Reviews for Heart of Durin's Line
MLAkittenz chapter 20 . 5/5/2018
Awwww! Please do write an epilogue! Maybe set it a few years in the future instead of a reunion with Dis. I think that would be more interesting. I enjoyed this series, and I really wish this was what had happened instead of everybody dying! RIP Fili, Kili, and Thorin! :,(
TolkienGeek1 chapter 20 . 5/5/2018
Oh my heart. I loved it! It makes me so happy to see them all together and well in their reclaimed home. They deserve all the happiness that's in this ending. You wrote this so well and I'm so proud! It was an honour to be on this journey with you! :)
Also, I would LOVE more - so an epilogue would be AWESOME.
Again, such a job well done!
TolkienGeek1 chapter 19 . 5/5/2018
I think Azogs end was perfect! Dispicable as he is, I think having Val (side note for some reason I LOVED that Thorin called her Val - it seemed very paternal or something) kill him while he was weaponless would have gone against her character.
I can’t wait to see the family all together and healthy again!
pallysAramisRios chapter 19 . 5/4/2018
Wow talk about freekin intense and full of worry! I couldent remember if if she had been assulted by Azog or not that would have really set the boys off if she had been.. So glad Thorin is alive and they will see each other again :-)
BM originally chapter 18 . 4/28/2018
Great chapter! You had a lot of suspense (and thank you for fixing the Raven Hill scene - the idea of the scouting thing wasn't a great idea...though truthfully, the whole raven hill thing in the movie wasn't all that great an idea - I preferred the book, but hey, you gotta work with what you got, right? lol)

And please, please don't kill Thorin! He's my favorite of the bunch, and I love fix its where he gets to be king of Erebor. Please - for Fili's sake! Poor Fili needs time to acclimate to being obscenely weathly and how to be a prince; give the poor boy time to learn how to be a king without thrusting it on him like that! lol

One thing: the first part that is written in first person is confusing - since first person in the rest of the story is Valdis, it was confusing to be suddenly getting it from Kili's point. I thought it was Valdis when I first went through it, and was flipping back thinking "wait a minute; when did Valdis get there? Did I miss a chapter?" It took a bit to figure out it was Kili and not Valdis. And it only got more confusing when you switched to Valdis as first person in the middle. I'd just suggest you change the first part to 3rd person and change the I's to Kili to keep it straight. Just a suggestion!

Great story though and I do look forward to the next chapter!
Guest186 chapter 18 . 4/27/2018
And please let Thorin live (begging).
Guest186 chapter 18 . 4/27/2018
I am so very glad that Thorin realised the trap before sending Fili and Kili and that Valdis arrived just in time. Dwalin should use his axe to sever Azog's head so we can be certain he is truly dead, complete revenge for Thror.
TolkienGeek1 chapter 18 . 4/28/2018
UM wow! That was an amazing chapter! It was so vivid. I could easily see Fili forcing Kili back, being responsible even though he probably desperately wanted to jump in the water as well. And when Valdis arrives! Wha a bittersweet reunion. :’)
Now I’m just nervous about poor Thorin. That guy has a lot of healing to do!
Well done as always!
pallysAramisRios chapter 18 . 4/27/2018
Yyiikkeess! What a battle thank goodness Valdis was able to hit that wicked hoser .. The kids are back together as they should be.. Question is will Thorin live?
TolkienGeek1 chapter 16 . 4/14/2018
ACK! I love it! Yet again, they are so close, and get torn away from each other! It sucks but it will make that final reunion SO SO much sweeter. I can’t wait! This is getting so exciting.
pallysAramisRios chapter 16 . 4/13/2018
OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Orcs have Val ? and Kili has been wounded I need a drink!
pallysAramisRios chapter 15 . 4/7/2018
Whoooooaa glad it wasn't the spiders.. That old man is rotten wanting boots for a trade.. Oh noooo orcs! Finally getting to see Fili and Kili
TolkienGeek1 chapter 14 . 3/31/2018
I LOVED this chapter! So well written! It was so maddening knowing that what she was seeing was real, but she didn’t know! Poor thing! And Kili hearing her voice. :’’(
So well done! Can’t wait for more!
pallysAramisRios chapter 14 . 3/30/2018
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its wicked hallucination she's soo close to KIli and Fili! I wonder if she's be tossed in a cell as well or well she be looked at by Legolas (sp)
pallysAramisRios chapter 13 . 3/17/2018
What a sad story loosing a true love ..maybe ? How sweet Beorn gave Rane to her can't wait to see how they travel together ... Hope they catch up to the brother soon and into Mirkwood
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