Reviews for A Winter Love Story
Orihime-18 chapter 13 . 6/28
Wow oh wow I couldn’t ask for more of how it ended..the wedding proposal surpass my expectations of how’s its going to be..all the emotions were there and goodness a tear from my eyes said it all coz I was moved on the moment of hime and isshin embracing each other and when isshin told I love you and hime’s answer I love u too dad where isshin cried..then the next upon knowing Ichigo goes all through ss to find his brother sora for personally asking his blessing to marry his lovely sister..a tearful moment again..showing how deep love how serious how much Ichigo wil do and willing to go through anything just for his love for hime and to make her happy...they are both lucky to have each other meant to be..again I praise this ichihime’s beyond’s 11/10..I loved the Ichigo and orihime here and isshin and everyone..and I loved it when u able to bring hime’s aunt on one of the most memorable moment in her life for being there and as well as having all their friend both in living in dead on the proposal...of course renji’s joke lol ...over all again beyond perfect..thank u for ichihime stories..there one story more..gonna read too hehe *grins*
Orihime-18 chapter 12 . 6/28
The five lifetimes love (aka as an eternity love)...ichihime couple soar to heaven (the best couple) meant to be..I liked the promise ring given to hime And was from his mother..that made the ring more special and I guess there wil be no wedding scene in this story..wil be on the last part..anyway the hollow conversation with hime was also an epic that put ichigo’s mind at ease and to understand that hollow was stil him a part of him and wil never do harm to hime coz it also loved her coz it’s stil him :)...I praise that idea letting them to have a talk to convince Ichigo about his hollow coz he’s always worrying hime’s life if hollow wil overtook on that all in an ease..nice idea there :)
Orihime-18 chapter 11 . 6/28
All ends well and probs was bee taken care of..feelings was been cleared as a water hehe..the seriousness of the realationship and ichigo’s determination to show hime his love and support and to convince her for his deep love on his,.im just hoping there’s a wedding bell on this story hehe...a very nice chapter again but this words catches me most (Please baby, don't cry. I'm so sorry, that all came out wrong.") usual an endearment Ichigo uses for hime amuses me again..I loved made me smile..those endearment’s just rare reading a story having a call of endearment such that used aside from (hime) so it just me more on the sweet confession of their love :) but those moments they have was so adorable too..well done :)
Orihime-18 chapter 8 . 6/27
Wow what tatsuki taught hime on karate was put into used on this chapter *smile* surprised me you’re able to make hime here some1 who is strong who can handle things that needed physical strength :)’s rare to read a strory where that shows hime putting physical strength to defend herself/others so I’m glad that on this story she is..coz after all she was truly strong like a black belt level already in karate so I’m totally blown on this chapter..I loved this :)
As of Ichigo when he thought on this (I was a lucky man, she waited all this time for me and never gave up. I knew right then I'd do anything to keep her in my life forever.).. for me this is what I liked and loved most on his thought/speech whatever :)..finally he admitted and accepted his feelings..and saying this Babe, please! Say something!" when he’s worrying so much on hime..I find these word cute adorable sweet hehe coz he’s calling her babe..that was just so romantic..I have read lots of ichihime stories but so far I can’t remember in any stories where ichi called her on endearment like sweetheart babe..but just hime..or I just forgot coz of so many stories I’ve read hehe..but this one amuses me and I loved it..*grins*
Orihime-18 chapter 7 . 6/27
That was the most precious advice from a father to Ichigo to open up he’s eyes..I loved how isshin was written here as a father (being always a great dad but funny as well)
Here comes the admission of Ichigo again and the realization..I’m just hoping he wil confess next(on the next chap or gonna confused again and asked himself if he loved her foot forward two foot backward—ichigo - a confused man lol
Orihime-18 chapter 6 . 6/27
Hahaha rangiku wil always be rangiku funny :)..she’s really like a big sister to hime..two good gal griends of hime were ran and tatsuki *smile*
Orihime-18 chapter 5 . 6/27
Ichigo really confuses me..on the previous chapter he said I love u orihime even that was just on his thought so he admitted it already but then on this chap he’s asking do I love her?...(he’s confusing)..then at the end he said I’m not fully sure how I feel on her (but then he can’t sleep and decides to be with and sleep with her)..truly confusing hahaha
Anyway another great isshin moment capturing pics of precious moments (hurray to isshin).,*smile*
Orihime-18 chapter 2 . 6/27
This is gonna be another beautiful ichihime im sure I’m sure :) excited to read this :) of this chap I loved when isshin even beg hime not to give up on Ichigo :)..truly a great but odd father :)..I liked the soccer game scene :)
jay chapter 2 . 5/3
great read loving it so far
Algathier chapter 13 . 9/19/2019
Hey person who put their heart and soul into writing a story , it's me complete internet stranger criticizing your writing like the pompous ass you're assuming I am XD .

