Reviews for No More
gwesh chapter 33 . 7/21/2019
Not sure how I feel about the sword and other things. Hiccup is the genius behind all of his amazing inventions(even friends). It's weird seeing someone else make them. Also, I'm surprised about little to no mention of any kind of inventions of his ingenious mind. Even as a slave I think he would build or at least draw his inventions(or plan out) considering he has access to the local blacksmith.

Also, his flaming sword(inferno) uses monstrous nightmare gel which is why it flames up. And monstrous nightmare gel can burn for a long time compared to oil. That's also why he has to recharge his sword.
gwesh chapter 25 . 7/20/2019
I've not even completed halfway and I love this story so far.
Thanks a lot for writing it.

You wrote something amazing and unique. I'm at the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen next.
Colby the Diamond chapter 82 . 4/18/2019
I believe this is the coolest fanfiction I have ever read! I love how you mixed actual Vikings with HTTYD Vikings. Again, I just want to say, that is really cool!
Guest chapter 82 . 2/27/2019
Awesome story. Fascinating and exciting. I love it.
KorrieChan chapter 82 . 2/10/2019
Glad to see this story end in a beautiful way. I loved it! See you soon with your next story. By the way good name you chose for your next story ;P
Aspylady chapter 82 . 2/10/2019
Awww, the story is over! I loved every bit of it!
Eris chapter 81 . 2/10/2019
Awesome chapter. So amazing feelings. Very fascinating and exciting. Please update soon.
KorrieChan chapter 81 . 2/10/2019
Awww so cute! Are you going to include some shots from HTTYD 2 or 3?
Aspylady chapter 81 . 2/9/2019
I’m sure Eira will say yes! Yea! Hiccstrid will finally get to be alone! This has been a great story!
Aspylady chapter 80 . 2/7/2019
The war is over! Finally! Looking forward to the rest. At least Ivar was fighting his own battle this time instead of having his soldiers do it for him.
HTTYDlover99 chapter 80 . 2/7/2019
YESSSSSS! *starts whooping and throwing confetti everywhere* Hiccup has defeated Ivar! And now hopefully an epilogue with maybe lots of Hiccstrid?
KorrieChan chapter 80 . 2/6/2019
I would actually pain Hiccup as a murderer. But it was very normal in the viking days right?
Eris chapter 80 . 2/6/2019
Awesome chapter. Great fight. Why didn’t the lightning electrocut Hiccup? What will they do know? Please update soon.
KorrieChan chapter 79 . 2/4/2019
So will Hiccup kill Ivar. Or will he be a pacifist?
KorrieChan chapter 78 . 2/4/2019
It was a great journey
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