Reviews for Balancing Darkness
Leiferne chapter 34 . 3/2/2019
AAHHH- OH GOSH, I'M SO HAPPY Thank you so, so much for not letting this story end on a tragedy, eep! 'He was surprised when he saw my spirit wandering around in his realm' lol Ankhseram is secretly so precious, tbh. On another note, re-opening the academy! That's such a great future for Zeref, I love it so much like, this is the best ending I could've asked for ahahaha anyway, great job and congratulations on finishing another story! Thanks for sharing it with us and I'm looking forward to what you have in mind next!
acochran5 chapter 34 . 3/1/2019
OMG YES! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! NATSU IS ALIVE! I'M CRYING TEARS NOW-TEARS OF HAPPINESS! You said this chapter would be happier, and I was a little sceptic (how can things get happier when Natsu's DEAD!) but this... I'm smiling right now, I can't stop it! I'm so happy it turned out alright in the end! Thanks for making this pairing I love it, honestly, and I'm so glad they got a happily-ever-after! I loved it the entire way through! Thanks again! (for making the story too... but mostly for letting Natsu live). XD
Gamma Cavy chapter 34 . 3/1/2019
Out of all your fairy tail stories I've read, I think this is the best of them all! Reopening the academy is so well done, and the ending note of Ankhseram kicking Natsu out for causing damage - I mean because he can have some mercy -is classic fairy tail, and incredibly sweet.
HubrisP chapter 34 . 3/1/2019
An excellent ending to an excellent story!

May I say, I only know of one other story where a protagonist has "antagonised a ancient cosmic deity" so much that they get brought back to life. I imagine that Ankhseram is essentially pondering long term projects to construct a means to actually contain Natsu when the time comes that he actually DOES die, maybe a paradise bubble field with Zeref in the furthest corner of his domain?

Although, realistically, this could be carried on into a sequel where the Academy is in full swing and the two of them go off on adventures.
Leiferne chapter 33 . 3/1/2019
Aww.. I don't know what to say.. the whole scene between Natsu and Zeref reminds me of the 'battle' between Gray and Juvia which is caused by Invel in canon. Probably because of my inability to imagine Natsu crying and smiling and kissing, the scene felt simply okay to me. The part where Zeref brought Natsu's body back to Fairy Tail, though.. ;-;) anyway, great job on this chapter- can't wait for the last one!
Leiferne chapter 32 . 3/1/2019
Ahhhhhhh, this is so good! THIS is what should have happened in canon if not for those Faces, aww. It's sad that the ending is the same, but at least the dragon slayers don't have Acnologia to worry about now- also, the last sentence is great! Super heartbreaking ;-;)
acochran5 chapter 33 . 2/28/2019
Darn you... *sobs*

I can’t really complain since I end stories sad all the time but... *sobs* the kiss... and then Natsu... and poor Zeref, it’s like a repeat of what happened 100 years ago!

I’m very much looking forward to the last chapter and how it will be happier than this one... I can’t believe Natsu is... gone... the last sentence REALLY got to me. I have to go continue crying now... *sobs*
HubrisP chapter 33 . 2/28/2019
Ugh, this is a tough chapter. I have half a mind for Ankhseram to intervene, the transmigration of life and all that. Given Zeref learned his lesson, to be fair, I cannot imagine anyone else more deserving of being Ankhseram's high priest on Magnolia.
Gamma Cavy chapter 32 . 2/27/2019
Congrats on this! One minor difference of all five dragons able to focus on Acnologia, and he falls, utterly believable. And to add the time-stop, turned to this purpose using everything already present in the Tartaros arc to kill him hangs together wonderfully. Very clever.
acochran5 chapter 32 . 2/27/2019
NOOO IGNEEL! Oh this is so sad, but I loved that they beat Acnologia here. In my opinion this is when he should've died in the anime too!

Oh, and Lamy is hilarious! I love her! (she basically says everything I'm thinking). Her laugh's kind of annoying, but I deal with it because of that. Here though, I'm afraid Natsu's "ugly face" is not quite what I was thinking haha XD I actually wasn't thinking about how he looked, but when someone calls an anime character ugly I get depressed because if basically perfect-looking people like them are ugly what hope is there for all other humans? It just kind of makes me raise an eyebrow and I think, "If you think that "insert anime character" is ugly, what exactly are you looking at?" haha.

I LOVED the chapter, especially when, "Zeref felt the dragon slayer pull Zeref closer to him as he fell to his knees). Zeref x Natsu moment right there! And I'm seriously hoping for another kiss at the end of this. Anyway, I'm so excited for the final few chapters it's just so exciting! Thanks for updating!
HubrisP chapter 32 . 2/27/2019
So, that ties up Acnologia to put it plainly, haha. And now, things are going to go downhill quickly, haha.
Leiferne chapter 31 . 2/26/2019
Ohh, right- I almost forgot about the mechanism they have to bring those demons right back. That said, there Zeref goes again- saying sweet things without really realising it lol but, but- awwwww! The interaction between Zeref and Silver is short, but it's really good I'm happy to read about Zeref telling Silver about Gray- he can rest peacefully now. That perspective of 'giving E.N.D peace' is nice as well, though.. I don't know how you'll approach it ; ; anyway, great job on this chapter!
Leiferne chapter 30 . 2/26/2019
That was fast lol I guess it makes sense, though; I mean, Zeref can easily destroy Mard Geer with a flick of his fingers in canon. On another note, I'm quite happy with the turn of events. It'd be unnecessary for all of Fairy Tail to be involved in destroying Tartaros when Zeref can do this. I wonder if they'll be involved with E.N.D's.. umm.. killing? Anyway, great job
Leiferne chapter 29 . 2/26/2019
Ohh- I.. actually really like Ankhseram's personality here; it fits him to be like this. On another note, the description of the realm is great! Loving the wilderness concept but too bad for you two, Larcade and Bloodman. Good job on this chapter!
acochran5 chapter 31 . 2/26/2019
But Natsu wants to LIVE!
I loved this chapter and I am so glad that you gave Silver some moments though I wonder if Gray will still get those devil powers even though he was t there to defeat Silver...
Anyway, I’m so looking forward to the final chapters of this story I hope it ends well. Thanks for updating!
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