Reviews for Christmas at the Museum
ducky mikey chapter 7 . 6/7
I really enjoyed your story! Thank you for writing it c:
danifan3000 chapter 7 . 11/8/2018
you know, with what I've seen in all three night at the museum movies if they put the tablet close enough to a snowman would the tablet bring it to life?
tricxzter23 chapter 7 . 7/20/2018
i must say, this is a very welcoming breath of fresh air. thank you for including everyone here, especially rebecca. your fic wonderfully captured the spirit of christmas. i love it!
arwenishtar chapter 7 . 1/2/2018
Damn, I thought I left a review for this one, but I guess not. Anyway, I loved the twist when nobody knew who left those presents under the tree- Santa Clause!

I also loved how Teddy actually borrowed a quote from Lilo and Stitch, of all movies! Made it extra cute and relatable to many.

Finally, Ahk has a new pet owl, yay! I think it's a pretty good judge of character, XD.
arwenishtar chapter 6 . 12/17/2017
OMG, this was amazing!

I LOVED the festivities! Can I also just say I feel Teddy and Sac are the perfect step-in parents for Ahk? Even down to baking cookies!

I'm beyond thrilled Rebecca showed up and that the exhibits saw the sun! I can picture the look on Ahk's face when he saw it for the first time in so long.

arwenishtar chapter 5 . 12/17/2017
This chapter almost made me cry. I loved it when Teddy and Ahk bond! I felt so sorry for him as he was telling Teddy about his brother, but I loved the candy cane analogy of the good and bad memories, it made perfect sense to me! I also loved how Teddy told him about his first night alive and the early years with Cecil and his gang, omg that was so touching!

Finally, the part where Ahk chose to spend quality time with Teddy over enduring Larry's singing... That was the perfect ending for this chapter.

Thanks for sharing! On to the next chapter!
arwenishtar chapter 4 . 12/9/2017
NEVER piss off Sacagawea. Ever.

Second, this was perfectly awesome, though I'm not sure if Octavius would have just let Jed climb the tree without trying to join him or REALLY try to stop him from doing it, it just doesn't sound like him. Ahkmenrah's reaction was priceless: 'How high did he get?' To cap it off, he and Octavius started betting on Jed's success. (Again, I'm not sure if it would be in Octavius's character to do that, but it was hilarious here and fit in nicely with your story) XD
I think Teddy will leave the disciplining to Sacagawea from now on; I can picture his face perfectly. Jed's luck he got away with a lecture! LOL
arwenishtar chapter 2 . 12/8/2017

Oh my gosh, this chapter was even cuter than the last one! I loved how Sac just pulled Teddy under the mistletoe for a kiss as well as Ahk's innocent enjoyment of the holidays- and slight error of judgement about Santa. Poor Larry bore the brunt of that one! HOW did he manage to set all those traps up like that?! I now have an image burned into my mind of Larry comically dangling from a foot in the air. Thanks for that! XD

Good thing he didn't think of dressing up as Santa, eh? :D

Thank you for your messages, by the way. I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter of my story! (whenever I finish writing it, that is lol.)
arwenishtar chapter 1 . 12/2/2017
HAHAHA! Your version of Ahk on a sugar rush was even funnier than mine was! I wish I'd thought of that! I love how Teddy didn't even need another explanation when he heard the words 'sugar rush.' I wonder if he will ever get hot chocolate again; I'd be kinda sad if he didn't.

Ahk I felt the same way when I read Harry Potter. We should begin a book club! :D