Reviews for Ragnarok Moments: A Collection
Natalie Rushman chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Love it! I thought it was gonna be sentimental, then, the twist! Flawless.

I'm curious what you have going on with Loki. Whether you write it or not, I love this. It's short, and not saccharine-sweet. Perfect ;)
lordvaatithewindmage chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
Awww! :-) I liked it, and if you do some more, you could cover what happened to Loki when he was falling for 30 minutes. Just an idea.
foolondahill17 chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
Love this! I've lost track of how many of these hug scenes I've read (I doubt I'll grow tired of them) but yours stands out among the others - plenty of character and voice even in few lines, and Loki's snake trick made me smile.

On another note - I've recently stumbled on your profile...I'll be working through a few of your shorter pieces before I muster enough courage to try Beneath (I've sneaked peeks, and I'm intrigued).

In the meantime, thanks for this satisfying read.
SummerMistedDragon chapter 1 . 11/17/2017
Love it!
Drumboy100 chapter 1 . 11/12/2017
Nice! Sweet while mischievous. I like your style.
Ana of Asgard chapter 1 . 11/11/2017
Aww, that's so sweet. I just watched Thor: Ragnarok sometime this week, and I absolutely loved it! I was really disappointed when it didn't show them hugging in the movie, and I was going to write a scene of this myself, but I couldn't remember what happened that clearly. This was really amazing, and I can't wait for more!

PS - Can u please do a one-shot of the 'get help' scene? It seemed to me that they've done 'get help' multiple times in their youth, and I'm guessing there's a story behind that.
C chapter 1 . 11/10/2017
Yay! Love it. Looking forward to more like this! :)
I really liked Ragnarok even though, as others have pointed out, they were a bit out of character - especially for those of us who are into Beneath and your portrayal of them. I didn't like that they made Loki out to be a bit of a selfish coward in some ways. And I really hope he doesn't give you know what to you know who - seeing that was a bit weird when in your story, Loki's doing quite the opposite. But apart from that the whole thing was hilarious!
MacMhuirich chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
Watched the movie last week when it premiered and, in spite of some misgivings, I loved it. It turned out better than expected. Different from the previous ones in so many ways but we had lots and lots of Loki!
I'm thrilled you're writing those scenes relating to Ragnarok. Absolutely love your stories, your portayal of Loki and the others, your style in general.
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
Thor just flung Loki to the ground... again. xD Loved it!
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
Omg yess i love it amd nice call back as well
Ori chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
Ahhh yay you did watch the movie. I read a few versions of this already but Loki turning into a snake during the hug is new so I like your version!

I may actually write something soon. I have something vague in my mind to explain why Loki turn into a snake to stab Thor... and why children of Odin are all messed up in their own way.

I’ve also started to read Journey Into Mystery (the kid Loki arc) and I am now imagining, hoping, that the whole Thanos story line will push toward a reborn Loki movie trilogy. (Pray to the movie gods this will happen)
CreativeReading chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
I love, love, love this! And the movie! (PM me and we can chat about this).

Here's the thing, I really, really think that Tom Hiddleston did some great work on this movie with portraying Loki's mixed desire to reconnect with Thor, especially with the elevator scene.

And I loved Loki turning into a snake at the end. One, it's a great callback to an earlier part of the movie. But even better, it's very typical for people who are uncomfortable with emotion to "spoil the moment" to regain their emotional footing.

I adore it and, of course, you! Thank you so much for sharing this scene!
AnaBookWorm chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
Loved it!
Midnight chapter 1 . 11/7/2017
Gahhhhhhh... gotta love brotherly love between those two...

Awesome job on this one-shot! ! It was a shorty BUT definitely a goody LOL. *mega thumbs up*

I honestly wished Thor and Loki could've hugged for realz in that scene... screw u Marvel. But LOL Loki... it doesn't matter if he's good or bad...
He will always be the God of Mischief.
Aurora Marija chapter 1 . 11/7/2017
I figured you weren't writing anything based on the new movie, because you're writing Beneath, and when the last movie came out you said you weren't writing anything based on that. But oh how I was wishing there would be something from you on this one. And then I opened up my inbox and lo and behold there actually was!
I hope there's more, a lot more. I know this isn't going to be an actual story, but I'll take what I can get and this little vignette was amazing. The whole movie I felt like they were both kind of acting out if character. But you always capture them beautifully and get their characterization down perfectly. And there are like a hundred or more hug scene stories out there now but yours is the only one that I feel truly captured them and really portrayed it realistically. I just wish it was a little longer. But I know you were rushing to just get it down, and get it posted. Really looking forward to more.
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