Reviews for Young Hearts Be Free Tonight
Crisis Nova chapter 7 . 5/19
Ok, I'm on chapter 7 and this story is...good? For the most part. I can buy Lincoln and Ronnie Anne as teenage parents and struggling for there unborn child. I appealed Lincoln for stepping up because most teenage dads wouldn't.

Now for the nip picks.

What I find annoying is the writing style. I'm not going to go into grammar because I suck at it myself. But...

You should have added more to each sentence instead of making it one line after another. Or better yet combine some of the lines when someone is still speaking for example

"Let put it to a vote" proposed Lori. The others were all fine with this "All in favor." Began Lori. All eight sisters raised their hands. "All Opposed." Lily raised her hand. "Lily, why are you against it?" Lori asked.

See what I mean just adding one line after another without adding favor to said line will make others who are reading this for the first time or just a buzzkill elitist with nothing better to do with there life will see you as a lazy writer.

Also, you don't have to make two or three lines per paragraph. Just add favor to that line.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/19
I cannot buy Lincoln being a teen father, he's not irresponsible plus Ronnie Anne was never his girlfriend.
Guest chapter 23 . 4/14/2019
That was great you should make a sequel of them raising the baby and maybe getting married when they get older
fernandotorrid chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
I just re-read it because it's so great. One of best Loud House fanfictions ever!
KalobUbinBurnett chapter 5 . 1/31/2019
Well, dude. Not all of us like Lynn because of who she is, she needs to punish for her actions.
KalobUbinBurnett chapter 1 . 1/11/2019
Since Lorenzo is Lincoln and Lincoln's son, can you give him siblings, brothers or sisters, or both? We've dying to see the next generation of the Loud family with Lincoln and Ronnie Anne as the parents of eleven children of their own. But however, I don't Lynn or the Loud sisters be part of it since the way they treated Lincoln poorly, except for Lily.
G chapter 8 . 12/2/2018
Young Hearts Be Free Tonight by Asukaforever92
Cartoons » Loud House Rated: M, English, Romance & Drama, Lily L., Lincoln L., Ronnie Anne S., Words: 43k, Favs: 69, Follows: 80, Published: Oct 22, 2017 Updated: Apr 5
63 Chapter 8
A/N: Hello everyone, I am back with chapter eight of this story. Here; Lynn and Rita talk, Lincoln confronts his boss and we return to the past.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House

To say it had been a hard day for Lynn Loud Sr. would be an understatement. He returned to work as the large family still needed an income to support them. He and Rita then went to the police station, but there where no leads. They then returned home and tried to carry on as usual. However, the Loud parents went to their room to try and hide how difficult this task was.

"Nothing. Still found nothing." sighed Lynn Sr. sadly.

Rita placed her hands on her husband's shoulders.

"It's okay dear." whispered Rita.

Rita began to massage her husband's shoulders.

"I appreciate the effort..." began Lynn Sr.

The Loud patriarch pulled his shoulders away from his wife's hold.

"However, I don't feel like it." said Lynn Sr. worried.

"You're still feeling guilty." noted Rita concerned.

"I've sucked as a father." said Lynn Sr. flatly.

"No you haven't!" declared Rita worried.

"When did I ever bond with him?" asked Lynn Sr.

An idea quickly came to the Loud matriarch.

"You where on Legends of the Hidden Temple together." answered Rita.

"That was fun...except for the cavity search at the airport after the show." mused Lynn Sr.

"Yeah...but, it was great aside from that." said Rita.

"But how many other times did we bond?" asked Lynn Sr.

Rita began thinking this over.

"I always favored the girls." mused Lynn Sr.

"No. No. No. Lincoln knows you love him." countered Rita.

Lynn Sr. shook his head sadly.

"I was never as close with Lincoln as I should have." said Lynn Sr. sadly.

Rita placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"I jam with Luna, I crack jokes with Luan, I go to sports game with Junior. I barely spend time with Lincoln." continued Lynn Sr. sadly.

"Stop beating yourself up!" demanded Rita.

"When ever the girls insitgate Sister Fight Protocol we hide like cowards along with their crap." noted Lynn Sr.

Rita winced at this.

