Reviews for Vancouver Waves
lonichole chapter 15 . 4/16/2019
Please more chapters. I love it so.
EdwardsGuardianAngel chapter 15 . 4/5/2019
Please please continue.
reve2weaver chapter 15 . 2/24/2019
Wow. Your storytelling and pacing is just ... wow. I love the switching POV, and I usually hate it, like nope right out. It really works here, on so many levels. I love this well-written teen angst: not milked for the sake of melodrama, but curated and yet slippery, served with beckoning backstory and very well-constructed character MO. There is an unmistakable building dread that kept me page-turning. Ohio. Abandonment. Silence.
SO great to find a new favorite: thank you for writing this, your way.
jansails chapter 15 . 2/23/2019
Bella’s wishy-washy ways drives me INSANE.

I am worrying the so-called “Scandal” is going to be a major letdown.
The Official Xoxo chapter 15 . 2/19/2019
This is a great slow build, just so sweet. I am eager for more to come out of this and hopefully this is story where we can experience Bella and Edward grow into adults over the course of these chapters.
RoryCullen chapter 15 . 2/9/2019
“Will you take me to a wedding someday”? I loved that line from Edward. Can’t help but wonder if he was thinking of the two of them in his fantasy future, marrying each other. Loved many things that happened in this chapter. Loved that Bella didn’t have sex with Jake. Loved that he didn’t try to talk her into it or make her feel bad when she didn’t. Feel bad for Angela and Ben not finding each other yet, Feel bad for Bella that she can’t talk to her best girlfriends about her confusing feelings about Jake and Edward. That she can’t tell them about whatever happened to her back where she came from. Thanks so much for this lovely, long update. I truly love this story. I was worried when in Bella’s thoughts she desires to take a step back from Edward, to stop spending so much time with him. I’m so glad you advanced the story a few months past that, because I really didn’t want to endure any heartache caused by them fighting or avoiding each other. I love their texting and I love that he “gets her” and she realizes that at least. She realizes he is very perceptive of her needs and feelings. I love that she completely trusts him. I also love that Bella is starting to realize how content and happy she is whenever she is in contact with Edward. I love that he came to her rescue at the party, not once but twice. I love that in the previous chapter which I read again before reading this one I took note of something I missed before and that was when he touched her face and kissed her forehead. I had forgotten that they joked about loving each other. And in this chapter I loved that Bella seems to be realizing more and more her feelings for him and that in the end she was in his arms, where she realized she wanted to be, no needed to be to feel comforted and safe and she may not know it yet - loved. Can’t wait for the next update. Thank you.
grandmachix chapter 15 . 2/4/2019
After telling Jake she loves him, she avoids Edward, but at Mike's party she sees Alec and Irina. They both warn her. She cries on Edward. Now what?
snoopylover60 chapter 15 . 1/28/2019
Oh my gosh, I followed from The Lemonade Stand rec'.
This is so good.

Looking forward to more :D
Cullenosopy chapter 15 . 1/21/2019
Oh for cripsake, dump Jake and jump Edward. Or at least talk to Edward. Unload your secrets to him. If anybody is going to understand you, it's Edward.

That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 15 . 1/21/2019, apparently Bella was raped in Chicago,
and somehow, the victim was blamed? I’m gonna
guess it was the son of one of the partners at her
father’s law firm?
When is she just going to open up to Edward? Why
on EARTH did she lie to Jacob?
StoryMilkiway chapter 15 . 1/21/2019
Ohhh, so many emotions! I don't know what to think of this chapter, will Edward find out Bella's story in the next? Please of please let them date already I've been waiting for an epic kiss for a long time lmao
Denny52 chapter 15 . 1/20/2019
Missed this story. Glad you could update! Not a whole lot of forward movement. Maybe even a little backward movement with her telling Jacob she loves him. They can't avoid their feelings much longer.
Ektha chapter 15 . 1/20/2019
Amazing as usual! I can’t wait for them to eventually get together. Update soon please!
Guest chapter 15 . 1/18/2019
Thanks for the update i have missed this story and its angst
Steph720 chapter 15 . 1/19/2019
While I really like this story you have created, I’m starting to feel it’s being drug out. Is Bella ever going to get a clue about her true feelings for Jake and Edward? And with some of the foreshadowing words you’ve said it sounds like she’s going to lose and hurt Edward by her own doing. In fact based on an earlier sentence she lies when she says she isn’t going to abandon Edward. I feel like I’m waiting for a train wreck to happen every chapter. It never does, but I know it’s coming...eventually. Will it take just as long to resolve with more years of angst and pain?
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