Reviews for Give Me a Chance
NoMeImporta32 chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
That was adorable. Though I am somewhat mad at Iris for allowing such behavior in Wally for so long. That is not a healthy way to grieve either
Guest chapter 1 . 11/15/2017
Oh my god you are an amazing writer. When I read Batman telling Flash he was overreacting I was like « and the verdict has been passed » I love the way you ended it too. I’d also love to see Wally’s reaction to Flash writing back and maybe Wally starting to trust Barry a bit or the lead up finding out Barry is the Flash but no pressure to make this a two shot or multichapter, as a one shot it ends beautifully.
Aquarica chapter 1 . 11/14/2017
Hahaha that was cute
Multidimensional Scribe chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
Well this is adorably evil
OrphanedAccountno1 chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
Awwww! So cute! I love all Wally's attempts to get rid of Barry. And the conversations between Barry and the Justice League members (especially imagining him talking about it with Batman XD ).
ROCuevas chapter 1 . 11/12/2017
Well done this was.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2017
Are you planning on continuing this? Cause I feel like you can go through Wally and Barry’s time together for a lot longer like when Barry snd iris finally get married, and when Wally learns Barry is the flash, and when Wally becomes kid flash, snd wjen Wally joins the team, and so much more yknow? Of course if this is a one-shot, that’s totally cool cause you ended it in a way like, you ended the story but left room for continuation yknow? So either way it’s fine, but I really recommend you continue on with this story
unavailable.101.goodbye chapter 1 . 11/12/2017
This made me giggle so many times! The ending was also really cute.

Great job!