"We do need to step up more." confessed Rita.

"Same with Luan and her pranks. We should put our foot down instead of cowering in a bunker or trying to ditch her at a camp." continued Lynn Sr.

"You worked with her in the latter." replied Rita.

The Loud patriarch clenched his fists.

"I agree!" declared Rita quickly.

"Do you remember the bad luck incident?" asked Lynn Sr.

Rita took a step backwards.

"I'll admit Lincoln was wrong for lying and keeping this going." continued Lynn Sr.

"But, we should have been parents and not buy that bad luck garbage." sighed Rita.

"We kicked him out and sold his belongings." stated Lynn Sr. exasperated.

"Then we locked him out and forced Lincoln to sleep on the porch." continued Rita sadly.

"I looked it up. What we did is child neglect in the state of Michigan." revealed Lynn Sr.

Rita gasped in horror at this.

"Our family is fucked up." said Lynn Sr. distraught.

"We've both screwed up." said Rita.

Lynn Sr. slammed the wall with this fist.

"Dammit!" exclaimed Lynn Sr. bitterly.

Rita walked over and hugged her husband.

"We have screwed up, but we can fix this." whispered Rita.

"How?" asked Lynn Sr. flatly.

"Once Lincoln is home, we need to see a family therapist. I think it's long overdue." answered Rita.

"Okay." agreed Lynn Sr.

Meanwhile, two young teens where together in a motel room. Ronnie Anne Santiago was seated on the edge of the bed. Lincoln Loud was nervously pacing back and forth. He was freaking out over his seemingly illegal career. The fact he wasn't sure exactly what he was delivering made things worse. Lincoln felt his heart pounding. If he didn't know better, Lincoln would swear his heart would burst out o his chest.

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God." said Lincoln worried.

"Lame-O, this worrying isn't going to help ya." noted Ronnie Anne.

"I've never been in a situation like this!" exclaimed Lincoln.

"Damn, this make you pregnancy look like nothing." joked Ronnie Anne.

"Oh God! The baby!" cried Lincoln freaking out more.

"Ah Dios Mio." sighed Ronnie Anne.

"What the hell am I even doing?" asked Lincoln concerned.

"It's pretty obvious." answered Ronnie Anne.

"Tell me!" begged Lincoln desperately.

"Wake up and smell the coffee, you're a drug mule Lame-O." said Ronnie Anne.

"Oh God!" screamed Lincoln horrified.

"From the description you gave, it's likely blow." mused Ronnie Anne.

"I'm delivering cocaine." said Lincoln mortified.

"It seems so." noted Ronnie Anne.

"What happens if I get arrested?" asked Lincoln, losing it.

Lincoln began to hyperventilate.

"I can't go to prison! I won't last! I won't be able to help you and the baby!" cried Lincoln.

Ronnie Anne let out a sigh.

"Cal down Lincoln!" demanded Ronnie Anne.

"I can't!" cried Lincoln, "Ill go to prison and get stabbed or worse!"

Ronnie Anne slapped Lincoln across the cheek.

"Get a hold of yourself!" demanded Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln stopped and took several deep breaths.

"Thanks Ronnie. I needed that." said Lincoln relaxing.

"Good. Now, we're going to confront that manager." said Ronnie Anne.

The two left and headed to the Manager's office where the Manager was.

"What can I do for you?" asked the Manager curious.

"We need to talk." answered Ronnie Anne firmly.

The Manager was surprised by the tone of the young Latina.

"We know about your little deliveries." noted Ronnie Anne.

The Manager was surprised, but suddenly pulled a package out of his drawer.

"Speaking of, I do need Lincoln deliver another package." stated the Manager.

"No!" exclaimed Lincoln horrified.

"But, you've never had a problem before." noted the Manager confused.

"That's because I didn't know what I was doing!" exclaimed Lincoln.

"I was upfront with you from the start." countered the Manager.

"Bullshit!" snapped Ronnie Anne.

"You've never been this ungrateful before." countered the Manager.

"That's because I never knew what the hell I was doing!" cried Lincoln.

"Like I said..." began the Manager.

"Don't give us your crap!" snapped Ronnie Anne.

The Manager was taken aback by this.

