much foreshadowing with Rey's potential connection I wasn't happy with the end pay off. I still have half a mind to think Ben is lying or only knows part of the story. Aww my favorite gal Mara Jade is her mom perfect! I think one thing that upsets me is Luke is basically a hermit he doesn't get a family or love interest. Thank you so much for writing this! In my heart Rey will always be a Skywalker. Great explanation and reveal the one thing I was waiting for!
DeeCee1430 chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Thanks for writing this. I hope JJ fixes the Rey parents question because if the answer in TLJ is true then it sucks.
m0707 chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
Absolutely what I wish had happened! And while I'll admit to being a hopeless Luke/Mara fan girl, I'm also convinced that something like this is much closer to what JJ Abrams intended with TFA. Such wasted potential. :( Thank you for writing; would love to see more.
Emily Meminger chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
I agree, I really do hope that what was said was said about Rey's parents was just a lie.
Etta.Ju chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Yes! I needed this great scene after watching TLJ! Thank you!
ForsakenMythr2012 chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Thank god I didn't watch The Last Jedi utter trashy story and destroying the characterization of the new characters I came to love and old iconic characters. Rey Skywalker had much potential the signs were there. To see the legacy of Anakin play out b/w his grandkids? Epic. Luke having a family of his own? I'd love it, and it fits Luke. Mark Hamill knew from the beginning and we didn't see it. Rey random could have been acceptable if done well and I still wanted a family relationship and bond b/w Luke and Rey. No none of that. Fuck Disney and its canon. I'll enjoy my OT/PT/R1/TFA/EUverse and Rey is a Skywalker and the daughter of Luke and Mara Jade.
Judy.Laura.L chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
tell me about it. my dad and I were so disappointed when Kylo Ren revealed Rey's parentage that I kept thinking it can't be true, it just can't. I'm going to wait till the next one before finally believing it. love this!