Reviews for Their Guiding Light: Harbinger of Spring
Bob of the A chapter 1 . 3/1
Hmmmmm….. Yes

I need more
Isaac LB chapter 1 . 1/20
It is appropriate that things end like this. A second chance, a redemption and a punishment. All in one.
PasiveNox chapter 1 . 12/6/2018
nice idea
nanox876 chapter 1 . 9/5/2018
Can you type out the link to the manga?
calvin9871 chapter 1 . 4/1/2018
Is there going to be more chapters?
GhostXavier chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
Your writing has definitely improved. There's a few lingering errors and possibly a missing scene break, but nothing too jarring. I was far more concerned with the concept you have in place. After you informed me about your idea I was curious about your potential execution. From what I can see, you've addressed the necessary bases for the transition. RIP Kiritsugu, but it was a touch symbolic to see him literally throwing his hopes and salvation at the person (even if different and unknowing) he almost completely ignored during the whole war.

You've got a nice setup to continue if you choose to do so, though our discussion about this was so long ago I forgot if it was your original intent. Whatever you decide, best of luck, Keith. chapter 1 . 10/22/2017
Una historia interesante espero con ansias por el próximo capitulo .
Espero que arthuria manipule el grial para que la siguiente guerra sea una apocrypha . ( varios equipos ) .
La Asociación de magos ; el equipo akasuma shirou tokisada ; la familia yddmillenniad y equipo arturia/lancer , ese sería mi idea para darle más emoción y así podrías usar todos los servant's de chaldea .
Esa es sólo mí opinión personal espero que no te aya molestado .
Kobe Steak chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
Ah, that fan art. Now I am interested with this fic
The Joining chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Ah, after postulating the idea and seeing the fan art of the concept of Lancer Artoria becoming the mother to Shirou, we may now finally see the beginning of the idea now that someone is writing it.

Our knowledge on Fate/Zero may not be up to code, but are we right to assume that Elise Watson was the identity Kiritsugu made for Saber because she could not go to spirit form? We wonder if it happened in canon.

Anyway, we are looking forward to whomever continues this story, be it you or someone else. Alternative developments can be good if done right.

Unfortunately not much to say for this chapter. We are sorry for the unhelpful review.

We will be Watching.

-The Joining.
NakaruSoul chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Ohhhh boy, just how will Shirou grow up to be now that Arturia is his mother? A hero wannabe like before? A chivalrous knight? a mixture of both? Either way, the outcome will be interesting. XD
Holix25 chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
I enjoyed this even if there were some errors. So this is a oneshot or more will come?
Amatsumi chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
To clarify this is Lancer!Arturia raising Shirou?

Is this based on the 3 panel / page colored manga of the same premise?
hyperomegasonic26 chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Very interesting.

So King Lion not only survived his arrays end in Their Guiding Light story, but somehow ended up being teleported to the world of Fate / stay night where she wakes up where the 4th Holy Grail War ended, finding Kiritsugu saving the life of little Shirou and then she being saved also with a new identity.

Sadly Kiritsugu died and now an older Artoria is going to live his new life while taking care of little Shirou. And frankly speaking, who better to change her than our little Emiya. Let's see how King Lion acts as a mother and how his presence will affect the events of the 5th Holy Grail War and the lives of certain people (Rin, Gilgamesh, Kirei, etc.).

Tell me, it was based on some pics you saw on the internet of what would happen if Lancer Artoria was called in the 4th Holy Grail War and at the end of it, she found little Shirou in Kiritsugu's place to make that fanfic, did not she?