"You kids and underage and shouldn't even be here." noted the Manager irritated.

"We'd rather stay with someone who doesn't take advantage of us." replied Ronnie Anne.

"Lincoln agreed to this." stated the Manager.

"That was before!" cried Lincoln.

The motel manager rubbed the bridge of his eyes.

"Look, this is going nowhere." began the Manager.

"We're done with your and your illegal business!" declared Ronnie Anne.

The Manager was confused by this.

"I don't know what you're talking about." replied the Manager.

"Don't play dumb!" cried Ronnie Anne.

"I have no clue what you're talking about!" cried the Manager.

"I won't be your drug mule anymore!" declared Lincoln.

The Manager stopped for a moment then laughed.

"Oh My God! This is hilarious!" cried the Manager.

"We don't see what's so funny." replied Ronnie Anne annoyed.

"Look, you can just open the package. I'll reseal it." said the Manager.

Lincoln opened the package to find a bunch of herbs and powders.

"I told you. It's herbal medicine." shrugged the Manager.

"Son of a bitch. He's honest." said Ronnie Anne amazed.

"I can explain offered." the Manager.

"We thought I was delivering cocaine." noted Lincoln.

"Tom is a cocaine addict. This is to help him recover." explained the Manager.

"Why can't he go to rehab?" asked Lincoln confused.

"Cocaine causes paranoia and he's afraid of a trap." answered the Manager.

"That makes sense." muttered Ronnie Anne.

"This is all he'll take, but it doesn't actually work. It's just a placebo." continued the Manager.

"But, why do I deliver it to other people?" asked Lincoln.

"Word got around and my way was preferred." answered the Manager.

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne shared a guilty glance.

"Sorry about the acccusations." sad Lincoln.

"i guess the say 'never judge a book by its cover' is true." added Ronnie Anne.

"Apology accepted. This is all water under the bridge." replied the Manager.

The Manager resealed the package.

"This is for Tom." noted the Manager.

"The paranoia explains why he got jumpy when I talked to him." mused Lincoln.

"Oh crap. Let me call him while your going to smooth things out." said the Manager.

"Back to work." said Lincoln.

The Loud sisters had been following Lincoln closely for the week. They noticed he visited Ronnie Anne a lot which they where all happy with. After a week, some of the sisters where questioning if they should abandon this endeavor. It was mixed, but the sisters decided to continue forward. On this day, the girls followed Lincoln to the mall. They noticed him seemingly wondering around, but in reality he was trying to make sure nobody he knew would see him. Lincoln saw the Baby's "R" Us ahead.

"Almost there." muttered Lincoln.

The sister's kept a safe distance.

"He hasn't done anything weird yet." noted Luna.

"I told you he's not cheating on Ronnie Anne." whispered Lily.

As he approached, Lincoln froze.

"Oh shit. It's Paige." said Lincoln.

Indeed, Lincoln used to have some feelings for Paige and now she approached.

"Hey Lincoln!" called Paige.

"Who's that?" asked Lily.

"It is the Jezebel that we feared Lincoln was cheating on Ronnie Anne with." answered Lisa.

Lily gave her a confused look.

"It's Paige." clarified Lynn.

"It can't be true." said Luna.

"What are you doing here?" asked Paige.

"Just hanging out." answered Lincoln uncomfortable.

"I was about to hit the arcade if you're interested." replied Paige.

"Like a date?" asked Lincoln.

"He just said date." gasped Leni.

"I'll kill him." growled Lori.

"I know you're dating Ronnie Anne. I meant just as friends." answered Paige.

"I can't let her know about the pregnancy." muttered Lincoln.

"What id you say?" asked Paige.

"Sure." answered Lincoln.

With that, the two left together.

"I'm literally going to kill him!" declared Lori.

Lori began to storm off after Lincoln. It took Leni, Luna, Luan and Lynn to hold her back.

"Calm down!" exclaimed Luna.

Lori took multiple deep breaths and calmed down.

"I can't believe Linky is a cheater." said Leni sadly

"He's not!" cried Lily.

"Wake up and heard the music." replied Luna sadly.

"Seriously. This isn't funny." said Luan.

