Reviews for Bloodbound: the Red Pawn
If u dunt liek me go KYS chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
I'm jumping
Dastin chapter 26 . 8/4/2019
Thank you very much for the entertainment! The characters were pretty in character, Issei’s development was believable, and the plot was just different enough from cannon to keep me interested. Even for fanfiction about an anime like DxD smut usually takes away from the story for me but you made it fit in.

Thanks again, I’m going to pop over to the sequel immediately.
TrueRedDragonGodEmperor chapter 24 . 7/28/2019
The story is very interesting. I've enjoyed reading it but I have to admit that Issei gets really irritating in several parts. Even though Issei's goal is to get a harem he complains every time another girl shows him any interest. He consistently refrains from pursuing relationships with the girls that aren't his girlfriends, even though he is consistently told that he shouldn't hold back and that he should go after other girls. Its gotten a bit redundant...the same argument has repeatedly appeared in the story. His pursuit of Rias has basically been put on the back burner without any explanation...even though he told her he wanted her in his harem. The issues with her engagement have not been addressed and the relationship build up that was created for Rias and Issei was basically destroyed in this chapter when you had Rias tell Issei she didn't like him 'romantically'. One thing i'm also confused about is that you've given Issei a twice critical but also have him dream about a red dragon (Draig)...nothing about the initial dead man has been revealed and its already chapter 24.
Dark White Fang chapter 4 . 2/3/2019
Sorry if it seems I'm nitpicking (and maybe I am, sorry about that it's hereditary) but Koneko and her class are just one year younger than him. So, I don't think they are too young for him or parking "forms" (because on my memory a girl's body start to mature before the first year of highschool). It's just that un canon Koneko and Nimura are way behind in for their year in that front. But maybe I'm mistaking myself. After all I never really paid a lot of attention to that kind of things (comes with being asexual with personnal disorder). Either way, it's not a big thing, I fond the story really interesting si far but I wanted to write a review with a little more than just "It's interesting" in it. Well keep up the good work, I will cheer for you.
LoveGlutton chapter 11 . 9/8/2018
Got it thanks,
LoveGlutton chapter 7 . 9/8/2018
You have a good script here... but it’s missing meat.. the way you write it makes it sound like they’re speaking in the same tone...
LoveGlutton chapter 6 . 9/8/2018
Just what was in that guy’s blood?
CrimsonRev chapter 8 . 6/14/2018
I can certainly say that about every story that has a Normal-ish Issei this is one of the most decent ones. It has a great consideration of his powers and its awakening (Unlike many stories where the powers are developed quickly), he's more logical (still a perv, but not a pathetic one) and Rias is at least more honest and it has more romance than Ecchi content. 10/10 at the Common Issei Category
ionut.cosmin12 chapter 7 . 6/13/2018
i am actualy a little disaponted ,ch 8 and after the nice introduction to issei power ,etc hes still pathetic and i got bored already ,why did you give him the new powers if he cant use them i expect no power till we get half the chapters from story ? you could add some little thing about his powers like he learned the info from the others blood,but i expect the same ussles thing as in cannon till he gets his sacred gear on,not bad , a realy nice story but not what i expected, well i will go further maybe this is not the same cannon story with some strong ability wich gets some huge price to use or somting like that ,and in the end its a pointless power,or i am out
leader.dbz chapter 27 . 6/7/2018
dandraft15 chapter 3 . 5/29/2018
This is the best characterisation of Ise that i have seen in a long time.
reality deviant chapter 19 . 5/16/2018
ISsei seems to grow slowly more and more OOC... I dont like that.
reality deviant chapter 13 . 5/16/2018
great and original story so far, many usual stations of canon were avoided.
Just what is the deal with ISsei here?
And while the Asia here is less naive and ignorant then canon, her core personality remains.
Alvirus-s chapter 22 . 5/6/2018
defibrillators don't work that way, they send an electrical current along the failsafes of the heart, basically, so one is placed on the left shoulder, and the other one right below the heart. But, excluding this little detail, I think your story is really good!
NekoElder chapter 23 . 4/24/2018
If his sacred gear in took is not likely to be boosted gear why is he seeing Draig (the red dragon) in his dreams
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