Reviews for A Woman After My Own Heart
CC5H chapter 15 . 3/13/2019
Love your story!.Still can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon plz :).
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 15 . 2/19/2019
Yeah, this is going to get dicey for all soon. Grouse, I hope he gets quite a suffering here right now.
JamGhor1886 chapter 15 . 2/11/2019
First of all, it great to hear you again. This chapter is amazing! Can't wait for the next one!
Jeff chapter 15 . 2/11/2019
Hey, this is back, nice! As usual before the hiatus, everything about this was great, from Luan and Maggie's hot moment to Lynn and Francisco's risky rut throughout the school. The big take away to me is Luna's angst about how to make up to Sam for running after seeing all of her earlier, so I'm looking forward to that along with your next project too!
Hildaberg chapter 15 . 2/11/2019
Geez, I've been waiting for this update for a year. Little mad it took you this long, but I understand why. I glad to hear you in a positive attitude, up and running. Can't wait for the next one.
JamesSunderlandsPillow chapter 15 . 2/10/2019
Seeing you update this made it a wonderful day.
OddCombo chapter 8 . 8/5/2018
Lyle: Okay, so there are a few things we would like to point out in this story.

Lyle: The idea of having the Liud House seperated and mature is a little bit overused in stories these days, but you're managing it well, so you're good.

Kyle: As for the dialogue, I think it would be better if you extend it, then again, it's kinda cute how they understand each other without the need for talking.

Lyle: The ship itself is underrated, so I'm really glad you're shipping them, despite the events being slightly predictable.

Kyle: The chapters are short, but they're not needlessly long either. So that's a thumbs up for you.

Lyle: I give this story a solid 9 out of 19.

Kyle: I'm really glad this fandom has a talented writer like you. Keep up the great work. Yours truly: The odd twins.
You-Wear-Socks chapter 1 . 5/11/2018
I’ Sorry I meant Luan. Dang autocorrect keeps correcting it to Liam... anyway, LOVE YOUR STORY! Sorry for spamming...
You-Wear-Socks chapter 14 . 5/11/2018
Plz continue soon! I love this so much! I love the way Liam and Maggie interact with each other and Lana’s character is amazing! I’ve never read a story like this tag actually had me invested in every single thing going on with every single character. They’re all just wonderfully written and played out. I am also interested more in depth between Luna and Sam’s situation. Not in. A bad way, if anything I really wanna see how they deal with it as a couple. Also... a little Lynncisco sexiness in the next chapter? It would be the literal only sex scene to ever be written about them... Anyway, PLZ CONTINUE SOON!
ThatOneGuy chapter 14 . 2/22/2018
By God this story is beautiful. It can be a bit contrived at times, but I love It!

I've spent a lot of time reading Flagg's nightmarish works of fanfiction (which I totally don't secretly love), but I never realized I needed balance until I gluttonously devoured this story in its entirety.

Just... keep on writing. I've followed other writers on this site for the better part of a decade (Cornova -cough- Thekoboldnecromancer) and I am pleased to say that you're now on that list).

JamesSunderlandsPillow chapter 14 . 2/17/2018
Pshhh... 100k ain't nothing;p... Just teasing. Take your time. Gram always said if you force a fart it's going to be shit.

Glad to see you pick back up though. I was convinced you'd abandoned this story. The Sam thing is really... cool to see, for lack of a better word. There are many different kinds of people out there, and it's important to try and understand all of them. Uh, yeah. I could go on, but I guess what I'm saying is: good for you for being so progressive. And the Bobby/Carol side of things has actually become my favorite part of the story.

On another note though... No Leni/Alfred? Sup brah?

Well, again, glad to see you pick back up, and with another happy chapter at that. Thanks for indulging me, and for writing this.
AnonymousXD chapter 14 . 2/17/2018
The adorableness...its...its...its over five thousand! Lol, but serious, this...this was too much. Everything here is too adorable and sweet for words...I swear. The best that I can describe this chapter as was pure cotton candy, cuz it was fluffy and sweet at the same time! I can't wait for the next one, take your time and keep up the good work!
LoudLurker chapter 14 . 2/15/2018
First off, welcome back Script! It's been a while since this story has received a chapter and oh boy what a chapter this was. Not very action packed and not dramatic but very important nonetheless. I love seeing the characters just live life, it's great to read and reminds everyone that they are human.

I think what you are doing with Luan, Maggie, and Lana is outstanding. It's nice to read about everyday life and minor things like breakfast and movie night. I also appreciate you taking the relationship with them slowly, you easily could have written numerous sex encounters between those two but nope, not today. I am, however, excited to see that scene when it comes because everyone knows you will pour your heart and soul into making it spectacular.

Luna and Sam received a very small but very unique section here. Sam, I believe, has been revealed as a hermaphrodite. I can't wait to see what that will entail. Will Luna still love her for who she is? Will Sam be strong enough to show Luna? Boy I hope so, I have high hopes for those two.

Ronnie Anne and Lincoln are somewhat of a Bonnie and Clyde duo. I can see them murdering Mr. Grouse and either killing themselves to avoid prison or just getting thrown in jail for 2nd degree murder. I can sense an end to their storyline coming soon and for a good cause. We will see in the next few chapters now, won't we?

Bobby, Carol, Leni, and Alfred didn't get much screen time this chapter, I guess it's because you are writing 6 or so storylines right now and might include a 7th with the potential iclusion of Lucy and Rocky.

I can't believe I'm saying this but here it goes. I'm excited to see more of Lynn and Francisco. Their story is very intriguing, I want to know what's going to happen between those two.

I believe I covered everything here, except for one little thing I have never mentioned to you before. Make sure you're sitting down when you read this next part.

I have never seen Frozen.

The gamemann chapter 14 . 2/15/2018
This was a very fun, emotional, and slightly laid back chapter. Luan and company watching the movie was very heartfelt. You could sense the emotions of the characters and their personal connection to the movie. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were as cute as always and I enjoyed that Lincoln was willing to help her out with her plans. Nice use of description without explicitness. Luna and Sam are the only ones I’m a bit on the fence about. I feel making Sam a hermaphrodite is a bit out of place. It feels like an obstacle for the sake of an obstacle that the characters need to get through. This could work a bit better if it was set up in the beginning. That’s just one gripe I have with the chapter. Everything else flowed naturally. I do want to state that I realize that you are writing an AU which means the other characters would get the spotlight even when what they’re doing doesn’t ultimately connect with the main characters. You mentioning the story being a web makes sense. The side stories work as different strands. This was an overall nice break from the story that gives the characters time to breathe.
Flagg1991 chapter 14 . 2/15/2018
The prodigal Abby returns, and in top form, too! I wonder who the shemale is. Lana? Mrs. Woodhouse?

Until I read your random note and checked the word count, I had no idea this fic was as long as it is. Man, time flies when you're having fun.

Glad to see Linc and RA getting together. You've written their relationship and they backstory beautifully, and it's satisfying that they're finally official. Now let's just hope they don't wind up in the slammer for doing something stupid.
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