"Cheating isn't cool in sports or dating." stated Lynn.

"I never figured his heart was so black." added Lucy.

"I can't believe this!" declared Lily.

"Come on Lily! He's a cheater!" cried Lola.

"I never thought he'd be such a jerk." said Lana sadly.

"Please Lisa. You gotta believe me." pleaded Lily.

"I do recall the time we where certain Bobby was cheating on Lori and it turned out his preparing for a date." mused Lisa.

"See!" cried Lily.

"However, the facts in this case are damning." replied Lisa.

Lily couldn't believe it.

"Lincoln couldn't be cheating." said Lily saddened.

A/N: That is where we'll end thing for now. I hope you liked the talk with Lynn Sr. and Rita. I do dislike "Brawl in the Family" and "No Such Luck" like most people. However, I don't hate them as bad as some people. With "Brawl in the Family" it was the need to explain the Sister Fight Protocol to Lincoln by his younger sister and the parents cowering away. With "No Such Luck" it was the treatment of Lincoln though again Lincoln does have some blame by lying. Also, forcing Lincoln to sleep on the porch is child neglect. Plus, in "Ties That Bind" they told the children that they'd never kick a child out which is exactly what they did here. I have no plain to do a story on either episode because it'd be beating a dead horse. Besides, I've noticed some stories tend to make the sisters so cruel to Lincoln it's Out Of Character. Next time; the sisters look for Lincoln, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne spend time together and we return to the past. Please review.
G chapter 8 . 12/2/2018
Young Hearts Be Free Tonight by Asukaforever92
Cartoons » Loud House Rated: M, English, Romance & Drama, Lily L., Lincoln L., Ronnie Anne S., Words: 43k, Favs: 69, Follows: 80, Published: Oct 22, 2017 Updated: Apr 5
63 Chapter 8
A/N: Hello everyone, I am back with chapter eight of this story. Here; Lynn and Rita talk, Lincoln confronts his boss and we return to the past.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House

To say it had been a hard day for Lynn Loud Sr. would be an understatement. He returned to work as the large family still needed an income to support them. He and Rita then went to the police station, but there where no leads. They then returned home and tried to carry on as usual. However, the Loud parents went to their room to try and hide how difficult this task was.

"Nothing. Still found nothing." sighed Lynn Sr. sadly.

Rita placed her hands on her husband's shoulders.

"It's okay dear." whispered Rita.

Rita began to massage her husband's shoulders.

"I appreciate the effort..." began Lynn Sr.

The Loud patriarch pulled his shoulders away from his wife's hold.

"However, I don't feel like it." said Lynn Sr. worried.

"You're still feeling guilty." noted Rita concerned.

"I've sucked as a father." said Lynn Sr. flatly.

"No you haven't!" declared Rita worried.

"When did I ever bond with him?" asked Lynn Sr.

An idea quickly came to the Loud matriarch.

"You where on Legends of the Hidden Temple together." answered Rita.

"That was fun...except for the cavity search at the airport after the show." mused Lynn Sr.

"Yeah...but, it was great aside from that." said Rita.

"But how many other times did we bond?" asked Lynn Sr.

Rita began thinking this over.

"I always favored the girls." mused Lynn Sr.

"No. No. No. Lincoln knows you love him." countered Rita.

Lynn Sr. shook his head sadly.

"I was never as close with Lincoln as I should have." said Lynn Sr. sadly.

Rita placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"I jam with Luna, I crack jokes with Luan, I go to sports game with Junior. I barely spend time with Lincoln." continued Lynn Sr. sadly.

"Stop beating yourself up!" demanded Rita.

"When ever the girls insitgate Sister Fight Protocol we hide like cowards along with their crap." noted Lynn Sr.

Rita winced at this.

"We do need to step up more." confessed Rita.

"Same with Luan and her pranks. We should put our foot down instead of cowering in a bunker or trying to ditch her at a camp." continued Lynn Sr.

"You worked with her in the latter." replied Rita.

The Loud patriarch clenched his fists.

"I agree!" declared Rita quickly.

"Do you remember the bad luck incident?" asked Lynn Sr.

Rita took a step backwards.

