Reviews for A Proposition
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16
Beautifully written, please update as soon as you can
Aspectofthesecond chapter 7 . 1/2
Hmm. Well, guessing I can now see why Robin ended up in Plegia, and what happened with Chrom. That just heartbreaking - hope it has a happier end.

Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for the read.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/1
Another great chapter, looking forward to the next chapter.
RobinxRaven writer chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
An excellent chapter, as usual. I really liked the banter and 'fight' between Robin and Chrom, it was a very believable and in character scene for both of them. Poor Lucina; it must be very difficult to know that your enemy regrets his actions as much as you want to make him pay for them. I'm eager to see how and what Robin will do to earn her forgiveness. Personally, I don't want it to be the cliche, "i jumped in front of an arrow/dagger for you and might not live"/"i forgive you!"/"oh i'm fine now lol" stuff you see in sooo many stories.

I'm just as excited to see how the Shepherd's will react to the marriage proposal as I am for the relationship building with Robin and Lucina themselves. Happy New Year!
Sonochu chapter 7 . 12/30/2019
Great chapter! One of my favorite things about Awakening was Robin and Chrom's brotherly relationship, and I love seeing it here. It's also nice seeing Lucina not be so complacent with everything. Even if Robin is trying to do the right thing, he still is blackmailing Lucina into marrying by holding the war on the line, and he still killed her father and betrayed Ylisse through rather dubious circumstances. Basically his efforts to do good has only harmed Lucina numerous times over.
Sonochu chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
I love this story so far. I'm not sure how fast it's being updated, but I've been loving the chapters all the same. It would've nice to get some more insight into why Robin did what he did for Plegia though. In the first chapter he gave some vague answer like he did it for his country. But that was vague and makes it a little hard for me to connect the Robin we see here to the same person who led armies to slaughter thousands of defending Ylissans, butchering them before they could escape, and betraying what he once considered to be his homeland. Another way to look at it: why did Robin wait so long to finally propose the reqal with Lucina? What prevented him, or made him so unwilling, to make peace with Ylisse from the start? After all, he has a lot more to answer to than just the death of Chrom.

Otherwise, I'd like some more insight into Lucina. It's kind of hard to tell what she thinks of him. If you took this chapter out of the story, changed a few minor details, and handed it to me to read, I would've assumed this happened during Awakening. There really hasn't bee anything to show that Lucina is distrustful or wary of Robin, that she's still pissed at him for everything he's done, or that she's suffering over the loss of their once close relationship due to his betrayal. She just seems to be wearing a cold mask throughout, only really showing emotion for the Risen victims.
Yuugao Azamizu chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
Thank you for another wonderful chapter! I love how it's progressing and how there are little bits of how things used to be for them, and how they interact and banter off each other. I look forward to more chapters in the future
RobinxRaven writer chapter 6 . 12/10/2019
Great chapter, and a nice twist to the whole Risen concept. Most people use them as cannon fodder.

Always happy to see this updated, but the story could pick up in pace a little bit. I don't know how many chapters are planned but without consistent updates it's harder to keep people interested on just the premise alone. That said, it does look like next chapter will have a lot more dialogue and development between Robin and Lucina, so I am looking forward to that update.

Keep up the great work.
Aspectofthesecond chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
Nice bit of combat with logical exposition and flashbacks worked in. Enjoying the slow burn, but waiting to learn why Robin is with Plegia, and also how the other Shepherds are and react to him is killing me. Especially since there doesn't appear to be an overall big bad, just Robin dissecting the Grimleal in as surgical a manner as possible.

Thanks for the read.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
I love the premise of your story, take you time and make it a story to be proud of
Aspectofthesecond chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
Really enjoying the build up and suspense here, though the cliffhanger hurts. The way you are rolling out hints of Robin's apparent rational for a change of sides is nicely done, as well as the world building for Plegia.

Thanks for the read.
gliderpilotgirl chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
This has quickly become my most anticipated story to watch for updates. The pictures you vividly paint with your words easily draw the reader into the world of the story.
A cliffhanger! I feel bad for whatever bad person is about to meet Robin and get dealt with. Can't wait to see what happens!
RobinxRaven writer chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
I'm betting the spirit is most likely some stray Risen. Or a Grimleal/dark mage gone rogue. God this story is good. I'm eager to see how Robin and Lucina will work together in combat, if Robin does something like that laugh to upset Lucina I'm curious as to where it will lead. Hopefully she'll trust him a little more after fighting alongside him. I think that introducing him as Robin shows that she's warmed up to him at least a little, though of course it could just as easily be that introducing him as Grima would do no good.

What I'm really hoping to see (and I should've thought of this sooner) is Wyvern shenanigans, How to Train Your Dragon style, that bring Robin and Lucina together through bonding over their "pet". Was super happy to see this updated, looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
This is very good, ostensibly trolly and nonchalant. Reminds me of the robin in From Ruin from Celsius009. Keep up the great work. Absolutely looking forward to more
gliderpilotgirl chapter 4 . 7/19/2019
I was excited to see another chapter up! I love this story. The attention to detail, world-building and great dynamic between Robin and Lucina makes this work very nicely. I look forward to more.
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