Reviews for Upon the Notes
evenstar lady chapter 1 . 8/30
This was one of the loveliest stories I have ever read - your writing is fabulous. I absolutely love how you wrote Viktor's smooth charm and hungering after Yuuri, contrasted with Yuuri's shyness so well.
Thanks for sharing this gem with us!
Guest22 chapter 1 . 11/8/2019
Zomg! This was so heartwarming and so cute and so beautiful and so fluffy and so so Viktuuri and so heavenly and so so light hearted and funny and so them! Ajdhdgdgshshhs.. I can't believe I'm finding this treasure now!
You wrote so beautifully! I love the in-depth glance you give us and how beautiful adept you are at conveying their deep deep emotions and so wonderfully written in a way that alludes but is distinct in the meaning... "Stich by agonizing stich" and many more deep phrases and I am just happy reading gold mines like this. I even loved your fic: sweet love.
It's all exquisite I tell you. I hope you write more YoI fics. And I'm sad because all of your fics deserve more love and if I could I wish I could give a thousand more kudos and love to it all.
Shadow and Moonlight chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
So. Cute. Omg
Smexy Kitten chapter 1 . 11/24/2018
This story was beautiful from start to finish. The tale of their love was so expertly woven, I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I was so entranced and touched by what you put together. You embodied Viktor and Yuuri's love so perfectly that you left me speechless and awed. Thank you for this wonderful fic.
A fan chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
This story is beautifully descriptive. It depicts their love in such a pure and earnest way. I love this story so much. Keep up the good work
parsimonia chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
Oh shit.
This was PERFECT. I don’t know how you do it to make me feel so much with your writing (you’ve probably received a lots of notifications from me in your email by now haha)
Thank you so much for writing this!
Lots of love x
FiftyFandoms chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
Your are so talented. I love your use of musical terms and the way the story flows with the an easy grace like music even. Absolutely captivating and addictive. Please write more of these.
HeartThrobbingFanticyLover chapter 1 . 3/6/2018
Love it so wish there was more to it
MarkerOfAges chapter 1 . 1/12/2018
splendid fanfic! (love details and poetic parts)
tootantobronzee chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
This was so beautiful to read. It was refined, elegant, poetic, a lovely one shot. Thank you
H-thar chapter 1 . 10/31/2017
This must've been so fun to write! I may have to check out that tumblr challenge (if it's not too late!). Thank you for somehow finding the time to write your submission, as it was a pleasure to read :D. My car had a transmission issue this morning that threw a wrench in everything, so I've been able to pass the last couple of hours happily reading instead of just sitting here while it gets fixed. Again, THANK YOU.

You've become pretty masterful at bringing out all the adorableness that is Victuuri. It was like opening a Halloween present in the form of a jam-packed oneshot (and I love those). Also I may have to look into whatever-the-heck crockpot hot chocolate is. I think it belongs in my life. Side note: is it wrong that I wanted to backhand the gagging violin player there at the end? How dare s/he cast judgment upon that perfect moment?! *glares*

Of more relevance, while there were many moments worth loving and laughing over, I think a personal favorite of mine was the panty-thieving cat. Having just re-watched D. Grayman it instantly made me think that Lulu Bell in cat form had somehow inserted herself into your story to bring lust-related mischief. Didn't you say that was a reader/reviewer suggestion? I was thinking you'd mentioned it. Well played here.

Anyway, thank you for the third time, and Happy Halloween!

- Hthar