"I'll admit Lincoln was wrong for lying and keeping this going." continued Lynn Sr.

"But, we should have been parents and not buy that bad luck garbage." sighed Rita.

"We kicked him out and sold his belongings." stated Lynn Sr. exasperated.

"Then we locked him out and forced Lincoln to sleep on the porch." continued Rita sadly.

"I looked it up. What we did is child neglect in the state of Michigan." revealed Lynn Sr.

Rita gasped in horror at this.

"Our family is fucked up." said Lynn Sr. distraught.

"We've both screwed up." said Rita.

Lynn Sr. slammed the wall with this fist.

"Dammit!" exclaimed Lynn Sr. bitterly.

Rita walked over and hugged her husband.

"We have screwed up, but we can fix this." whispered Rita.

"How?" asked Lynn Sr. flatly.

"Once Lincoln is home, we need to see a family therapist. I think it's long overdue." answered Rita.

"Okay." agreed Lynn Sr.

Meanwhile, two young teens where together in a motel room. Ronnie Anne Santiago was seated on the edge of the bed. Lincoln Loud was nervously pacing back and forth. He was freaking out over his seemingly illegal career. The fact he wasn't sure exactly what he was delivering made things worse. Lincoln felt his heart pounding. If he didn't know better, Lincoln would swear his heart would burst out o his chest.

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God." said Lincoln worried.

"Lame-O, this worrying isn't going to help ya." noted Ronnie Anne.

"I've never been in a situation like this!" exclaimed Lincoln.

"Damn, this make you pregnancy look like nothing." joked Ronnie Anne.

"Oh God! The baby!" cried Lincoln freaking out more.

"Ah Dios Mio." sighed Ronnie Anne.

"What the hell am I even doing?" asked Lincoln concerned.

"It's pretty obvious." answered Ronnie Anne.

"Tell me!" begged Lincoln desperately.

"Wake up and smell the coffee, you're a drug mule Lame-O." said Ronnie Anne.

"Oh God!" screamed Lincoln horrified.

"From the description you gave, it's likely blow." mused Ronnie Anne.

"I'm delivering cocaine." said Lincoln mortified.

"It seems so." noted Ronnie Anne.

"What happens if I get arrested?" asked Lincoln, losing it.

Lincoln began to hyperventilate.

"I can't go to prison! I won't last! I won't be able to help you and the baby!" cried Lincoln.

Ronnie Anne let out a sigh.

"Cal down Lincoln!" demanded Ronnie Anne.

"I can't!" cried Lincoln, "Ill go to prison and get stabbed or worse!"

Ronnie Anne slapped Lincoln across the cheek.

"Get a hold of yourself!" demanded Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln stopped and took several deep breaths.

"Thanks Ronnie. I needed that." said Lincoln relaxing.

"Good. Now, we're going to confront that manager." said Ronnie Anne.

The two left and headed to the Manager's office where the Manager was.

"What can I do for you?" asked the Manager curious.

"We need to talk." answered Ronnie Anne firmly.

The Manager was surprised by the tone of the young Latina.

"We know about your little deliveries." noted Ronnie Anne.

The Manager was surprised, but suddenly pulled a package out of his drawer.

"Speaking of, I do need Lincoln deliver another package." stated the Manager.

"No!" exclaimed Lincoln horrified.

"But, you've never had a problem before." noted the Manager confused.

"That's because I didn't know what I was doing!" exclaimed Lincoln.

"I was upfront with you from the start." countered the Manager.

"Bullshit!" snapped Ronnie Anne.

"You've never been this ungrateful before." countered the Manager.

"That's because I never knew what the hell I was doing!" cried Lincoln.

"Like I said..." began the Manager.

"Don't give us your crap!" snapped Ronnie Anne.

The Manager was taken aback by this.

"You kids and underage and shouldn't even be here." noted the Manager irritated.

"We'd rather stay with someone who doesn't take advantage of us." replied Ronnie Anne.

"Lincoln agreed to this." stated the Manager.

"That was before!" cried Lincoln.

The motel manager rubbed the bridge of his eyes.

"Look, this is going nowhere." began the Manager.

"We're done with your and your illegal business!" declared Ronnie Anne.

