Reviews for A Trio's Fight
Broadwaymania chapter 21 . 5/20
ahhhh. yeeeesss waited for this moment for soo long T~T
crankthatphan chapter 34 . 3/4/2018
:O Dougie! Oh my gosh! Holy shit, the human body can be so weird and scary sometimes. Waking up in a morgue must be freaking terrifying. It's so nice to see him changed, though! I'm glad he gave Kenny a try.

And speaking of Kenny, he's so cheesy! How adorable. Butters and crew must feel very lucky to have such a Romeo.

I hope adding Kyle in more wasn't too much work, you really didn't have to listen to me, lmao. Him teasing Butters was so funny though. It's cute that he and Stan are finally a thing, too!

Hooray for a happy ending! - even though the thing with Dougie was kind of sad.
crankthatphan chapter 33 . 2/20/2018
Nooo, don't single me out, I don't do good when I'm put on the spot. You don't need to thank me, though! But if you really want to, the best way to do so would be to add in more Kyle. ;) I'm kidding, you don't have to do that. Although it definitely would be appreciated coughcoughcough.

The ending seemed a liiittle rushed, but it did clear up everything pretty nicely. I'm glad it was happy! Butters deserves all the good vibes. And Kenny is so great, I want one.

That epilogue better be full of some sort of fluff!
crankthatphan chapter 32 . 2/14/2018
Oh goodness. This was pretty powerful. Poor Ken. So much pain in so little time.

I was hoping Dougie was the shooter and back for revenge. Kid's a freaking beast to survive with that huge wound for so long. And I don't think I'd have been able to handle any more twists.

Glad you had fun on your trip!
crankthatphan chapter 31 . 2/8/2018

I mean, okay. I can't act like I feel bad because I don't, not for Cartman. Kenny, yes, because that was a very conflicting situation and I know I'd have done the exact same thing despite how pissed I'd be. Cartman, though, no; absolutely no remorse from me buddy I will be waiting for you in Hell.

But like why you gotta leave us on a cliffhanger tho

Don't worry about not updating for a bit. it's totally fine! Honestly, I'm amazed that you can write so much in so little time, and the fact that you update so frequently is great. You deserve a break, so take one! Have fun on your trip!
crankthatphan chapter 30 . 2/6/2018
Oh gosh, this Cartman plotline is totally insane. I'm so scared for Butters and crew!

Though I am glad that Mysterion is making an appearance! Fuck him up, Ken! We're all rooting for you!
crankthatphan chapter 29 . 2/4/2018
Of course Eric was the one who stabbed Dougie. Very unnecessary of him, but also very in-character.

Honestly, Cartman should know that Kenny will never stop being a pervert and loving boobs. I mean why the hell would he? A relationship isn't going to change him, not that quickly at least. Seriously, dude, come on. But narcissists will be narcissists, I guess.

Poor Marjorine. :( And poor Butters. :(( At least Chaos seems to be staying strong through all of this. Someone needs to be the rock, and hopefully they'll all help each other through this shit-storm, even if the journey isn't very safe.

Kenny, we need you! Come save the day! Or at least try to!
EvilSithlord11 chapter 27 . 1/31/2018
well, I still love this. With all the talk of professor Chaos it got me thinking, it’d be pretty cool for a certain mysterious superhero to show up at some point ;) but obvs its your call. This is a great fic.
crankthatphan chapter 27 . 1/29/2018
Listening to Markiplier scream and make unusual, kinda-psychotic noises in the background while reading this is very fitting because those are basically my thoughts on everything that's happened these past few chapters. Especially this one ohmygosh this keeps getting more and more interesting!
crankthatphan chapter 26 . 1/28/2018
Aha! So Dougie IS behind the switch! I don't know how the hell he did it, but I knew it was because of him!
crankthatphan chapter 25 . 1/24/2018
Aw, it's cute that Dougie sees Butters as an older brother. He's still a psychopath, though.

So nice to see that Chaos is back! I wonder what caused him to come out.
Draconis86 chapter 24 . 1/22/2018
Oh God, Cartman and Dougie are so creepy... My poor cute babies D:!
crankthatphan chapter 24 . 1/21/2018
Ooh, I can feel some twists coming! I love it when stories resemble pretzels.

Can't wait to see Apathy in action, even though he's going to be a huge prick. Hopefully he'll battle Chaos and/or Mysterion, that'll be so friggin' awesome.

And Cartman, man... That guy...

I need more protective Kenny in my life (as if there isn't already an abundance of it - my hunger will never be satiated!). It's cute when done correctly. x3
crankthatphan chapter 23 . 1/20/2018
I kinda figured the box Dougie had was a voice modulator. That or like some weird mind reading/control device.

Poor Butters, though! Kenny better kick some major ass!
EvilSithlord11 chapter 22 . 1/18/2018
I’m actually really enjoying this story. Also, I’m so happy to see that you’re active. Nothings worst than finding a great fic and then seeing it was last updated years ago. Keep up the great work!
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