Reviews for Dungeon of Sadness
arivericouldskateawayon chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
I have no words for how much I loved this one shot. Joshaya were perfectly in character and like others have said, it felt like an episode from the show. This made my day. Loved it.
KC chapter 1 . 4/29/2018
This could have been on the show(and should have been) it's that good. Great job on keeping both Josh and Maya perfectly in character and the actual story gave me butterflies. Love it!
Brenna chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
Great story. Great last line :)
JJ 2002 chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
My Joshaya feels were on fire reading this. The dungeon of sadness bit you had Josh do was funny and sweet and hit in all the right ways. I loved that while Josh was thinking all he wanted to do was kiss Maya, she was the one who actually went for it. She read his mind. Shawn catching them mid makeout was adorable and I loved his "That doesn't mean you can keep going." as he walked away. The ski lodge moment at the end made me melt. Great story.
lovesbooks12 chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
Sneaky Josh getting by Maya's gammy was adorable. I loved how he got Maya to see that Shawn would always love her and that wouldn't change when the baby came. Bringing up the dungeon of sadness made me laugh, it was so cute. Loved it and a big thank you for including the ski lodge throwback...:)
Megan456 chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
The dungeon of sadness refrence and the way Josh used it to make Maya laugh was sweet. You wrote Joshaya so well. Their talk seemed like a talk they would really have. Their kiss was a long time coming and I may never forgive Shawn for interupting.
The call back to Ski Lodge at the end was a beautiful way to end this.
Amy chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
I love the idea of Josh bringing up the dungeon of sadness to get Maya talking about what was upsetting her. He did it in such a cute way too. Great ending.
I'mJustAnotherDreamer chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
You stayed so true to the characters :)
Funny, sweet and Joshaya kissed. Great story.
Ash543 chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
What a beautifully written Joshaya story. You used their history from the show and kept the storyline believable. You showcased the amazing chemistry between the two of them perfectly. Their humour and connection was shining through the whole story. The ending was both funny and hopeful. Well done. I loved every single word of this :)
Michelle chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
Your headcanon and mine think alike :)
Loved this.
AutumnLeaves7531 chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
Thank you for this beautiful one shot. Joshaya are in character, the plot is believable and you even got Joshaya's chemistry and humour down perfectly. The Dungeon of sadness and Ski Lodge Feels your story brought back filled my shipper heart with joy.
Melissa Q chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
Josh bringing up Maya's dungeon of sadness as a way to get her to open up is just another reason why I ship these two so hard. Your story nailed Joshaya and their connection. Loved it.
KeepAllMyPromises chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
I'm absolutly in love with your version of Joshaya.
Like another reviewer said this could have been a scene from the show if it had gone on longer and switched networks ;) Great story.
MorganReadsAlot chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
Josh was adorable. I loved his, as a resident of the dungeon of sadness line he used to get Maya to open up about what was upsetting her. Your Joshaya were perfectly in character, funny and their conversation realalistic. Loved all of Josh's thoughts leading up to their makeout, he so wanted to kiss her. The ending was funny and the "still holding my hand" ...brought back all the beautiful ski lodge feels. Love your headcanon ;)
Chelsea chapter 1 . 12/13/2017
I love this so much! I love the realness it felt. Very true to character. Great job!
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