The Manager was confused by this.

"I don't know what you're talking about." replied the Manager.

"Don't play dumb!" cried Ronnie Anne.

"I have no clue what you're talking about!" cried the Manager.

"I won't be your drug mule anymore!" declared Lincoln.

The Manager stopped for a moment then laughed.

"Oh My God! This is hilarious!" cried the Manager.

"We don't see what's so funny." replied Ronnie Anne annoyed.

"Look, you can just open the package. I'll reseal it." said the Manager.

Lincoln opened the package to find a bunch of herbs and powders.

"I told you. It's herbal medicine." shrugged the Manager.

"Son of a bitch. He's honest." said Ronnie Anne amazed.

"I can explain offered." the Manager.

"We thought I was delivering cocaine." noted Lincoln.

"Tom is a cocaine addict. This is to help him recover." explained the Manager.

"Why can't he go to rehab?" asked Lincoln confused.

"Cocaine causes paranoia and he's afraid of a trap." answered the Manager.

"That makes sense." muttered Ronnie Anne.

"This is all he'll take, but it doesn't actually work. It's just a placebo." continued the Manager.

"But, why do I deliver it to other people?" asked Lincoln.

"Word got around and my way was preferred." answered the Manager.

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne shared a guilty glance.

"Sorry about the acccusations." sad Lincoln.

"i guess the say 'never judge a book by its cover' is true." added Ronnie Anne.

"Apology accepted. This is all water under the bridge." replied the Manager.

The Manager resealed the package.

"This is for Tom." noted the Manager.

"The paranoia explains why he got jumpy when I talked to him." mused Lincoln.

"Oh crap. Let me call him while your going to smooth things out." said the Manager.

"Back to work." said Lincoln.

The Loud sisters had been following Lincoln closely for the week. They noticed he visited Ronnie Anne a lot which they where all happy with. After a week, some of the sisters where questioning if they should abandon this endeavor. It was mixed, but the sisters decided to continue forward. On this day, the girls followed Lincoln to the mall. They noticed him seemingly wondering around, but in reality he was trying to make sure nobody he knew would see him. Lincoln saw the Baby's "R" Us ahead.

"Almost there." muttered Lincoln.

The sister's kept a safe distance.

"He hasn't done anything weird yet." noted Luna.

"I told you he's not cheating on Ronnie Anne." whispered Lily.

As he approached, Lincoln froze.

"Oh shit. It's Paige." said Lincoln.

Indeed, Lincoln used to have some feelings for Paige and now she approached.

"Hey Lincoln!" called Paige.

"Who's that?" asked Lily.

"It is the Jezebel that we feared Lincoln was cheating on Ronnie Anne with." answered Lisa.

Lily gave her a confused look.

"It's Paige." clarified Lynn.

"It can't be true." said Luna.

"What are you doing here?" asked Paige.

"Just hanging out." answered Lincoln uncomfortable.

"I was about to hit the arcade if you're interested." replied Paige.

"Like a date?" asked Lincoln.

"He just said date." gasped Leni.

"I'll kill him." growled Lori.

"I know you're dating Ronnie Anne. I meant just as friends." answered Paige.

"I can't let her know about the pregnancy." muttered Lincoln.

"What id you say?" asked Paige.

"Sure." answered Lincoln.

With that, the two left together.

"I'm literally going to kill him!" declared Lori.

Lori began to storm off after Lincoln. It took Leni, Luna, Luan and Lynn to hold her back.

"Calm down!" exclaimed Luna.

Lori took multiple deep breaths and calmed down.

"I can't believe Linky is a cheater." said Leni sadly

"He's not!" cried Lily.

"Wake up and heard the music." replied Luna sadly.

"Seriously. This isn't funny." said Luan.

"Cheating isn't cool in sports or dating." stated Lynn.

"I never figured his heart was so black." added Lucy.

"I can't believe this!" declared Lily.

"Come on Lily! He's a cheater!" cried Lola.

"I never thought he'd be such a jerk." said Lana sadly.

"Please Lisa. You gotta believe me." pleaded Lily.

"I do recall the time we where certain Bobby was cheating on Lori and it turned out his preparing for a date." mused Lisa.

