Reviews for Muscle Memory
Blank-name26 chapter 1 . 6/27
Yo just wanted to know if this is abandoned or not? Cause I had the sudden urge to read it again and yet again, I was completely blown away.

Like if it is then no big deal (there would be sadness) after all you arnt being paid, but if it isn’t I absolutely need the next chapter. You’re characters are beautiful and Sheon and her quirk have so much potential.

And it’s at such a turning point too. Honestly the wait is brutal.
WhEdgy chapter 18 . 5/13
They are totally fucking related oml chapter 18 . 4/10
Let’s start with how AMAZING this story is! I’m completely blown away by your clear and terrific writing! When I first read of Shion the only thing I could think about was how real she was. She’s so sweet and dorky but so determined, her insecurities became my own (your writing was THAT awesome).
I love her family too, most of all the Shion-Kiku duo (beautiful names by the way!), and I love how heartfelt their relationship is, you really put dept in all their characters and made them so likeable it’s insane!
You put so much thought in the hero society, and how unfair the black or white mentality is, what Shion’s point of view is like (I loved the part about Crimson Riot paralyzing somebody and Shion and Hiroto being (fairly!) upset with that, I would love Shion discuss about it with Kirishima, too!).
The part about how Heroes didn’t want to understand Villains, and because of it they were just as bad, if not worse because at least the villains are honest about their motives really got to me.
Shion and Kyoka's friendship is so beautifully written! The part about being the class clown? (Making people laugh, wants to be accepted?) That really got to me, like ouch! I hope it will be addressed in the future!
I wonder how her unwilling presence in UA will turn out? My anxiety spiked with hers, I won’t lie, everyone is watching her every move, poor Shion.
I love the fact that Shion doesn’t like everybody in her class, like Yaoyorozu, for example, taking note of the differences of their lives, Shion has opinions and she won’t let them go (disputes in the near future?).
I can’t wait for class 1-A to find out about Shion’s origins, many in the class have a black or white mentality, so it would be so interesting!
I love how sarcastic Shion can be! She’s straight up hilarious, nobody can convince me otherwise.
This story is great, and when I’ll send the message there will probably be even more things I’d think to write and praise about, but I guess it’s enough for now! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us!
3 chapter 18 . 3/27
Hey! I loved reading this fic!
Banana Octopus chapter 18 . 2/15
Shion is an incredible dork, and her family is too. I love how even though her parents and brother are villains, their family dynamic doesn’t come across as edgy or forced. Her relationship with her brother is heart-wrenching, because of his hot-and-cold behaviour, yet it comes across as realistic. I love, love, LOVE Shion. I relate to her struggles and I’ve been rooting for her the entire story. You’re an excellent writer, and I can’t wait for the next chapter. Please keep writing!
Charee chapter 18 . 11/4/2019
Just read the whole story in one sitting, loved it. I really enjoy the characterisation of the Koyamas. Hope everything's going well, looking forward to seeing this story evolve!
HowAboutThat chapter 18 . 6/19/2019
Omg I just reread the entire story again and I absolutely fell in love all over again. I love that you keep the pure essence of the U.A. students and teachers. It’s an absolutely wonderful story and I love it. Please take your time, you have stuff you need to take care of and we’re not going anywhere
Guest chapter 18 . 5/24/2019
Waiting for more
neYophtyeWroteThisReview chapter 18 . 5/24/2019
Shion is best big sister. I wanna hug her (she’d probably make a weird squawking noise tho).

As an older sibling as well, I nearly cried too when they offered the class and sponsorship to Shion.

This story is real good. Don’t worry about update times. Just keep writing and post when you can. I’ll wait with bated breath!
wolfdude16 chapter 18 . 5/23/2019
I swear, there are things in this story that just fill my soul with marshmallows, it's so sweet. They're sweethearts, every last one of these children. All Might included. He is truly the non-dad dad they all deserve.

Also, on a bit of a side note, classes in Japanese high school take place in a single classroom for the whole day. So rather than the students moving from class to class, it's the teachers that come in to teach instead. I bring it up because this chapter seemed like it was implying the opposite. It'd be pretty hard for Shion to arrive first to the class before lunch when all the students have been in there all morning to begin with. It also means that Present Mic doesn't have his own personal classroom (if he did, it'd probably have some pretty crazy decorations in it). Not too important to the events of the chapter, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.

I don't really have much else to say about this chapter, beyond just gushing about how much I love seeing all of Shion's friends give her faith in humanity. So until next time, keep up the good work!
Jayce.Greyford chapter 18 . 5/23/2019
frick man, these three good kids make me wanna cry
seether0001106 chapter 18 . 5/23/2019
Awww... She's being pulled into the friendship circle. They're such good boys and girls.

She really needs to let people in.
Frankly, her misdirections are getting irritating.

The only criticism I have is Mic's characterization. I don't think he would give such a non answer. His character always seemed to be me to be more energetic and over the top.

Finding out someone with the same quirk as him was having problems, he would offer more help than you could shake a stick at So much help and energy you'd get sick of him.
Sneky chapter 18 . 5/23/2019
Well it sure feels like it's been years since I last read this lmao but good to see it's still kicking. I'm still thoroughly enjoying how you write the relationships Shion has, especially with Jirou of course. The sister arc has a cutesy natural feeling to it imo, look forward to seeing more however long away that may be
Serendipital chapter 17 . 5/9/2019
For some reason, most BNHA OCs just haven't clicked for me, but this one really, REALLY has.

Shion is such a natural character, she's really grown on me. Her struggles too, and her villain-but-not-necessarily-villainous (well, except for Muscular) family is a lot of fun. And Kiku! I don't blame her for being kind of...because Shion really /isn't/ as passionate as Kiku is about heroism, but I do think Shion can grow into it. I'm really looking forward to where her character develops.

Oh, and her interactions! I really love her relationship with Kiku, and I hope Ojirou can be a good friend, and I'm glad she has Jirou already. That was a REALLY neat fight scene too-super engaging, and it felt really fast-paced! Even though the muscle quirk is technically just a strength quirk, you write it in such an interesting way, I love exploring it.

Man, though...Muscular's gonna be a can of worms, huh. Shion's parents really probably should have told her before she inevitably learns about it at the worst moment...

Thank you for writing this! It's been an absolute blast.
Blank-name26 chapter 17 . 4/14/2019
God just read it again and it still has the same effect. Shion and her fam’s (especially kiku) characterization is just really great. They arnt op hardasses or overly sensitive wusses. Like I just love shion so much. And I have so much positive to say about the story. I’m hoping you expand on her powers a bit and kinda use some of the suggestions some of us had before but it’s all you. This review is too long so I’ll look forward to the next update for now.
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