I've spent way too much time on this website reading fan stories , and a common theme I've noticed is a lack of understanding . Alot of to be writers have an image in their head of what they want their story to be , and they stick to it with very little alteration . A big consequence of this is characters acting noticeably out of character , always sort of takes you out of the story doesnt it ? Theres this sense of " the author wanted to plug a controller into the character to make them act how the author would " , and alot of the time it doesnt work , it leaves the reader confused and unfilled by a story that we invested a considerable amount of time into .

Fortunately , and a high note of my experience , this problem simply did not exist for your work . You spent time with the characters and wrote them in such a way that the love for what you're doing bled through . I felt like I was reading an epilogue to the story I loved so much .

Bleach is a unique story with alot of characters to work with , I find that whenever someone tries to expand the story , they bring to many characters into the fold , thinking that this is what the reader is expecting . But to my surprise , your story was focused on a small handful of the cast . This allowed you to fully flesh out the characters you picked and keep them in character . The extent of the detail is notably astonishing , little things with minor characters , for example the chapter where Orihime is confronted after the incident which I will not be describing because spoilers . Uryu has a single line in all of the dialogue and it is brief and sweet and very Uryu . Your writing doesn't feel like a fan performing wish fulfillment in their spare time . I applaud the little character flavour you sprinkle in throughout the story to immerse the reader in the world you're borrowing from .

Now with all the good I've said thus far , I do have 2 complaints I'd like to note . In my opinion , I think your structure could use some work , I find that there are pockets in your story that have a great sense of theme about them , as in to say in certain sections of the telling i have a sense of tone in regards to the characters and the atmosphere . I unfortunately cannot say its consistent , there are moments where the tone is bordering on absent . A solid example of this being the blow up at the clinic following the incident in Orihime's home , as a reader I am fully aware how Orihime is feeling but the story and the environment created dont really do her turmoil justice . I will add that the retelling of the event from Orihime's perspective is an improvement .

This next point is rather brief , your time transitions are a little confusing and if I have to go back and reread 4 or 5 times just to understand what I missed , that can take me out of the story .

In conclusion , you're an excellent writer and I'd encourage you to take your talents outside of fan works , your respect for the art of characters is commendable and I highly enjoyed the experience . Thank you so very much for all the time you put into this story , despite life circumstances , I hope your grandfather ( I think it was ) recovered from their stroke and are in better health . Please keep writing and growing as a writer and I'll be looking forward to reading from you again .

Sincerely , a nerd with too much time on his hands

P.S : your lemon writing is funnier then it is alluring the excessive use of the word mounds makes me chuckle , dont ever change .
robot584 chapter 4 . 8/20/2019
Brittany Bowman chapter 13 . 8/18/2019
Omgosh! I never knew I could love a fan fiction story sooooo freaking much! You are such a talented writer! No joke! Thank you so much for gifting all of us anonymous people with such a beautifully written piece!
esfmaster chapter 13 . 9/29/2018
Loved it from start to finish
Gastromancer420 chapter 13 . 8/21/2018
Hahaha that is so them. Thank you for your hard work. This was a great story and you did amazing at keeping them in character
Gastromancer420 chapter 12 . 8/21/2018
I love the ending!
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