"See!" cried Lily.

"However, the facts in this case are damning." replied Lisa.

Lily couldn't believe it.

"Lincoln couldn't be cheating." said Lily saddened.

A/N: That is where we'll end thing for now. I hope you liked the talk with Lynn Sr. and Rita. I do dislike "Brawl in the Family" and "No Such Luck" like most people. However, I don't hate them as bad as some people. With "Brawl in the Family" it was the need to explain the Sister Fight Protocol to Lincoln by his younger sister and the parents cowering away. With "No Such Luck" it was the treatment of Lincoln though again Lincoln does have some blame by lying. Also, forcing Lincoln to sleep on the porch is child neglect. Plus, in "Ties That Bind" they told the children that they'd never kick a child out which is exactly what they did here. I have no plain to do a story on either episode because it'd be beating a dead horse. Besides, I've noticed some stories tend to make the sisters so cruel to Lincoln it's Out Of Character. Next time; the sisters look for Lincoln, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne spend time together and we return to the past. Please review.
Guest chapter 23 . 8/25/2018
This is one of the best fics I have read keep up the good work and, fix spelling errors in the future please.
jasongd chapter 23 . 7/15/2018
Great story and great ending congrats
I LOVE good ending

I'll be witing for sequel
Elisa Combs chapter 23 . 5/23/2018
Well, that was quite the story. Great job.

"Ronnie Anne was holding her baby boy"

What? No Connie Laneo Loud-Santiago? (See Deviantart for more details)

"Indeed, Lincoln used to have some feelings for Paige and now she approached."

Included her in your fic I see. When I think of this Paige, I'm thinking something more like this story idea.

"Paige's Tower"

"Principal: "What's going on out there?"

Faculty Member: "All of our outside communications are getting jammed! We're are getting a signal from the deep space link."

Paige: "Hello, rednecks! I, am, a goddess!"

Student: "Hey it's!"

Paige: "You are all invited to a demostration of my new cannon. With this weapon of mass destruction I will reach through the barriers of time and space. And destroy my enemies! Take a look, the planet of Wallcam, I placed a neutron star in orbit around it. The neutron star will draw off the bigger stars energy and feed it to my cannon. This intense energy will be fired through hyperspace."

(fires a blast from the cannon that destroys one of Saturn's moons)

Paige: "I trust that Saturn's moon as an adequate example of the power. Agree to my terms at your own risk or you will all die!"

Principal: "Get to the point juvenile deliquent!"

Paige: "5,000 of your state's guinea pigs you call humans for my experiments! You will send them on your airplanes to Detroit, Michigan where I will take over from there."

Principal: "You are an asshole!"

Paige: "Why, thank you. I'm asshole enough to destroy your shitty hick town piece by piece! Huh! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

(Inside the Principal's office)

Principal: "The planet Wallcam was an excellent choice for that pipsqueak's cannon. It's within' striking distance of the Milky Way. The cannon is located in the middle of a large crater in Wallcam's eastern hemisphere. We're going to have to try a suprise aerial assault and hope their fighter screen can be broken through."

City Council Member: "I have arranged for our assault group to meet up with the Wallcamian freedom fighters. We must remove that neutron star and the cannon."

Mayor: "Is that even possible?"

City Council Member: "The assault team must take control of the cannon long enough to shoot it once at the neutron star. That will get it out of the Wallcam system. A process much like Pool."

Mayor: "Can't we just negotiate instead?"

Principal: "I will remind you mayor, that the Eidolon Summoners have been reduced to a bare handful of refugees by that cunt's greed for her jewelery. The team going in will be the South Park 4th graders. Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny, the best we have. If anyone can pull this off, it's them.""

You get the idea. If you want to write in the rest, be my guest. Go in whatever direction pleases you and you don't need to credit me either.

"Time went by and soon it the start of a new school year came. True to her word, Lori and Leni moved out to start college. The duo moved into an apartment shared with Bobby. Ronnie Anne and Maria converted his room into a nursery with his blessing. Meanwhile, Lincoln moved into their former room and the crib was there. The two decided to share custody of their child. On the start of the school day, the Loud kids got ready, but Lynn Sr. called his son into the master bedroom."

