Reviews for Reboot to the head
FriendlyFire59 chapter 6 . 7/19
This is a fun cross over, I really like the surprise occupations you have some of the characters moved on to, Kim as a Batgirl is one of those obvious, once someone points it out to you, ideas.
Thanks for posting.
Dimensional Dragon chapter 6 . 6/16
Good story. Looking forward to the nest update.
krzinn chapter 6 . 3/22
More please
AnthonyR89 chapter 6 . 2/24
...i really doubt the jumanji boardgame would have the power to control Nabu, even if it had the power to control Kent Nelson/whoever it is.
AnthonyR89 chapter 1 . 2/24
...i was expecting the batgirl in question to be Cassie, from the way you had her acting.
LordSJP chapter 6 . 12/31/2019
I thought I read all of your stuff where the hell did this one hide?
Anyway great story. Update would be nice. Would love to know what happens next.
Renee.Sarah chapter 6 . 6/7/2019
For the sucking of eggs, some people had a taste for it. Some animals also do this. To suck an egg is where you poke a hole in the shell and drink the inside.
St. Fyrecat chapter 6 . 6/7/2019
Fun story so far!
As I understand it, the phrase is "Don't try to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs."
Eggs are very nutritious and sucking down the contents of a raw egg or 3 is a quick, easy meal. The expression expresses the admonition not to try someone older and more experienced how to do a relatively simple task that they have likely been doing since before you were born.
pax-draconix chapter 6 . 1/20/2019
I'm betting there's a mistranslation somewhere. Suck sounds close to shuck whick could mean teaching your grandmother how to deshell an egg.
Shadowpawzzz chapter 6 . 11/10/2018
this was a fun story hoping for more!
Jondarme chapter 6 . 11/6/2018
Rather enjoyed the entire story. Sucking eggs out of their shell takes a fair bit of skill, and comes from when people lived on the farm.
Spica75 chapter 6 . 9/4/2018
Hope this continues sometime. I have never watched Kim Possible, and i sure found it interesting and amusing anyway.

Also, seriously? You can't figure out where "grandma sucking eggs" comes from?
It's extremely simple and logical.

Old age often results in bad teeth or loss of teeth, and drastically more so if you go back in time a few centuries or more.
So, what's the easiest way of getting highly nutritious food that requires no chewing?
Eggs, NOT hardboiled. Which you can pop open in such a way that you can relatively easily suck everything out from within the mostly intact shell.

It supposedly requires a bit of skill, and with females having a tendency to live a decade or half longer than males, who is it most commonly that's going to end up with that skill?

So, the saying is basically that you shouldn't try to teach those more experienced what they already know.
Lord Mortensen chapter 6 . 9/1/2018
cool! please update soon!
creativesm75 chapter 6 . 7/12/2018
Have a Little Feith chapter 6 . 7/9/2018
Well, I'm pretty sure it comes from Native culture, seeing as how they never had a way to cook eggs. I think they may have poked a hole in the eggshell and sucked out the inside, like those people in the country that speaks portuguese, can't recall if it's Portugal or Brazil, but it has a lot of cliffs where they get eggs from nesting seagulls, and the saying was basically imported from there.
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