And then "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos" still ends up happening anyway...but with a few slight alterations based on your fic. Hee! Hee!

"This review is too long but all in all good job and please just make a sequel this is the best fanfic i have read so far involing such exellent drama keep it coming with that sequel"

Here's a follow-up that Asukaforever92 can write that also takes place after the altered "Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos"!

"Explosive Gamble"

"WWE reporter Charly Caruso just lost over 2 million dollars gambling in various casinos and now she wants blowing them up! An enraged Maria Santiago is completely upset after finding out her parents Hector and Rosa were caught in the explosion of one of the casinos that Charly blew up and are now on life support. So Maria calls in Ronnie-Anne to deal with this threat. Also along for the ride are Ronnie's cousin Carlota (mechanical genius) and brother Bobby (disguise specialist). With Ronnie's knowledge and ability to wield many different types of weapons (her personal favorites are the AK-47, grenades and bowie knife), Ronnie and her team are ready for revenge!

Unfortunately, in between blowing up casinos and evading the Casagrande/Santiago's, Charly Caruso has secretly managed to seduce Lincoln Loud and now Lincoln will do anything for Charly including killing Ronnie-Anne and her family!

Now Ronnie-Anne must find a way to capture Charly Caruso, stop her next bomb (the biggest one yet) from blowing up the biggest casino in the city and knock some sense into Lincoln in that Charly is not the one for him before Lincoln or Ronnie-Anne kill each other!"

Here's another idea that also would take place after "Young Hearts Be Free Tonight" and the altered "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos".

"The Price For Superman's Head"

"An old nemesis of Ronnie-Anne, General Hellhawk has resurfaced for the first time in over a year (before Lincoln knocked Ronnie-Anne up) and this time, he's got a new weapon that gives him the power to control Superman's mind! An underground informant manages to intercept this terrible news and relay it to Maria Santiago. Maria orders her children and their cousins to escort Superman into a special mind control proof room until Ronnie-Anne and her team can take down Hellhawk.

Superman isn't thrilled about having no choice in this. Unfortunately, Hellhawk finds out about Lorenzo Loud and has his subordinate The Sewer King (former Batman rogue) capture him! Now Hellhawk can demand Superman's release or Ronnie-Anne can kiss Lorenzo goodbye!"

Quite thrilling isn't it? Again, you can fill out the rest of these stories as you see fit and you don't have to give me credit for it. Thanks and good luck with these fics when you're ready to tackle them.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
"If I recall, didn’t Lisa put tracking chips in everyone at some point in the series? I feel like they could make an appearance towards the end."

What are you babbling about boy?!

"Why only Sam the others gave letters to their crushes but only Sam stuck, and I don’t get why Maggie is here?"

The majority don't give a damn about them (sans Bobby and Sam)! In fact, this post I found somewhere explains perfectly about why "L Is For Love" is a bigger joke than season 2 of M.A.S.K.!

"Let's face it, that "L Is For Love" episode's purpose was to reveal that Luna is bi. That episode would have made more sense if the whole episode revolved around that. But since we know why it didn't, we get an episode where EVERY sibling has a love interest. I bet the writer's will either forget the love interests or won't bother bringing up this episode again sans Lori and Luna (Lily doesn't count in this case since a teddy bear ain't real). And that's why "L Is For Love" is overrated like bleep!"
Guest chapter 23 . 4/14/2018
I... Loved... This... Story

Each ... Is a tear drop
Powerhouse123 chapter 23 . 4/14/2018
So fantastic absolutely loved this you must do a sequel. I meqn you really did a good job capturing the drama, tension and struggle it felt like i was watching a movie by the way it rolled out with the flashbacks being placer at the right moment i just loved reading from the start. Please make a sequel revolving around life with Lorenzo with the problems his parents have. This review is too long but all in all good job and please just make a sequel this is the best fanfic i have read so far involing such exellent drama keep it coming with that sequel
763Boi chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
So *sniff* beautiful... well I'm 16, lost my virginity but luckily didnt get her pregnant, Lincoln is lucky and unlucky, no such luck joke not intended. But seriously, teen pregnancy can be a blessing and a curse.
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